Chapter 1408 A sword comes out, the emperor quasi falls!

“No… this guy has no breath of life, it seems to be just a corpse!”

Wan Hang stared closely at the golden figure in front of him, and soon he also noticed the strangeness of the golden figure, and his mind was suddenly shaken.

“Wan Hang, be careful! This should be the body of a powerful emperor!”

At this moment, the old Netherworld Dao’s complexion on the side could not help but suddenly changed.

Netherworld old Taoist cultivation Death power, it is natural to see through the golden figure at a glance!

The corpse of an emperor realm powerhouse is definitely comparable to the existence of a quasi-emperor powerhouse.

Old Netherworld Dao was extremely frightened in his heart.

He obviously didn’t expect that Jiang Chen still had this powerful hole card in his hand.

Fortunately, when fighting for the Emperor Yunguo, this guy didn’t use this imperial corpse puppet, otherwise he would have fallen into Jiang Chen’s hands.

Sure enough, it was an imperial realm corpse puppet.

Wan Hangqiang suppressed the horror in his heart, and hurriedly shouted to the old Netherworld: “Netherworld, I will contain this imperial corpse puppet, you will kill Jiang Chen quickly!”

This imperial corpse puppet was obviously controlled by Jiang Chen. As long as Jiang Chen is resolved, the danger of imperial corpse puppets will be self-defeating.


Old Netherworld has no nonsense, and his body is full of Death Devil Qi, directly facing Jiang Chen turbulently.

At this moment, Qianzhang’s void was filled with Death devilish energy.

It seemed that everything around was to be completely turned into ashes under the old Netherworld’s Death magic aura.

Nowadays, the old way of Netherworld has broken through the quasi-imperial realm, and mastered the Law of Death, the strength is no longer the same as that of half a month ago.

If Jiang Chen’s strength still stayed half a month ago, Netherworld Old Way might still make him three points jealous.


In the past half month, he also made a breakthrough in the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and mastered several Quasi-Emperor Laws in one go, how could he put the Netherworld Old Dao in his heart?

“Old Netherworld, I already spared you half a month ago. Since you have to send it to your door to find death, I will do it for you today!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were calm, and he saw him turning his sword into a finger, raising his hand to point out a sword at the old Netherworld.

“Death magic shadow, phantom!”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s finger hit, Old Nether Dao also let out a cold scream.

In an instant…

I saw that the old Netherworld Taoist body changed, and three ghost shadows almost materialized in the air.

The bodies of these three magical shadows and the old Netherworld all condensed a pitch-black beam of light containing the power of the Law of Death, and they besieged and killed Jiang Chen from the four directions of the south, east, north and west.

The four figures came out together, as if four quasi-emperor and powerful men joined forces, and their power was earth-shattering.

“Jiang Chen, this is a strong secret technique that integrates the laws of the emperor realm after I have been promoted to the quasi-emperor. I want to see how you can resist it!”

In the void, the sneer voices of the four ghostly old ways resounded almost at the same time.

The Death Demon Shadow is a strong secret technique obtained by the old Netherworld in his early years in a secret realm. Only when he understands the Law of Death can he use it.

If this secret technique is cultivated to its peak, it is said that nine magic shadows can be transformed. Moreover, the magic shadow that has changed, every magic shadow can explode with a blow equivalent to the strength of the main body.

Although Old Nether Taoist had been in contact with this strong secret technique not long ago, he could only transform the three magic shadows, but it must be more than enough to clean up Jiang Chen who just broke through the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

“Humph! That’s it!”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, his eyes were indifferent, and the five Realms that contained the power of the law were also superimposed in the void.

“Boom! Bang! Bang!”

I only heard three loud noises coming from the void, and the three magical shadows transformed from the old Netherworld all exploded without warning.

The three magic shadows exploded in vain, which also caused the body of the old Netherworld to stiffen slightly in mid-air.

And at this moment. .

On Jiang Chen’s palm, a bright five-color Sword Ray also instantly penetrated the void and slashed on the body of Old Netherworld.


Under the sword of Jiang Chen, Old Netherworld, his figure retreated violently, and he sprinkled a rain of blood in the air.

I saw his hands that resisted the five-color Sword Ray bursting apart, and immediately afterwards, blood mist burst into the sky on his shoulders, chest, thighs, and arms.

Now that Ye Tianji faces the siege of Lei Yinkuang’s two quasi-emperors, the situation is not optimistic, and Jiang Chen naturally doesn’t want to waste time with the old Netherworld.

Although he and the Netherworld Old Dao have only recently broken through the Quasi-Emperor Realm, he has a system, and his understanding of the law is far from comparable to that of the Netherworld Old Dao.

It can be said.

His five laws of power, each of his comprehensions are much stronger than Netherworld’s Law of Death.

Especially the laws of kendo, Jiang Chen has already understood close to one-third of the point.

Even if it is the old trick of the Netherworld, the Death Demon Shadow is very strong, but in front of Jiang Chen’s power of integrating the five laws, it is not worth mentioning!

To the end.

Almost all of the entire body of Old Netherworld was exploded under Jiang Chen’s sword, turning into blood mist in the sky.

“How… how is it possible?”

Seeing this shocking scene in front of him, Wan Hang, who was forced to be embarrassed by the imperial corpse puppet, finally showed unconcealed panic in his eyes.

Not only was Wan Hang horrified, but even the Thunder and Silver Madness who were doing their best to deal with Ye Tian Silence were also shocked by the scene before them.

They never thought that Old Netherworld would be killed by Jiang Chen in such a second!

Although Netherworld has just broken through the quasi-emperor not long ago, he is also a real quasi-emperor.

With one sword, the emperor will fall!

How could the strength of this kid in front of him be so terrifying?

With one move to kill the old Netherworld, Jiang Chen’s gaze fell directly on Wan Hang, who was trembling with the emperor’s corpse puppet.

The next moment.

I saw Jiang Chen stepping out in one step, thousands of feet empty, under his feet, as if not close at hand.

He stared at Wan Hang indifferently, and the monstrous five-color Sword Ray once again smashed his sword against Wan Hang.

“Ray Sect Leader…Save me!”

Wan Hang was panicked at once, only to feel a shadow of Death covering his whole body instantly, and his face turned pale in an instant.

An imperial corpse puppet has already made Wan Hang unbearable.

If you add Jiang Chen, the heaven-defying evildoer who can kill the quasi-emperor in a second, I’m afraid he will really be dead.

“Lei Jun, you go to help Wanhang quickly!”

Lei Yin Kuang’s complexion was suddenly hard to see the extreme.

He originally thought that dealing with Jiang Chen with the strength of the four of them was just a breeze.

Who knew that Jiang Chen not only had an imperial corpse puppet in his hand, but he also smashed the quasi emperor’s netherworld with a single sword.

Now that the situation has taken a turn for the worse, if anything happens to Wanjun, the two of them are probably definitely not Jiang Chen and their opponents.

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