Chapter 1398 The quasi-emperor is coming!

Netherworld Daoist’s expression was ugly at the moment.

He never imagined that he had been in the Thunder God Ancient Realm for thousands of years, and that heaven-defying evildoer like Jiang Chen was born in Shenwu Continent!

Even with his current strength, Jiang Chen couldn’t ask for any advantage at all.

“Boy, the Emperor Yun sacred tree has bred a total of three Emperor Yun fruits. I only take one, and the remaining two belong to you, how about?”

Netherworld Daoist’s eyes flickered slightly, and finally he chose to compromise.

This kid not only reached the pinnacle of his womb in Cultivation Base, but he also mastered too many Realm powers, and all five Realms reached Dacheng Realm.

Even if his Death Realm reached the Consummation Realm, it was still suppressed by Jiang Chen’s multiple Realm superimposed powers!

more importantly.

He has lived two thousand five hundred years old, and the blood in his body is almost exhausted, far from being able to compare with Jiang Chen, who is full of blood and vitality.

If he continues to fight Jiang Chen, the situation will only become more and more unfavorable for him. Even with the best result, I am afraid he can only fight Jiang Chen and lose both.

In his current state, once he is injured, I am afraid that even the breakthrough quasi-imperial realm will be affected!


Facing the extremely enchanting youth in front of him, Netherworld Daoist had no choice but to retreat.

He only needs one of the three Emperor Yunguo, so this kid probably wouldn’t fight him to death for this, right?

“Sorry, I said, this is my place now, and the three Emperor Yunguo naturally belong to me. Why should I give you one?”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly and directly rejected the Netherworld Daoist.

This old guy is not a good thing. When he came here just now, he would just do it if he didn’t agree with him.

Now that I can’t help him, I want to share the Emperor Yunguo with him. How can there be such a good thing in this world?

“Boy, I can make concessions as a veteran. It’s already a good face for you, so don’t make an inch!”

Netherworld Daoist’s face suddenly sank: “You should know that if we continue to fight, we will only lose out, and it will not be good for anyone.”

“Hehe… Old stuff, even if I can make an inch, what can you do?”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly and said, “If you want to fight with me and hurt both sides, it depends on whether you have the ability.”

“Good! Good! Good!”

Netherworld Daoist smiled furiously, a hideous look flashed in his eyes.

“Boy, since you have to force me, then go to death for me.”

The senran voice fell, and Daoist’s dry palm suddenly moved, and a volume of mysterious Jade Slip flashing with thunder light directly emerged from his palm.

And with the appearance of the mysterious Jade Slip, a terrifying thunder power that covers the world slowly spreads in the void.

“This is……”

Jiang Chen’s pupils shrank suddenly.

The mysterious Jade Slip that Netherworld Daoist took out was somewhat similar to the Jade Slip that Ye Chengjun gave him back then.


The breath on the mysterious Jade Slip in front of me is many times stronger!

“Jade Slip, a space containing the laws of the imperial realm!”

When everyone looked at the mysterious Jade Slip in Daoist’s hand, they all changed color in amazement, and they couldn’t help but scream out.

A space Jade Slip that contains the laws of the emperor realm, at least it can only be produced by the quasi-emperor!

Could it be…

Nether Daoist is to summon a quasi-emperor to help out?

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, Daoist shook the palm of Netherworld Daoist’s hand suddenly, and the thundering Jade Slip in his palm shattered!


this moment.

The unimaginable light of thunder erupted from the mysterious Jade Slip, forming a thunder-light flashing void passage in the Qianzhang Void.


A mysterious silver-robed man surrounded by thunder and lightning appeared at a height of thousands of meters, like a thunder god descending.

With the appearance of this mysterious silver-robed man, a powerful power that overwhelms all beings slowly spread over the valley.

Facing this terrifying power.

Even the Ninth Stage Emperor in the valley can’t help but feel like he wants to worship.

Everyone looked at the silver-robed man in mid-air, and there was an inconceivable horror in their eyes.

The quasi-emperor is here!

Netherworld Daoist, really summoned a quasi-emperor powerhouse!

The silver-robed man descended from the void, his indifferent gaze fell directly on Nether Daoist’s body: “Nether, you use the space Jade Slip to call the emperor to come to help. It seems that you have agreed to the emperor’s conditions?”

“Master Lei Di, I am willing to accept your terms, and also ask Master Lei Di to take action to help me capture the fruit of the Emperor Yun!”

Nether Daoist directly looked respectful and authentic.

Many years ago, Netherworld Daoist met the Thunder Emperor in front of the Thunder God Ancient Realm. At the beginning, the Lei Di expelled the conditions, which could help him break through the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

It’s just that Netherworld Daoist felt that Lei Di’s conditions were too harsh, so he never agreed.

Now that he has very little lifespan left, this time he was blocked by Jiang Chen from capturing the Emperor Yun fruit, and then he had to contact the Lei Di.

Nether Daoist knows his own physical condition very well. If he can’t break through the Quasi-Emperor Realm, he really won’t have any chance.

Although Lei Di’s conditions were extremely harsh, Daoist had no choice.

No matter how much the price was paid, this time he also had to make a breakthrough in the Quasi-Emperor Realm!

“As long as you are willing to accept the terms, this emperor will help you.”

The silver-robed man said lightly, and the twinkle of silver thunder’s eyes fell directly on Jiang Chen’s body.

“Boy, the Emperor Yun fruit on the Emperor Yun god tree belongs to the Netherworld Daoist, are you okay?”


Following the words of the silver-robed man, everyone’s eyes were all looking towards Jiang Chen.

“Jiang Chen, give up, it seems that Emperor Yunguo is destined to miss us.”

Xia Yunqiong looked at the silver-robed man in the void, and a wry smile appeared on his old face.

For the sake of emperor Yunguo, the Netherworld Daoist even summoned the quasi-emperor strong, how can they contend with a quasi-emperor strong?

Jiang Chen did not answer Xia Yunqiong.

He stared at the silver-robed man closely, and slowly said, “What if… I say that I have an opinion?”


Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the silver-robed man’s eyes suddenly burst out with fierce lightning.

He stared at Jiang Chen with cold eyes, and a fierce killing intent swept out at Jiang Chen: “Boy, you dare to violate the will of the emperor?”

“Ha ha……”

“You are nothing more than a quasi-emperor who masters a trace of the law of thunder. You are more than one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the real emperor. You dare to call yourself an emperor here?”

“Don’t say that you are just a quasi-emperor, even if the real powerhouse of the emperor comes, you are not qualified to take away my Jiang Chen’s things!”

Jiang Chen looked at the silver-robed man faintly, and the chuckle of disdain echoed slowly over the valley…

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