Chapter 1418 The formation dissipated, and the Nine You King was born!

“True Dragon Magic Medicine!”

Jiang Chen looked at the five-clawed golden dragon perched on the mountain peak, and his figure appeared above his head in a flash.

Seeing Jiang Chen appearing in the Hua Shen Cauldron, the true dragon magic medicine instantly became horrified, and his huge body instantly turned into a golden light and fled out.

Although the true dragon magical medicine is psychic, it is not good at fighting, and its combat power is equivalent to the emperor of the ordinary god fetus Ninth Stage.

Facing Jiang Chen, the quasi-emperor, the True Dragon Magic Medicine naturally knew that he was not an opponent, so he chose to escape without hesitation.

“Hehe…you can’t escape this time.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and immediately slammed his feet on the ground, and the whole person disappeared in place.

The next moment.

I saw Jiang Chen’s figure already appearing in front of the five-clawed golden dragon.

The five-clawed golden dragon looked at Jiang Chen, who was in front of him, and immediately turned into a golden light, heading in another direction.

With a move of Jiang Chen’s palm, the law of time and space instantly enveloped the void. The five-clawed golden dragon that flees in panic instantly changed from extremely fast to still, and it solidified directly in the void.

Jiang Chen stepped out, directly facing the five-claw golden dragon claw.

Following Jiang Chen’s catch, he fell.

The five-clawed golden dragon raised his eyes to the sky and let out a mournful moan. The huge body was also shattered, and finally turned into a golden grass and fell into Jiang Chen’s hands.

Received the true dragon magic medicine.

Jiang Chen’s figure flashed down from the sky, looked for a boulder on the mountain peak, and then began to meditate and cultivate.

ten minutes later.

For a while, the system prompt sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You feel the original power of the sacred cauldron, and the law of kendo will gain 10000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You feel the original power of the sacred cauldron, and the law of Thunder will gain an experience of 10000*100!”

“Ding! You feel the original power of the sacred cauldron, and the law of wind will gain experience 10000*100!”


“Sure enough, the original power, the power of the Ascension Martial Dao law, can be felt in this magic cauldron.”

Jiang Chen heard the system prompt in his mind, and there was an unconcealable exclamation in his eyes.

Use manpower to create such a complete Minor World with its original power!

The Thunder God Sect’s strong man who played good fortune god cauldron was really amazing.

“Although the Minor World is not slow to gain the power of the law, it is still not an easy task to fully grasp the law of kendo in a short period of time.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

At the beginning, Jiang Chen could gain one million experience under the divine tree of Emperor Yun, and it would take an hour for each experience.

And in this magic cauldron, I get ten thousand experience points at a time, but it only takes about ten minutes.

In other words.

For an hour when he was in this sacred cauldron, the experience he gained was almost the same as the experience he had under the emperor sacred tree.

At first, Jiang Chen swallowed an Emperor Yun fruit, and then it took another half a month before he barely mastered 30% of the law of kendo.


It is almost impossible for Jiang Chen to master the complete law of kendo within one month of cultivation alone.

“It seems that if you want to quickly break through the quasi emperor, you still have to rely on this true dragon magic medicine.”

Jiang Chen stared at the true dragon magic medicine in his palm for a while, then took a deep breath and swallowed the true dragon magic medicine in one gulp.

“Ding! You swallow the magic medicine of the true dragon, and you gain a lot of experience in the law of kendo.”

“Ding! You swallow the magical medicine of the real dragon, and you will gain a lot of experience by the law of thunder.”

“Ding! You swallow the magical medicine of the real dragon, and you gain a lot of experience with the wind path law.”


“Ding! You successfully mastered the complete law of kendo!”

“Ding! You successfully made a breakthrough and returned to the market realm!”

With a series of prompt sounds resounding in Jiang Chen’s mind, Jiang Chen also quickly felt that earth-shaking changes were taking place in his own body.

The most obvious is the ultimate sublimation of the soul.

Jiang Chen could clearly feel that Own Soul was more than ten times stronger than before, and it faintly exuded a breath of Immortal.

Jiang Chen knew that this was the Immortal will born of the Practitioner Breakthrough Guixu Realm.

In Shenwu Continent, this force is also called the will of the emperor.

It is precisely because of the existence of the will of the emperor that the strong in the emperor realm can exist in the world for thousands of years Immortal!


A bloodline power was also born in Jiang Chen, which merged with the bloodline of the original true dragon god body, forming a new bloodline.

These new bloodlines are the emperor blood born in Jiang Chen’s body.

The blood of the emperor is not only much stronger than the blood of the true dragon god body before Jiang Chen, but it can also be passed on forever!

“Is this the power of the Guixu Emperor Realm? It really is so strong!”

Feeling the strength in his body, Jiang Chen’s eyes also showed an unconcealable exclamation.

The quasi-emperor powerhouse, although with an emperor son, is almost indistinguishable from the ant when compared with the real imperial powerhouse.

With his current strength, I am afraid that only a single thought is enough to severely damage a quasi-emperor!

“Tsk tusk…The hundredfold cultivation system in my body is really not a normal heaven-defying, even the emperor’s calamity of the breakthrough imperial realm has been omitted.”

Seeing that he swallowed the magical medicine of the true dragon, and then successfully broke through the emperor realm, Jiang Chen had to sigh once again for the power of the system.

Generally speaking.

Ordinary Quasi-Emperor Realm Practitioner, after mastering the full power of the law, will trigger the tribulation of heaven and earth.

Only after the baptism of the tribulation of heaven and earth, the spirit of the quasi-emperor Practitioner can be sublimated, thus breaking the quasi-emperor.

This process may seem simple, but in reality it is extremely dangerous.

Before the original power of the Shenwu Continent was intercepted, there were many Practitioners who fell under the emperor’s calamity!

The system in Jiang Chen’s body eliminates the steps of the emperor’s robbery, and directly allows him to sublimate to the realm of the quasi-emperor, which can be described as heaven-defying to the extreme.

After adapting to the power of the Emperor Realm, Jiang Chen did not rush to leave the Hua Shen Cao.

He first spent two days consolidating the Cultivation Base, and then directly took out the Human Emperor Seal, the second seal of the Insight Human Emperor Seal.

Over the past six months.

Although Jiang Chen has always been intermittently with the Insight Zhu Shen seal, he has also spent a lot of time on the Zhu Shen seal, and now his Insight sentence for the Zhu Shen seal has reached 70%.

Since it didn’t take much time to break through the emperor realm, Jiang Chen decided to insight and punish the god seal with all his strength, striving to get it out within a month.

after all.

The Human Emperor Seal is a sacred weapon of the Xuanling Continent Human Race, and it also has a great restraint effect on the Blood Spirit Race.

If the second seal of this person’s imperial seal could be printed out before the birth of Jiuyou King Li Jiuyou, it would surely be a great bargaining chip for him to kill Li Jiuyou.

Thoughts flashed.

Jiang Chen focused directly and calmly, and began to fully understand the second seal of the human emperor’s seal: Zhu Shen’s seal!

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