Chapter 1399 Hard to Shake the Rule of the Emperor Realm!


Following Jiang Chen’s words, everyone below couldn’t help taking a breath.

Their gazes towards Jiang Chen also showed incredible horror.

Originally they thought.

In the face of a genuine quasi-emperor, even Jiang Chen, who is extremely powerful, would have to bow his head.


They never thought of it.

Jiang Chen not only didn’t choose to bow his head, but also provoke the quasi-emperor with words and didn’t care about it in the slightest.

This guy… how dare he?

Even if this guy’s combat power is overwhelming, how can he contend with a true quasi-emperor?

“good very good!”

“If you dare to be disrespectful to this emperor, this emperor will grant you a death!”

The cold voice of the silver-robed man fell, and countless thunder and lightning flashes crazily surging in the space around him.


The sky-shaking thunder resounded in the void, and a huge word ‘death’ condensed from the silver thunder also appeared in the sky instantly.

The silver word ‘death’ ran across the sky, as if it represented Thor’s will, exuding a terror that suppressed the sky.

It seems that everything around you must surrender under this word!

Communicating the power of heaven and earth, using the power of heaven and earth, one word and deed can suppress everything, far from being the enemy of the emperor of the Divine Embryo!

This is the law of the imperial realm!

“Is this the law of the emperor realm, it is really terrifying!”

Everyone looked at the silver ‘death’ in the sky, and their expressions were horrified.

They just feel the breath of the word ‘death’, and they have a feeling of trembling.

This kind of power is simply not something the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm can resist!

While everyone was frightened, their eyes towards Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing a look of sympathy.

This time, Jiang Chen was afraid that he was completely planted.


The word “death” of Thunder, with the terrifying power of destroying everything, suppressed it from the void, and wherever it passed, the void of thousands of feet continued to explode.

“Ha ha……”

“The power of the laws of the Emperor Realm is truly extraordinary.”

“Today, I, Jiang Chen, will teach you this law of thunder!”

Looking at the law of Thunder that was suppressing in midair, Jiang Chen didn’t seem to panic at all.

I saw him arrogantly laughing out loud, and his whole body strength burst out without reservation.

“Dayan Swallowing Cloud Technique!”

“Time and Space Sword Domain!”

“Bloodline supernatural power destroys the dragon flames of the world!”

“Six domains superimposed!”


At this moment, Jiang Chen didn’t have the slightest reservation, and all his trump cards were used together, and they were fiercely blasted with the suppressed Thunder Law.

“This kid… actually has so many magical powers of the hole cards.”

Seeing Jiang Chen exploding with all his strength, everyone below couldn’t help being dumbfounded.

To know.

Each of the methods Jiang Chen displayed is not inferior to the top imperial martial arts of the Shenwu Continent!

It is difficult for them to imagine that so many terrorist methods will actually be concentrated on a 20-year-old boy.

This kid… where did the evildoer come from!


Jiang Chen exploded with all his strength, all kinds of magical powers were used, and the death word condensed by the law of thunder slammed together.

In an instant…

The space within a hundred li’s radius collapsed suddenly and turned into a dark world of nothingness. Only a silver thunder’s flashing ‘death’ character collided fiercely in the void with a horrible energy.

The power of horror is intertwined in the dark world of nothingness.

Under the continuous bombardment of Jiang Chen’s trump card magical powers, the silver thunder brilliance of the word’death’ in the sky also became more and more bleak.

Jiang Chen’s eyes burst out, and another imprint of Soul Extinguishing slammed into the past.


Only a loud bang was heard, and the word ‘death’, which was already on the verge of collapse, finally burst completely under the seal of Jiang Chen.

“Haha… It seems that your emperor realm law is nothing more than this!”

Yiyin broke through the law of thunder in the sky, Jiang Chen laughed like thunder, and his whole body exuded an aura of jealousy.


Seeing the shocking scene before them, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath!


Jiang Chen actually relied on his monstrous combat power and the power of the Divine Embryo to block the emperor realm law of the quasi-emperor strong!

To know.

In Shenwu Continent, the laws of the imperial realm are above all power.

Even for the emperor at the pinnacle of the womb, the laws of the emperor realm are like the will of the gods, and they are simply unmatched.

But Jiang Chen used human power to shake the divine power, forcibly blocking the emperor realm law of the quasi-emperor strong!

This… This is too shocking.

“This son… is really not an ordinary evildoer!”

Netherworld Daoist looked at the scene in front of him, and an incredible shock also appeared in his eyes.

The rule of the imperial realm of the quasi-emperor, even he had to retreat, but Jiang Chen was the law of thunder that shook Lord Lei Di without any harm!

This kind of combat power can be described as extremely terrifying!

Fortunately, he directly summoned Lord Lei Di, otherwise if he fights with Jiang Chen with his own power, I am afraid that he will really fall into Jiang Chen’s hands.

“Tsk tsk…”

“It’s a bit interesting. I didn’t expect that Shenwu Continent would still be able to give birth to you, such a peerless arrogant who uses the Divine Embryo Realm to harden the laws of the Emperor Realm. It is really surprising.”

“Your talent is not weak, it would be a pity to kill like this. As long as you are willing to surrender to the emperor, the emperor can consider giving you a chance to survive.”

In the void, the silver-robed man’s gaze toward Jiang Chen also showed a strange look.

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously: “I’m just a quasi-emperor, and he wants me to surrender? I think you are almost surrendered to me.”

“Toast and not eat fine wine!”

“You really think that if you can block the emperor’s blow, you are really qualified to be arrogant in front of the emperor?”

“The emperor gave you a chance. Since you have to die, let you see the true power of the quasi-emperor.”

The silver-robed man’s complexion turned cold, and the monstrous thunder and lightning glow all over his body was surging again.

“The quasi-emperor is worthy of the existence of the border with the emperor, it is really strong.”

Seeing the silver-robed man who had made another shot, Jiang Chen couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

He is now fully exploding, and he is barely able to compete with the quasi-emperor. It is almost impossible to defeat the quasi-emperor.

Fortunately, he conquered the corpse of Emperor Kunxu in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum.

Otherwise, if Jiang Chen wants to solve the quasi-emperor powerhouse in front of him today, I am afraid it would be really a bit of trouble.


Just as Emperor Zhun Jiang summoned the corpse of the great emperor to fight, a contemptuous sneer came from the sky abruptly.

“Hey… Lei Yin Kuang, you really are getting alive and going back. A quasi-emperor and powerful, so embarrassed to take a shot at a junior in the Divine Embryo Realm?”

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