Chapter 1409: Kill the three quasi emperors in a row!

“Yes, Sect Leader!”

Lei Jun heard Lei Yinkuan’s command and turned around to kill Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn’t even look at Lei Jun, and directly ordered the emperor’s corpse puppet to stop Lei Jun who was looting.

at the same time.

Jiang Chen didn’t neglect the slightest movement in his hands, and the five-color Sword Ray directly slashed down at the top of Wan Hang’s head.

Wan Hang roared wildly, his wrinkled old face instantly became rosy, and even the long white hair began to turn from white to black.

Just blink of an eye.

Wan Hang was transformed from a white-haired old man into a black-haired middle-aged man.

The blood on his body also began to skyrocket at this moment.


Facing Jiang Chen’s blow that was enough to kill the quasi-emperor in a second, Wan Hang did not dare to hesitate at all, and directly displayed the secret technique of burning blood and prepared to fight Jiang Chen desperately.

“The law of the wind road, the wind kills the soul finger!”

Old Wan Hang’s hands changed rapidly, and his fingertips carried a wave of extinction, and even a terrifying storm that was enough to cut off the soul spread out.


One sword and one finger collided in mid-air, a terrifying storm of destruction swept across the world, and thousands of meters of space collapsed at this moment.

With a scream, Wan Hang, like a kite with a broken line, flew upside down in embarrassment for hundreds of feet.

I saw that Wan Hang at this time had already lost half of the majesty of a quasi-emperor.

His face was pale, his body was covered with blood, and his black robe was turned into tatters, and his breath became extremely sluggish.

“This little friend, I…I am willing to leave here, and promise not to participate in the battle for the gods, and hope that the little friend can lift up your precious hand and kill me!”

Wan Hang looked terrified and immediately begged Jiang Chen for forgiveness.

This kid in front of him is really terrifying.

one move!

With just one move, he was almost beaten to death by Jiang Chen!

this moment.

How could Wan Hang take care of the agreement with Lei Yin Kuang.

If he doesn’t admit defeat and beg for mercy, I’m afraid he will really fall here today.

“I just gave the opportunity, but unfortunately you didn’t cherish it. Give it to me to die!”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and he gave an understatement.

This finger seemed to transcend time and space, and almost penetrated the center of Wan Hang’s eyebrows in the blink of an eye.

“Do not……”

Wan Hang looked desperate and horrified, but The next moment, the light in his eyes suddenly disappeared and returned to nothingness.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Wan Hang’s entire body exploded in the air from head to toe, exploding into a cloud of blood. Even the Earth Immortals in his body did not escape, but Jiang Chen was beheaded and killed with a single finger!

At this moment, Na Lei Jun finally got rid of the entanglement of the puppet of the emperor’s corpse, and directly killed Jiang Chen.

He saw Jiang Chen beheading Wan Hang again in just a few breaths, and his whole person instantly became frightened.

“Zhu Zi An dare!”

Lei Jun’s eyes were cold, and the Sword Qi skyrocketed above the silver long sword in his palm. Even the sword marks of his debut appeared in the void, as if the gate of heaven had been split open.


He stepped out, the long sword split the sky and the earth, a lightning Sword Ray, like the Nine Heavens god thunder, straddling the void of thousands of feet, from all directions, enveloped Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen smiled indifferently, and shot out a punch from Yaoyao, like the void bursting and the universe hanging upside down.

Five Realms containing the power of the law enveloped the void of a thousand-square-meter radius, and Jiang Chen could condense the five laws to explode a devastating blow with every gesture.

These forces are almost enough to crush most of the quasi-emperor powerhouses.

I am afraid that only the half-emperor who has the power of the complete law can compare with it!

The mighty five-color light filled the space of thousands of meters, and instantly blasted Lei Jun’s Thunder Sword Ray into nothingness.

Seeing that his condensed kendo law was smashed so easily by Jiang Chen, Lei Jun’s eyes shrank suddenly.

He quickly pinched a sword tactic with both hands, and the silver long sword in his hand instantly turned into a huge sword of hundreds of feet.

The next moment.

I saw in Lei Jun’s body, a flickering phantom of thunder light directly turned into a stream of light, and merged with that hundred-zhang giant sword.

“Soul swordsmanship, cut!”

In the face of Jiang Chen’s horrible power that combines multiple laws, Lei Jun also had to use his Secret Technique at the bottom of the box.

“Using the Divine Soul Secret Technique in front of me is just a humiliation!”

Jiang Chen shook his head and gave a sneer, and then suddenly his palm flipped over, and a huge black square mark in the sky suppressed the Thunder Sword Ray directly facing the Lei Jun Divine Soul Royal Sword.


Under the suppression of the black square seal, Thunder Sword Ray, like glass shattered, started to shatter from the tip of the sword inch by inch.

One foot, two feet, three feet…

To the end.

I saw that the Hundred-Zhang Great Sword was all shattered in the void, turning into bits of silver light, scattered down from the sky.


The Hundred-Zhang Giant Sword and Divine Soul were all obliterated by Jiang Chen Yiyin. Lei Jun’s figure trembled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. The whole person fell from a height of thousands of meters and slammed into the nearby mountain peak.


The peaks with a radius of thousands of meters all made a loud noise like the shaking of the mountain at this moment.

I saw that Lei Jun’s body had directly smashed a hole the size of hundreds of meters on the mountain, and there was no breath of life anymore.

Lei Jun, a strong quasi-emperor of the Thunder God Sect, also completely fell into Jiang Chen’s hands.

In less than a moment, Jiang Chen was invincible to slash the three quasi emperors in a row, which was extremely terrifying!

“This… how is this possible!”

On the other side, the Lei Yin Kuang who was fighting Ye Tian Ji finally showed unconcealed horror in his eyes.

Although he had seen Jiang Chen’s evil spirits a long time ago, he still did not expect that after Jiang Chen broke through the Quasi-Emperor Realm, he would reach such a heaven-defying level.

If this kid just killed Old Netherworld, Lei Yin Kuang still reluctantly accepted it.

after all.

Netherworld has just broken through the Quasi-Emperor Realm in less than a few days, and it can’t be compared with Jiang Chen’s breakthrough Quasi-Emperor Realm monsters.

But Wan Hang and Lei Jun are both breakthrough quasi-emperors who have existed for many years.

Especially Lei Jun, the Elder of the Thunder God Sect, is not much inferior to him.

But even these quasi-emperor powerhouses were still easily beheaded by Jiang Chen like a chicken and a dog!

This… This is too incredible.

Lei Yin Kuang’s heart was frightened to the extreme.

Originally, he thought that as long as the two of Xia Zheng were solved, he would get the inheritance artifact of the Thunder God Sect, but it would be easy.

But Lei Yinkuan only realized now that he looked down on that kid Jiang Chen.

Now that their four quasi-emperor powerhouses have been cut three times by Jiang Chen, how can he compete with Jiang Chen and the others for the transformation of the gods?


Just when Lei Yinkuang was frightened and furious, a faint chuckle sounded abruptly in his ears.

“Hey… Lei Yin Kuang, you are countless, I am afraid that it will be such a result.”

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