Chapter 1417 Closed Door Training Cultivation

“Blood Spirit Escape Technique!”

Blood Yun Tian’s heart is full of dead souls, and he spouts Blood Essence quickly, and his hands form a handprint on his chest.

The next moment.

A blood light containing mysterious energy also condensed all over his body in an instant.


His blood spirit escape technique was only halfway through, and the five-color Sword Qi had already crashed down, shattering all the blood light that had just condensed all over his body, and then pierced through him.

Blood Yun Tian suddenly lowered his head, only to see a faint blood mark, from his neck, one extended to his chest.

“Do not……”

Blood Yun Tian looked desperate and horrified.

It’s just that before he said a word, the five-color Sword Ray burst out of his body.


The quasi-emperor who was once a powerful man in the Shenwu Continent, his body was split into two pieces from the middle, and all the bones, flesh and blood, and even the spirits were all smashed into pieces by the five-color Sword Qi.

Under a sword, the blood of the quasi-emperor and the strong Yun Tian died!

this moment.

There is a dead silence before the funeral of Emperor Yuan, and it has been a long time for everyone to recover from the shock.

“The hall… just like the hall master died?”

Many experts in the Blood Demon Hall looked at this scene, and their faces instantly became extremely pale.

The Hallmaster of their Blood Demon Hall, the quasi-emperor powerhouse who was famous in the Shenwu Continent thousands of years ago, was actually beheaded by Jiang Chen with a single sword!

That’s it!

Their Blood Demon Hall is completely finished.

“The Hall Master is dead, the Blood Demon Hall is gone, everyone, run away.”

At this moment, a Blood Demon hall expert screamed, then turned into a bloody light and rushed towards the sky.

Other Blood Demon hall powerhouses, including the upgraded bodies of the ancient emperor’s mausoleums in Xu Hengtian, fled quickly.

Jiang Chen’s face was cold, and more than a dozen dazzling five-color Sword Ray shot out from his palm almost at the same time.

“Leave it all to me!”

At this critical time when the Shenwu Intercepting Heaven Formation is dissipating, Jiang Chen will let these Blood Demon Palace remnants leave easily?

The five-color Sword Ray was like cutting melons and vegetables in half, and instantly hit the blood demon hall powerhouses who fled in panic.

Just a moment’s time.

More than a dozen powerful blood demon halls and the upgraded bodies of ancient emperor mausoleums such as Xu Hengtian were all strangled clean by the five-color Sword Ray.

After solving the Blood Demon Hall powerhouses like Xue Yun Tian, ​​Jiang Chen sent Meng Qingxue back to the fortress to heal his wounds, then rested in the fortress for a while, and went to Burying Emperor Yuan with Ye Tianji.

The two soon came to the Qianzhang altar under the Emperor Funeral Yuan, which was shrouded in five-color divine light.

I saw on the altar of Qianzhang, the monstrous blood that had been completely suppressed after Jiang Chen repaired the Shenwu Jietian Formation, once again surging out from below the altar.

Jiang Chen even clearly felt that the five-color light on the altar was quickly dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The monstrous blood glow below frantically impacted the five-color divine light, and there was a faint feeling of eagerness to come out.

“Is this the place to suppress the passage between Li Jiuyou and the plane?”

Looking at the situation in front of him, Ye Tianji couldn’t help taking a breath.

“Yes, the five-color divine light on the altar is the divine martial arts formation formed by the emperor Vast Sky gathered the power of the emperors.”

Jiang Chen stared at the altar closely, and slowly said: “The power of the Shenwu interception formation has now been dissipated by at least one third. The Nine You King Li Jiuyou will probably be born soon.”

Ye Tianji said with a solemn expression: “Can we just wait for the formation to dissipate? Is there any way to suppress him?”

“Ten thousand years ago, the Great Emperor Vast Sky gathered the power of the emperors, and only then used the Divine Martial Intercepting Array to intercept the origin of the plane to suppress it.”

“Now that the power of the emperors has dissipated, even if I re-arrange a Shenwu Jitian formation, it won’t help.”

“According to the dissipating speed of the Shenwu Jietian Formation, it should last for about a month. If we rush into action at this time, maybe it will only make the power of the Shenwu Jietian Formation dissipate faster.”

Jiang Chen shook his head.

He looked at the plane teleportation array on the altar and chuckled lightly: “But… the Divine Wu Tiantian array has dissipated for such a long time, the Profound Spirit Continent has not had any blood spirits descended. good news.”

Ye Tianji’s pupils shrank suddenly: “His Royal Highness meant that people from the Profound Spirit Continent can now be teleported over.”


“At that time, there was only a gap in the Shenwu Jietian Formation, and several blood spirit races from the Divine Soul Realm came across the boundary through the plane channel.”

“Now that there are no people from the Blood Spirit Clan appearing, it must be something happened in the Profound Spirit Continent.”

When Jiang Chen spoke, he was also slightly relieved.

As long as the blood spirit tribe army does not descend on the Shenwu Continent, it will undoubtedly be easier to deal with a suppressed Li Jiuyou.

“In that case, I will guard this place. Your Highness will go to Closed Door Training Cultivation as soon as possible.”

Ye Tianji’s eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice.

Jiang Chen has the true dragon magic medicine and the magic cauldron in his hands. If they can use them to break through the emperor realm within a month, they may still have a chance to defeat Li Jiuyou.


In front of a real imperial realm powerhouse, the power of their Shenwu Continent is not enough.

“Okay, Ye senior, be careful yourself.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and immediately walked away from Emperor Buried Abyss.

Returning to the fortress outside Burial Emperor Yuan, Jiang Chen didn’t waste any time, he went directly to a cultivation secret room in the fortress, and then took out the god-transforming cauldron.

The god of transformation, the god product Sect, the inheritance artifact of the Thunder God Sect.

It is said that this god transformation cauldron was built by the peerless powerhouse of the Thunder God Sect. It contained a mysterious world with power similar to the origin of the mainland plane.

The reason why the Thunder God Sect has endured for a long time in the Shenwu Continent is that it has built a generation after generation of imperial realm powerhouses.

Jiang Chen’s gaze stayed on the Hua Shen Cauldron for a while, and then took a deep breath, his figure turned into a golden light and plunged directly into the Hua Shen Cauldron.

The next moment…

Jiang Chen felt like he was in a mysterious Minor World.

The vitality of heaven and earth in this Minor World is almost ten times stronger than that of Shenwu Continent, and Jiang Chen can clearly feel a source of power.

Jiang Chen even had a feeling.

In this Minor World, even if he does not rely on any external force, but just cultivates and comprehends, he should be able to complete the power of the law, and then induce the disaster of heaven and earth, and promote to the quasi-emperor realm.


It is obviously impossible to break through the imperial realm within a month if you want to rely solely on the Minor World in this magic cauldron.

Fortunately, there is a true dragon magic medicine in this magic pot.

If he could swallow the magical medicine of the true dragon, and then use the power of the magic cauldron, he would undoubtedly be much easier to break through the imperial realm.

Jiang Chen’s thoughts flashed, and his eyes quickly searched in Minor World.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen’s gaze fell on a mountain a thousand feet away from him.

There, there is a five-clawed golden dragon inhabiting…

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