Chapter 1406 True Dragon Magic Medicine, Transforming God Cauldron!

When Lei Yin Kuang and others were about to use the combined attack formation to break the seal.

Jiang Chen and Ye Tianji are carefully looking at the situation in front of the mountain peaks shrouded by the heavenly divine light.

The entire mountain peak is shrouded in the magical light of the Huashen Ding, forming a small world that looks very peaceful.

Except for some elixir of heaven and earth exuding rich Spiritual Qi, there is almost nothing in the surroundings, just like a pure land without any disputes.

“This divine light is emitted from the top of the mountain. It seems that the Hua Shen Cauldron should be hidden there.”

Ye Tianji’s eyes swept slightly, and he locked onto a certain place on the top of the mountain.

“Let’s go, go directly to the top of the mountain!”

There was a flash of light in Jiang Chen’s eyes, and then he flashed straight towards the top of the mountain.

Although there are many valuable heaven and earth elixir growing around them, Jiang Chen didn’t even look at it at the moment.

The most important thing at the moment is to go to the top of the mountain to get the legendary artifact of the Thunder God Sect, which is undoubtedly the most important.

after all.

In front of heaven-defying treasures such as the Huashen Cauldron that can break through the emperor realm and even above the emperor realm, these so-called heaven and earth elixir are not worth mentioning.

The mountain peak is not big, and at the speed of the two Jiang Chen, they arrived at the top of the mountain in less than a moment.

What appeared in front of them was a huge lake.

The water of the lake, like a star, shone with a little bit of starlight, reflecting the starry sky in the sky.

What shocked Jiang Chen most was.

Above a void on the other side of the lake, there was a five-clawed golden dragon soaring freely in the sky.

The five-clawed golden dragon is surrounded by golden glow, shrouded in chaotic clouds, like a king in the sky and underground, exuding a very strong Spiritual Qi breath.

“Here… how can there be a real dragon?”

Jiang Chen looked at the five-clawed golden dragon in the void, and suddenly his expression was astonished and authentic.

“That’s not a real dragon, but a real dragon magic medicine!”

“The Huashen Cauldron has been placed here for 30,000 years. With the help of the Huashen Cauldron, the elixir has evolved into a rare true dragon magic medicine in the world!”

“Don’t talk about the Hua Shen Cauldron, it is this true dragon magic medicine, I am afraid that the body and soul of a quasi-emperor will be able to achieve the ultimate sublimation, thus breaking through the emperor realm!”

Ye Tianji’s eyes were extremely fiery.

Regardless of the sacred cauldron, just being able to take this true dragon magic medicine into the bag is a worthwhile trip for them.

“Ye senior, let’s take the shot together, first collect this true dragon magic medicine.”

Jiang Chen stared fiercely at the five-clawed golden dragon.

He didn’t hesitate at all, the whole person rose up into the sky, and flew out towards the real dragon magic medicine.

Ye Tianji also flew up, and the two of them surrounded the true dragon magic medicine one after another, ready to accept this true dragon magic medicine in one fell swoop!


The perception of the true dragon magic medicine is also very keen.

The two powerful quasi-emperors shot at the same time, and the true dragon magic medicine obviously felt a strong crisis.

It didn’t pay attention to the two of Jiang Chen at all, and directly turned into a golden light, swept towards the giant cauldron below, and instantly sank into the giant cauldron.

This is a huge bronze tripod with a height of three feet.

Around the giant tripod, there are carved heaven and earth patterns, which contain all things.

Although the relief on the giant cauldron looks a little rough, when you feel it carefully, it seems that there is a kind of ancient clumsy and wild aura.


Jiang Chen even felt that what was carved on this giant cauldron was not a picture, but a real world.

“This is the inheritance divine instrument of the Thunder God Sect?”

Jiang Chen looked at this giant bronze cauldron, his eyes suddenly shrinking.

Ye Tianji stared at the giant bronze cauldron tightly, and slowly said, “It should be. That true dragon magic medicine was born from the cauldron of transformation, so it can be regarded as its home.”

“Ye senior, do you know how to take away this god-shaped cauldron?”

Seeing this scene before him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but feel a headache.

It seems that if they want to get the true dragon magic medicine, they still have to subdue this magic cauldron first.


As the god of thunder god sect inheritance artifact, they want to take it away, I am afraid it is not an easy task.

Although there seemed to be no danger in the surroundings of the Shenhua Cauldron, Jiang Chen vaguely felt an extremely dangerous aura from the Shenhua Cauldron.

“I don’t know much information about this sacred tripod. No matter what, let’s try it first.”

Ye Tianji pondered slightly, and immediately released a divine fetal iron golem from the storage ring, and then controlled the iron puppet to move towards the Hua Shen cauldron.

Under the control of Ye Tianji, the iron-clad puppet slowly approached the Huashen Cauldron.

In the beginning, the iron-clad puppets were almost unobstructed.

But just as the iron-clad puppet approached the ten-meter range of the Huashen Cauldron, an invisible force in the Huashen Cauldron waved away.

Just blink of an eye.

I saw that the iron-clad puppet turned into a pile of ashes in mid-air strangely.

Ye Tianji couldn’t help but sinking slightly: “It seems that there is a very powerful Restrictions hidden on the Huashen Cauldron. I don’t know whether it is the powerhouse of the Thunder God Sect or the Emperor Kun Xu.”


Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

He has a system in his body, and he can completely release the Restrictions Insight on the god of transformation, but it will take some time.

They don’t know how long it will take for Lei Yin Kuang to break the blood seal outside.

If they hadn’t been able to insight into the Restrictions on the gods before the Thunder Silver Crazy and the others, wouldn’t the time for them to enter this place in advance be wasted?

Jiang Chen thought for a while and said: “Ye senior, or I will try again with Emperor Kun Xu’s body. If this Restrictions were set by Emperor Kun Xu, maybe his body can ignore the existence of Restrictions.”

“It’s too risky, what if this Restrictions were set by a strong person above the Thunder God Sect?”

“Actually, even if we get the god transformation cauldron now, we can’t avoid the Thunder Silver Crazy and the others, so let’s wait for them to come in.”

Ye Tianji shook his head and smiled bitterly, and then said slightly in deep thought: “The two of us plus the corpse of the great emperor are only strong or not weaker than the three of Lei Yin Kuang, and we should also have great hopes of getting the god transformation cauldron.”

Jiang Chen’s move was too risky.

If this bet is lost, the corpse of this great emperor probably has nothing to do with it. In this way, it would be detrimental to the fight for the gods behind them.

“Okay, wait a minute.”

“Ye senior, you protect me from the side, I will try to get this Restrictions Insight out!”

Jiang Chen finally resisted the urge to try with the emperor’s body, and directly sat down cross-legged, ready to start insight into the Restrictions on the god cauldron.

No matter how long it takes Lei Yin Kuang and the others to break the seal to come here, Jiang Chen decided to first understand the Restrictions on the gods.

As long as the Restrictions Insight can be released, even if the Thunder Silver Crazy and the others are here, he will still be able to seize the opportunity in the battle for the gods!

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