Chapter 1416 The quasi-emperor is like an ant to me!

“Blood Demon Hall Master, he just destroyed my ancient Kun Xuzong and Jiang Chen from the six branches of the Blood Demon Hall.”

Xu Hengtian looked at Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared, his complexion changed drastically.

Xu Hengtian is naturally no stranger to this young man who slaughtered the many resurgents of his ancient Kun Xuzong and drove him back to the ancient imperial mausoleum with his own power.


Xu Tianyang led a mysterious young man into the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace, leading to the destruction of their ancient Kunxu Sect.

Although Xu Hengtian has never seen this mysterious young man who broke into the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace, Xu Hengtian already knows very well in his heart that this mysterious young man is Jiang Chen in front of him in all likelihood!

“You are Jiang Chen from the Blood Demon Hall?”

Blood Yun Tian heard the words of Blood Hengtian, and the pupils looking towards Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shrink suddenly.

Not long ago.

Blood Yun Tian had not recovered the quasi-emperor’s strength, he sensed that the ten-thousand-year period was about to come, so he ordered the birth of the Blood Demon Hall and disrupted the layout of the Zhongzhou mainland.


Blood Yun Tian didn’t expect that the six branches of Blood Demon Hall were blocked by Jiang Chen not long after they were born.

Jiang Chen used thunderous means to suppress the six branches of the Blood Demon Hall. Even the blood emperors reborn in the Blood Demon Hall fell into Jiang Chen’s hands!

“Yes, I am Jiang Chen.”

Jiang Chen stared at the blood Yun Tian coldly: “I didn’t expect that you, the blood spirit remnants who founded the Blood Demon Hall, are still alive. It seems that you people in the Blood Demon Hall are really hundred-legged insects, not dead. Stiff.”

“Humph! How could this emperor kill the ants of your Shenwu Continent?”

Blood Yun Tian let out a cold snort, and immediately stared at Jiang Chen sharply: “Boy, you destroy my Blood Demon Hall, it is a big event for the emperor, today the emperor will kill you here!”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously: “The quasi-emperor is just an ant. You dare to claim the emperor in front of me?”

“Even if the emperor has not reached the real emperor realm, it is enough to kill you!”

The blood of Yun Tian’s voice fell, and he shot directly in the air with a palm.


The monstrous Blood Qi instantly turned into a blood-colored waterfall running through the sky and the earth, like the Tianhe bursting its bank, pouring down from the sky, flooding towards Jiang Chen overwhelmingly.

Just blink of an eye.

The blood-colored waterfall with the monstrous Blood Qi has already flown down three thousand feet, directly appearing less than a hundred meters from the top of Jiang Chen’s head.

Jiang Chen’s complexion was calm, but he pointed out with a light sword, and the blood-colored waterfall collapsed suddenly, turning into a sky full of blood and dissipating in the void.

“The law of kendo, you really broke through the Quasi-Emperor Realm!”

Feeling the power contained in Jiang Chen’s sword, Xue Yun Tian’s expression suddenly changed.

Jiang Chen glanced at Xue Yun Tian lightly, then sneered: “Why, don’t you really think that only you are the quasi emperor in this world?”

“Hall Lord has also made a breakthrough in Quarantine Emperor?”

Seeing this scene, the faces of many powerful people in the palace also showed ecstatic expressions.

Although they know that Jiang Chen’s fighting power is shocking, killing the goddess Ninth Stage emperor is like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

But the blood Yun Tian in front of him is the founder of the Blood Demon Hall, a quasi-emperor powerhouse who has crossed the Divine Martial Continent thousands of years ago.

No matter how enchanting Jiang Chen is, he may not be able to fight the Emperor Realm with the Divine Embryo Realm.

But now that Jiang Chen has broken through the Quasi-Emperor Realm, their hanging hearts are finally completely let go.

With the enchanting level of their palace masters, they have always been invincible with Realm. Even Xue Yun Tian, ​​the quasi-emperor powerhouse ten thousand years ago, is definitely not the opponent of the palace master!

“Boy, don’t think that you have broken through the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and this emperor can’t help you. Let’s see how this emperor kills you.”

The blood glow in the eyes of Xue Yun Tian surged, and a strange bloody Sword Qi also condensed at his fingertips!

The blood Yun Tian is the person of the blood spirit race who survived the battle ten thousand years ago. When the Jiuyou King who was chased into the Shenwu Continent, he already had the strength of the quasi-emperor.

Later, the Blood Demon Hall was established, and at the peak of Blood Yun Tian, ​​he reached the half emperor who was only one step away from the emperor realm.

Although the blood Yun Tian was born with the weight of the body, he still couldn’t exert the power of the peak period at all, but it also surpassed most ordinary quasi-emperor powerhouses.

And Jiang Chen in front of him was nothing more than a hairy boy who had just entered the Quasi-Emperor Realm not long ago.

Blood Yun Tian really doesn’t believe it, he can’t deal with this kid by his means!


Blood Yun Tian pointed out, the blood cloud surged in the void, and the sword sounded and rose.


A spooky bloody Sword Qi came out directly from the fingertips of Xue Yun Tian, ​​and finally turned into a bloody Sword Qi that pierced through the world, slashing towards Jiang Chen in the sky!

“Weeping Blood Sword Qi!”

Blood Yun Tian had few rivals in the Shenwu Continent back then, not only because he was a quasi-emperor but also a quasi-emperor who had mastered the power of two laws.

This move, weeping blood, Sword Qi, is the strongest blow of blood Yun Tian’s fusion of the laws of blood and kendo.

Back then, Yun Tian relied on this sword to cross the Divine Martial Continent, and there was more than one quasi-emperor powerhouse who fell in his hands!

“Ha ha… Two kinds of law power, dare to show off in front of me?”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and a brilliant five-color light also condensed from his palm.

Jiang Chen slowly stretched out his palm wrapped in the five-color divine light, and lightly grasped the bloody Sword Qi that had been cut from the sky.


Only heard a shocking explosion, the bloody Sword Qi turned into powder under Jiang Chen’s claws.

“The five laws of power! You… you actually have the five laws of power.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen condensed the five laws of power in an instant, and defeated his strongest blow in an understatement, there was also a panic that was hard to conceal in the eyes of Xue Yun Tian.

The power of the laws of the imperial realm almost represents the combat power of the quasi-emperor to a certain extent.

Those who are both quasi-emperor and powerful, the deeper the understanding of the power of the law, or the understanding of the power of multiple laws, the stronger the combat power will naturally be.

Even though the kid in front of him entered the Quasi-Emperor Realm for the first time, he still had the power of five laws.

The five powers of the law are combined, and the combat power is probably comparable to the half emperor who masters a complete law of power.

In his current state, he is definitely not the opponent of this kid in front of him!


Blood Yun Tian forced down the panic of the heart, the figure did not hesitate at all, it turned into a bloody light and turned away in panic.

“Can you escape.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, a three-foot five-color long sword in his palm instantly condensed.


Jiang Chen lightly flicked his finger, and the five-colored long sword burst out from his palm.

The power of this sword can hardly be described in words.

When he first shot, it was still silent, but as soon as it got out of Jiang Chen’s palm, it turned into a sky-wide five-color Sword Qi.

The five-color Sword Qi instantly penetrated the thousands of feet of the void, shook the mountains and rivers of thousands of meters, with the terrifying power of destroying everything, appeared in the blink of an eye above the head of Xue Yun Tian…

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