Chapter 1397 Fight against the Nether Daoist!


Powers like chess and realm are undoubtedly very rare.

Even in the Shenwu Continent, one might not be born in thousands of years.

And the Death power mastered by the Nether Daoist in front of him is also an extremely rare Realm power, unpredictable!


In the void, the river of Yellow Springs is flowing, like the Milky Way of Nine Heavens pouring straight down towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s complexion did not change, and the five-color light of the five Dacheng Realm condensed up into the sky, directly colliding with the water of Yellow Springs pouring down from the Nether Daoist.


The two terrifying Realm forces collided in mid-air, and there was a loud noise.

The terrifying energy swept away from midair in an instant, even Xia Yuanqiong and the others, under the impact of this energy storm, burst away in embarrassment.

“Ok… so strong!”

Xia Yunqiong and others were shocked.

The strength of these two people is really terrifying!


When Netherworld Daoist saw Jiang Chen understatement to block his Yellow Springs Realm, there was also a look of surprise in his old eyes.

He stared at Jiang Chen slowly and said, “Boy, you are quite capable. You can master the five great Realm powers.”

“Master Nether, known as the person closest to the quasi-emperor a thousand years ago, but unfortunately nothing more than that.”

Jiang Chen sneered disdainfully: “Old guy, with your strength, you are not yet qualified to compete with me for the Emperor Yunguo. I see how far you can go.”


“Boy, don’t think that if you have a talent, you can run wild in front of me.”

“Old-fashioned, even when I was in the Shenwu Continent, it seemed like you were such a genius to kill you, I don’t know how to do it!”

Nether Daoist snorted coldly, and the whole Yellow Springs Realm trembled constantly.

“Yellow Springs ghost general, give me condensate!”

Nether Daoist gave a soft drink, and the Yellow Springs river was tumbling in the void like a tsunami, and a monstrous roar suddenly came from the Yellow Springs river.


A huge phantom exuding a frightening atmosphere also emerged from the river of Yellow Springs.


This is a black phantom that is a hundred feet tall. It is draped in a layer of black iron armor. Its pupils are like lanterns. It has a blood basin with its mouth wide open. Its fangs are densely covered. The tines exuded a terrifying breath of Death.

“Boy, my Yellow Springs Realm can communicate with another world and summon another world ghosts to help. Now let you use the power of this Yellow Springs ghost general.”

Netherworld Daoist summoned the ghost general of Yellow Springs, and a grim smile appeared in his pitch-black eyes.

“What the Yellow Springs ghost generals are, it’s nothing more than a ray of magical thoughts from another world powerhouse.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, his palm flipped, and a soul-killing seal unceremoniously moved toward the Yellow Springs ghost general to suppress.


The Soul Extinguishing Seal instantly collided with the Yellow Springs ghost generals, and countless black air currents instantly spread across the sky.

Nether Daoist summoned the cohesive Yellow Springs ghost generals, and in the blink of an eye, they became nothingness under Jiang Chen’s soul-killing seal!

“Haha…old guy, what you call the Yellow Springs ghost general, seems nothing more than that!”

Jiang Chen laughed, the last realm of time and space was also displayed, directly superimposing the six realms to the extreme, and the heavenly destroying divine light blasted towards the Yellow Springs Realm of the Nether Daoist.


Nether Daoist was furious, and hurriedly urged the power of Yellow Springs Realm with all his strength, and blasted together with Jiang Chen fiercely.

“Boom! Bang! Bang!”

Just blink of an eye.

The two have fought no less than ten times.

Every time there is a fight, there will be a sound like Hong Zhong Dalu, shaking the sky and the earth, and the mountains and rivers collapse.

Xia Yunqiong and the others, who had already withdrawn from a distance of one hundred meters, were all unable to bear the horrible aura, and they couldn’t help but retreat again and again.

“Too strong, are these two guys really just the pinnacle of the Divine Embryo Realm?”

Everyone was horrified.

At this moment.

Whether it is Jiang Chen or the Netherworld Daoist, the power displayed has far surpassed the general emperor at the peak of the divine birth.

The combat power of these two guys has truly reached the extreme of the Divine Embryo Realm!

Even if you are away from the Quasi-Emperor Realm, I am afraid it is only half a step away.


It was another terrifying confrontation.

In midair, I saw that both Jiang Chen’s figures were all stepping back into the void and retreating a hundred feet away.

“This old guy deserves to be close to the Emperor Zhun a thousand years ago, and he is really strong.”

Looking at the Netherworld Daoist opposite, Jiang Chen’s pale face also showed a solemn expression.

The Netherworld Daoist reached the extreme of the Divine Embryo Realm thousands of years ago, possessing such strange and unpredictable Realm powers as Death Realm.


This guy has extremely high attainments in Death Realm, and he has almost reached the Consummation Realm. Only the last step is to comprehend the laws of the emperor, thus breaking through the quasi-emperor in one fell swoop!

Even if Jiang Chen’s six Realm powers are superimposed, he can only slightly outperform the Netherworld Daoist.

“This child is less than thirty years old, how can he master such terrifying power?”

On the other side, Netherworld Daoist was panting heavily, and an incredible horror also appeared in his eyes.

Because of the power of Death, Nether Daoist is older than the average emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm, and is now more than two thousand five hundred years old.

As early as a thousand years ago, the Netherworld Daoist was the first person under the quasi-emperor of Shenwu Continent.

When he entered the ancient realm of Thor, Daoist had a chance to break through the Quasi-Emperor Realm in one fell swoop.

But who knew that at a critical time, he was sneak attacked by an enemy, severely wounded him, and took the opportunity that originally belonged to him.


Nether Daoist can only hide in the Thunder God Ancient Realm, and Closed Door Training can heal his wounds.

Because the power of Death is extremely difficult to comprehend, the Netherworld Daoist has still failed to master the Law of Death and break through the Quasi-Emperor Realm for thousands of years.


This thousand years of time, Daoist, is not in vain. He is still reaching the peak of the divine fetus in almost every aspect, and it only takes an opportunity to break through the Quasi-Emperor Realm in one fell swoop.

The appearance of Emperor Yunguo is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for Daoist.

Netherworld Daoist has lived two thousand five hundred years old, even if he holds the power of Death, he has slowed the passage of life to the greatest extent, and there is still little life left.

It is precisely because of this.

Nether Daoist rushed over as soon as he got the news of Emperor Yunguo.

Daoist originally thought.

With his current strength, as long as the quasi-emperor realm powerhouses in the Thunder God Ancient Realm do not show up, it will be easy for him to seize the Emperor Yunguo.


Nether Daoist never thought that he was actually blocked by a boy who was less than 30 years old!

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