Chapter 1415 I am here to kill you!

“Senior don’t worry, even if you are a quasi-emperor, it is not easy to defeat me.”

Meng Qingxue’s voice fell, and a mysterious stone emitting moonlight also emerged in Meng Qingxue’s palm.

This mysterious stone, it was Jiang Chen who brought back the mysterious stone from Xingkong City!

The Xuanyin Divine Stone was originally an emperor soldier formed by Emperor Xuanyue after polishing.

After Meng Qingxue awakened the Taiyin Juemai Body with the help of the Xuanyin Divine Stone, she gained the inheritance of Emperor Xuanyue, and naturally also mastered the Emperor Xuanyue’s emperor.

“Is it an emperor weapon…”

The black python felt the power on the Taoxuanyin divine stone, and was shocked in his heart.

Now that Meng Qingxue had the trump card to deal with the blood Yun Tian, ​​the black python no longer hesitated at the moment, and rushed directly towards the place where the two Ye Chengjun were fighting.

As long as Meng Qingxue can block the blood Yun Tian for a moment, he quickly helped Ye Chengjun and the two of them face the powerful Ninth Stage, the situation will be much better for them.

“Xuanyin Divine Stone, the emperor soldier of Emperor Xuanyue thousands of years ago, it seems that you have received the inheritance of Emperor Xuanyue, no wonder you dare to face this emperor alone.”

Blood Yun Tian looked at the Profound Yin Divine Stone in Meng Qingxue’s hand, her eyes shrank suddenly.

He was involved in the existence of the battle ten thousand years ago.

The Emperor Xuanyue used this piece of Xuanyin Divine Stone to smash countless powerful blood spirit tribes to death, and the blood Yun Tian is vividly visible.

Blood Yun Tian obviously did not expect that this woman in front of her had actually obtained the inheritance of Emperor Xuanyue!

Meng Qingxue said indifferently: “Blood Yun Tian, ​​with me here today, you won’t have the opportunity to step into the Abyss of Burying Emperor.”

“Haha…Do you really think that if you get the inheritance of Emperor Xuanyue, you are qualified to be arrogant in front of this emperor?”

“If you break through the emperor, this emperor may still be afraid of you, but now you are still not enough for me.”

“Since you have to find death alone, this emperor will fulfill you!”

Blood Yun Tian smiled coldly, the space with a radius of thousands of feet was instantly shrouded in a sea of ​​blood.

In that sea of ​​blood, there seemed to be a weird blood law, as if to draw Meng Qingxue’s blood out of the body.

Facing the blood law of Xue Yun Tian, ​​there was no change in Meng Qingxue’s absolutely beautiful face.

She urged her blood and vitality to the limit, and then manipulated the Xuanyin Divine Stone to condense a dazzling moonflower enchantment all over her body.

Under the guardianship of that Yuehua enchantment, no matter how the blood Yun Tian’s blood rules impacted, Meng Qingxue could not be affected at all.

“Huh! I want to see how long your guardian barrier can last.”

Blood Yun Tian snorted coldly, and immediately urged the blood path secret technique and blood path law to attack Meng Qingxue with all his strength.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The terrifying blood power fell madly on Meng Qingxue’s Yuehua barrier.

After sustaining several attacks of Blood Yun Tian in a row, the brilliance of Yuehua barrier finally became much dim.

To the end.

The Yuehua barrier finally made a sound like a shattered mirror, which exploded in mid-air.

The barrier shattered, Meng Qingxue’s body trembled, her complexion instantly turned pale, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

“Tsk tusk… Give this emperor the risk of your bloodline.”

One move shattered the barrier of Meng Qingxue’s body, and Xue Yun Tian did not give Meng Qingxue any chance to breathe, and the sea of ​​blood containing the law of blood emerged from the void again.

“Oops, that little girl can’t hold it anymore.”

Seeing this scene, the face of the black python who was fighting Xu Hengtian changed, and immediately thrown off Xu Hengtian, he was about to save Meng Qingxue.

“Where to go?”

The sight of Xuhengtian, who had been embarrassed by the black python, would make it easy for the black python to get out, and quickly attacked the black python with all his strength.

The black python was furious, directly showing its body, and the monstrous power swept out against the Xuhengtian.


Although the black python this strike flew into the sky, it was too late to rescue Meng Qingxue, who was enveloped in a sea of ​​blood, so she could only watch Meng Qingxue’s figure drowning in the sea of ​​blood.

In the blood law of Xue Yun Tian, ​​Meng Qingxue gritted her teeth, and her hands formed a weird handprint on her chest.

The difference between the divine fetal state and the quasi-emperor state is indeed not a star and a half, let alone Meng Qingxue has not reached the peak of the divine fetal state.

At this point, she could only use the forbidden technique in the inheritance of Emperor Xuanyue, and she took a desperate blow.


Just when Meng Qingxue was about to urge the forbidden technique to desperately, a thousand-zhang Sword Ray in the void fell like a fairy sword of Nine Heavens, instantly smashing the sea of ​​blood around Meng Qingxue!

at the same time.

An icy voice suddenly resounded across the sky.

“If you dare to hurt her, I will kill you!”

Hearing this familiar voice, Meng Qingxue’s beautiful eyes couldn’t help but reveal a look of surprise.

Is he… finally here.

The sudden change also made Yun Tian’s complexion change drastically.

He suddenly looked up, watching a young man in black and a middle-aged man in a golden robe suddenly fly out of the fortress.

“Hall…Hall master?”

Seeing this black-clothed young man flying out of the fortress, the powerhouses of the many imperial palaces were stunned for a moment, and then they couldn’t help showing a look of ecstasy.

“The master finally came.”

The black python looked at the two Jiang Chen in the void, and the hanging heart was completely relaxed.

At the beginning of the Thunder God Realm, after Jiang Chen swallowed the emperor accumulation fruit, he broke through the Quasi-Emperor Realm in one fell swoop.

In addition to the Ye Tianji beside him, there are two quasi-emperor powerhouses on their side, and they want to clean up a blood Yun Tian, ​​isn’t it a matter of grabbing them?

“Hall Lord, and Old City Lord?”

Ye Chengjun and other strong men in Nirvana City looked at the sudden appearance of Jiang Chen, and they couldn’t believe their own eyes.

They never thought of it anyway.

Jiang Chen not only rushed here at this critical moment, but also brought back Ye Tianji, their previous lord of Nirvana City.

To know.

They wiped out the last city lord, Ye Tian Ji, who was the supreme emperor of Ninth Stage five hundred years ago.

Now that five hundred years have passed, Ye Tianji’s strength must be even more terrifying. Coupled with them, the palace master who can easily torture the emperor Ninth Stage, even the quasi-emperor might not be able to fight.

“Who are you?”

Blood Yun Tian stared closely at the two people who appeared suddenly in front of him, and suddenly there was a bad premonition in his heart.

Although these two people did not explode any breath in front of them, Xue Yun Tian instinctively felt a hint of danger from the two people.

What can bring him such a sense of danger is simply not something that an ordinary Divine Embryo Realm emperor can do.

Are these two people in front of them the powerhouses who have reached the Quasi-Emperor Realm?

Jiang Chen stared at Xue Yun Tian with cold eyes, and his murderous intent filled his body: “I’m here to kill you!”

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