Chapter 1407 Give you two choices!

“Ding! Watching the god-level Restrictions break the god’s prohibition and trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You comprehend one-tenth of a thousandth of the impossibility of God’s prohibition!”

“Ding! Watching the god-level Restrictions break the god’s prohibition and trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You comprehend the one-tenth thousandth shattering of God’s prohibition!


The Restrictions on the Huashen Cauldron, like the Restrictions on the Five Elements Samsara coffin of the Kunxu Emperor Palace, are very powerful god-level Restrictions.

In other words.

He wanted to completely release this shattered God’s Forbidden Insight, and it would take at least ten days to do it.

Although Jiang Chen also knew that Lei Yinkuan should not be able to give him ten days, but he still did not give up Insight.

The next three days.

Jiang Chen was constantly insight, and soon grasped close to one-third of the impossibility of God’s prohibition.

Until the fourth day.

Lei Yin Kuang and others finally broke the blood seal outside the mountain and successfully reached the top of the mountain, Jiang Chen also had to stop the Insight on breaking the gods.

“Ha ha……”

“Hua Shen Cauldron, my legacy artifact that has been missing for 30,000 years from the Thunder God Sect was finally found by me.”

Lei Yin frantically looked at the giant bronze cauldron on the other side of the lake, and his whole person was immediately excited, and his mouth couldn’t help but laugh wildly.

The Thunder God Sect, the god Sect that has been passed down for more than 100,000 years in the Shenwu Continent.

At the peak of the Thunder God Sect, there were not only several imperial realm powerhouses, but also god-level powerhouses above the emperor realm!


Since 30,000 years ago, the inherited divine vessel was stolen, and the Thunder God Sect has never recovered.

Especially after the last two imperial realm powerhouses of the Thunder God Sect disappeared ten thousand years ago, the world of Shenwu Continent changed drastically, and their Thunder God Sect never gave birth to the emperor realm powerhouse.

The dignified god Sect, the Thunder God Sect, has fallen so far that there are only two quasi-emperors left.

Fortunately, he finally found the legacy artifact lost by the Thunder God Sect.

With the existence of the Huashen Cauldron, he has the hope to break through the emperor realm and even above the emperor realm, and lead the Thunder God Sect to regain its former glory!

“Lei Yin Kuang, you are finally here.”

Jiang Chen looked at the oncoming Lei Yinkuang and others, his eyes narrowed involuntarily: “There are only four of you!”

Only Lei Yinkuang and Wan Hang appeared in front of them.


Xia Zheng and Qin Tianzheng, I am afraid they have already been tricked by Lei Yin Kuang.


“My Thunder God Sect’s inheritance artifact can’t be tainted by others.”

“Xia Zheng and Qin Tianzheng, the two old guys, are the big troubles that hinder me from getting the Hua Shen Cao back. I naturally want to solve them first.”

Lei Yin sneered violently and gloomily.

After breaking the blood seal with the help of the two of Xia Zheng, he directly united with Wan Hang secretly and severely injured the two of Xia Zheng.

Now Xia Zheng and the two have fled in panic, and are already unable to come forward to fight for the god transformation.

Even Xia Zheng and the others were severely injured. He wants to solve Jiang Chen and Ye Tianji now. Isn’t it a matter of grasping?

Jiang Chen glanced at Wan Hang blankly, and said lightly: “I didn’t expect you to cooperate with the people of the Thunder God Sect. If you can work with them to solve the problem, I will be able to get the Hua Shen Cauldron. It is too whimsical. .”

“Ha ha……”

“The old man has self-knowledge and knows that I can’t own the Hua Shen Ding, so I chose to cooperate with Lei Sect Leader.”

“Lei Sect Leader has agreed to help him regain the Huashen Cauldron. When I break through the emperor realm in the future, I can borrow the Huashen Cauldron for me.”

Wan Hang stared at Jiang Chen with a smile: “Boy, if you leave now, maybe it’s still too late. Otherwise, don’t blame us for being impolite!”

Although he had learned from Lei Yin’s mad mouth that Jiang Chen had extraordinary strength and was very likely to break through the Quasi-Emperor Realm with the help of Emperor Yunguo, Wan Hang didn’t care about it at all.

What if this kid is a quasi-emperor strong?

On their side, there are four quasi-emperor powerhouses. Could it be that Jiang Chen and Ye Tianji can’t be solved?

Jiang Chen was too lazy to pay attention to Wan Hang.

He looked directly at Lei Yin Kuang, and said indifferently: “Lei Yin Kuang, I am here to wait for you for three days, not to talk nonsense with you, but to wait for you to break the Restrictions on the god of transformation for me. ”

Lei Yin Kuang was startled slightly, his gaze suddenly turned towards the Hua Shen Cauldron.

“This is… My Thunder God Sect’s god-level Restrictions broke the god’s prohibition?”

Lei Yinkuan’s gaze swept across the god transformation cauldron, and he suddenly sensed something and couldn’t help laughing out loud.

“Haha… God helped me.”

“Jiang Chen, it seems that even if you are lucky enough to enter this place three days before me, you will eventually be doomed to be useless!”

Lei Yinkuang was still wondering, why did Jiang Chen and the others enter this place three days in advance, why they haven’t done anything to the god of transformation.

Breaking the gods’ prohibition is a god-level Restrictions of the Thunder God Sect.

Unless the Practitioner under the imperial realm knows how to break the ban, once Restrictions are triggered, they will be destroyed under the power of Restrictions!

It seems that after the Great Emperor stole the Huashen Cauldron from the Thunder God Sect 30,000 years ago, he did not have time to unlock the shattered divine prohibition on the Huashen Cauldron, so he hid it here.

With the existence of breaking the gods, Lei Yin Kuang had no fear in his heart that the Hua Shen Cauldron would be snatched away.

It can be said.

Except for him, the Thunder God Sect Leader who knows how to break the gods, as long as there is no real Emperor Realm snatched and appeared, no one can get close to the Hua Shen Cauldron!

“Futility, not necessarily.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Lei Yin Kuang, I now give you two choices. Either break the Restrictions on the Divine Cauldron for me, or just take your people and disappear in front of me.”

“Don’t worry, I will break the Restrictions and retrieve the Huashen Cauldron, but after I have solved you.”

Lei Yin smiled wildly, and immediately the whole person became murderous in an instant: “Do it, kill them for me!”


At the same time that Lei Yin screamed, he directly killed the old man in Thunder Robe from the Thunder God Sect towards Ye Tianji.

And Netherworld Daoist and Wan Hang joined forces to kill Jiang Chen.

“Boy, since you have to find your own way, the old man will do it for you!”

Wan Hang smiled coldly, and his body instantly turned into a thin film of light and shadow and disappeared in place.

The next moment.

From a weird angle, his figure appeared inconceivably behind Jiang Chen, with a powerful palm on his palm, turning into a hundred-zhang python and slaughtered towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s thoughts moved, and the emperor’s body flew out from the storage ring, and then directly blasted Wan Hang behind him with a punch.


The earth-shattering explosion sounded through the world, and I saw Wan Hang’s monstrous fist strength, which instantly shattered under the fist of the emperor’s body.

The shock of the terrifying force directly caused Wan Hang’s figure to burst out of a distance of hundreds of feet in embarrassment.

Wan Hang looked at the golden figure that was knocked back by this punch, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The quasi-emperor!

Beside this guy, there is actually a powerful quasi-emperor! ”

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