Chapter 1422 Fight against Li Jiuyou!

“His Royal Highness… finally exited.”

Looking at Jiang Chen falling from the sky, Ye Tianji could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

“This is… the breath of the emperor realm. He actually succeeded?”

Xia Zheng felt the breath emanating from Jiang Chen, and an incredible horror appeared in his eyes!

He obviously didn’t expect it.

In just one month, Jiang Chen really used the Huashen Cauldron to break through the emperor realm!

“Guixu Emperor Realm… how is it possible?”

Li Jiuyou looked at Jiang Chen who had come in vain, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the unbelievable screams slowly echoed in Emperor Buried Abyss.

It is not to blame Li Jiu Youhui for such a gaffe.

In order to destroy the blood spirit tribe army, Emperor Vast Sky suppressed this place for thousands of years, but intercepted the plane origin of Shenwu Continent.

The plane origin is the core power of a world.

If the Shenwu Continent loses its plane origin, the Practitioner will not be able to communicate with the heaven and the earth.


The young man in black looks less than thirty years old.

Breaking through the emperor realm at the age of less than 30 years old, even in the Xuanling Continent, it was a unique existence.

Li Jiuyou couldn’t imagine that in the Shenwu Continent, where the origin of the plane had been sealed for thousands of years, such an enchanting emperor-level power could be born!

“Jiuyou King Li Jiuyou, if you want to level the Shenwu Continent, you have to ask if I can answer it or not.”

Jiang Chen stood proudly in the void with his hands under his hands, and cold light flashed in his eyes.


“A little boy who has just entered the emperor realm, dare to speak up in front of this king!”

Li Jiuyou’s eyes were full of blood, and he sneered with disdain: “This king is going to level the Shenwu Continent today, and no one can stop me!”

As the Blood Spirit King of the Blood Spirit Race, Li Jiuyou’s Cultivation Base had already reached the peak of the Ruins Realm, and was only one step away from the Void God Realm.

Even the Great Emperor Haotian from the Shenwu Continent tens of thousands of years ago could not do anything to him.

Although his strength is far below the peak, it is still more than enough to solve a young boy who has just entered the emperor realm!

“If you were at the peak state ten thousand years ago, I really can’t help you.”

“It’s a pity… you have been suppressed by the Shenwu Jietian Formation for thousands of years. At this moment, your strength is less than one-tenth of your peak.

Jiang Chen stared at Li Jiuyou indifferently: “Ten thousand years ago, Emperor Vast Sky and the others could not kill you, I will end it today.”

“Haha…If you want to end this king, it depends on whether you have that ability.”

Li Jiuyou looked up to the sky with a big laugh, and the monstrous Blood Qi rushed out of his body, instantly turning into an endless sea of ​​blood. The power permeating in the sea of ​​blood changed the color of the world.

“Boy, do it.”

“This king wants to see today, what kind of means you can use to prove the existence of the emperor in heaven-defying the Shenwu continent without plane origin!”

Li Jiuyou’s voice fell, and the rays of light burst out from the pair of monster blood eyes, and the endless emperor prestige covered the world.


Seeing him step out, the sky a hundred miles around was trembling violently at this moment.

And the sea of ​​blood that filled the sky was also surging crazily, turning into a wave of blood torn apart the space by hundreds of feet, and rushing toward Jiang Chen.

Under the countless blood waves of hundreds of feet, Jiang Chen’s figure looked like a drop in the ocean, extremely small.


Seeing Li Jiuyou’s shot again, Ye Tianji and others’ complexions could not help but suddenly changed, and they hurriedly led everyone out of the distance of a thousand feet.

Li Jiuyou’s this strike is too terrifying. The power contained in the blood wave can be easily destroyed even by the quasi-emperor, which is simply not something they can bear.

Jiang Chen looked at Li Jiuyou’s blow to destroy the heaven and the earth, and a sword force that swept through the heaven and the earth also burst out of him.

“The sword is coming!”

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and gently squeezed his palm towards the bottom of Emperor Funeral.


There was a violent tremor in the entire Burial Emperor Yuan.

Immediately after…

I saw the yellow Sword Qi under the buried diyuan, like ten thousand swords, rising from the ground to the sky, and finally turned into a sword of thousands of feet, and hit the sky with the blood wave.

Become the sword emperor of the Guixu realm, master the complete laws of kendo, and everything in the world can be a sword.

Jiang Chen’s sword is the strongest sword formed by the power of the great emperor gathered under the buried Emperor Yuan based on the laws of kendo.


The power of the two emperor realm powerhouses collided in mid-air, and the terrifying energy ripples annihilated the ten thousand meters of space.

“Boy, this is not a place to fight, let this king go to fight outside!”

Li Jiuyou glanced at Jiang Chen coldly, and immediately turned into a bloody light and rose into the sky.

The space where Emperor Buried was buried seemed to be unable to withstand the battle between the two Emperor Realm powerhouses. If you continue to fight here, the entire Burial Emperor Yuan will probably collapse completely.

Once Emperor Burial Abyss collapses, the plane teleportation formation leading to the Profound Spirit Continent is also very likely to be destroyed. Naturally, this is not what Li Jiuyou wants to see.

Jiang Chen didn’t talk nonsense, and turned into a Sword Ray directly, chasing Li Jiuyou.

“We go out too.”

Ye Tianji ignored the four blood-spirit quasi-emperors in Emperor Burial Abyss, and directly led the crowd towards the top of Emperor Burial Abyss.

At this time, Ye Tianji naturally did not have the thoughts of entanglement with the blood spirit races in front of him.

The most important thing now is the battle between Jiang Chen and Li Jiuyou.

As long as Jiang Chen defeated Li Jiuyou, these four blood-spirit quasi-emperors would be nothing to worry about.

“Boss, what are we doing now?”

One of the quasi-emperors of the blood spirit clan looked at the situation in front of him, and couldn’t help but face the middle-aged man Dao headed by him.

“Let’s go out and have a look.”

“The blood emperor has an order to bring the king back to the blood spirit race. If we go back like this, I’m afraid we will be punished severely!”

“Furthermore… After the disappearance of our Nine Nethers, our position in the Blood Spirit Race has plummeted, and we also need the king to go back and preside over the overall situation!”

The middle-aged man took a deep breath, and immediately turned into a bloody light and rose into the sky.

Over the buried Emperor Yuan.

Jiang Chen and Li Jiuyou stood a thousand feet apart.

“Boy, you are indeed a rare genius who can break through the imperial realm in the Shenwu Continent where there is no original power.”

Li Jiuyou faintly looked at Jiang Chen and said, “This king is coming back into the world, and there is just a lack of servants by his side. If you are willing to surrender, this king might consider letting you die!”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously: “You are just a dying person. What qualifications do you have to accept me as your servant?”

“Toast and not eat fine wine! Since you must die, the king will fulfill you!”

The blood burst in Li Jiuyou’s eyes, and a sharp killing intent also spread from his body in an instant.

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