Chapter 1382 The Emperor Bone Relic in Five Elements Samsara’s Coffin!

After comprehending the emperor source god ban.

Jiang Chen didn’t waste any time either. He directly pinched the banning tactics in mid-air with both hands, and began to break the emperor source divine ban on Five Elements Samsara’s coffin!

As a god-level Restrictions, it is undoubtedly very cumbersome to break the Diyuan God Restrictions.

Even if Jiang Chen mastered the complete Diyuan Divine Forbidden, it was still not an easy task to crack.

Hundreds of methods of breaking the ban were condensed in succession, and it took a whole day before Jiang Chen completely broke the emperor source god ban on Five Elements Samsara’s coffin.

After breaking the Emperor Yuanshen’s ban, Jiang Chen meditated for two hours before he ordered the dragon corpse to open the coffin again.

This time, without the existence of Diyuan God Forbidden, the dragon corpse hardly encountered any obstacles, and easily opened the first coffin.

As the coffin opened, countless golden rays of light burst out suddenly, and the entire Qianzhang Great Hall was rendered into a piece of gold by the golden light in the coffin.

A stream of pure and strong energy also floated out from the coffin.

Jiang Chen’s figure flashed, and he went directly to the coffin, and he found a fist-sized golden bead in the coffin.

The metallic emperor bone relic!

Looking at the golden beads in the coffin, Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing an expression of excitement.

This Five Elements Samsara coffin, as he expected, was refined with five emperor corpses into five emperor bone relics, forming the foundation of the formation of the Yuanling Samsara array!

Metallicity represents the most indestructible power.

If Jiang Chen expected it to be right, this metallic emperor relic should be a powerful emperor who proves the emperor through the Cultivation Base!

This emperor bone relic alone is enough to make his body Cultivation Base Ascension a big cut!

Jiang Chen suppressed his excitement and directly took out the metallic emperor bone relics from the coffin.

Taking the metallic emperor bone relic, Jiang Chen took the dragon corpse directly and walked towards the second coffin…

At the same time Jiang Chen took out the metallic emperor bone relic from the Five Elements Samsara coffin.

The entire space of the ancient imperial mausoleum trembled fiercely like an earthquake.

The next moment…

The countless divine fetal realm energy bodies of the ancient Kunxu Sect all clearly felt that the energy in the essence of one’s own soul was gradually fading away at a slow speed.

“This…what is going on?”

Countless divine fetal realm energy bodies are horrified.

Since the collapse of the ancient Kunxu Sect, they were born in the ancient imperial mausoleum for tens of thousands of years, and the energy in the essence of the essence in the body has not passed by inexplicably as it is now.

Although the speed of this passing is very slow, but there is also a time when it passes.

Once the energy of the essence of the essence has passed, even if they don’t leave the ancient imperial tombs, they will probably be completely dissipated from this world.

The sudden trembling of the ancient imperial mausoleum also attracted Xu Hengtian’s attention.

His figure flashed out of the Great Hall, and when he was about to check it out, he found a lot of Divine Embryo Realm energy bodies surrounding him in panic.

“Hengtian Elder, the big thing is not good. Just now, the entire space of the ancient emperor’s mausoleum suddenly trembled, and then we felt the essence of the soul in our body began to flow away.”

Xuhengtian’s complexion changed suddenly when he heard the words.

The ancient imperial mausoleum has existed for tens of thousands of years. The energy bodies of the Kunxu Sect have been here for tens of thousands of years. There has never been an accident. Why is this happening now?

“Could it be…what happened to the Kunxu Emperor Palace?”

Thinking of this, Xu Hengtian suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Emperor Kunxu Palace.

Ever since Xu Tianyang took the human youth into the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace, he hadn’t come out.

Now that the ancient imperial mausoleum has undergone such a change, it is difficult for Xu Hengtian not to link these two things together.

“This damn Xu Tianyang, what exactly does he want to do!”

Xuhengtian’s complexion was extremely gloomy.

If this matter was really tossed by Xu Tianyang and the human youth, then their ancient emperor mausoleum might be really in trouble.


Just when Xu Hengtian was frightened and furious, the ancient imperial mausoleum shook again.

This time of tremor, the time of the first tremor is much longer. It seemed that the entire space of the ancient imperial mausoleum felt about to be broken at this moment.

“Hengtian Elder, I… the fading speed of the primordial essence energy in my body seems to have become faster!”

At this moment, a divine fetal realm energy body screamed in horror.

As the scream of this divine fetal realm energy body fell, other divine fetal realm energy bodies also looked desperate and horrified.

If this continues, I’m afraid they will really be over.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

And when these divine fetal realm energy bodies were desperate.

In some Great Halls around, energy bodies with aura that far surpassed the Ninth Stage of the divine fetus instantly rose into the sky.

Rows of angry shouts came from their mouths.

“It’s Damn it!”

“The deity is only the last step to complete the resurrection, but the energy in the essence of the soul is suddenly reduced, which makes the deity ultimately fall short!”

“Xu Hengtian, tell the deity what is going on?”

Looking at these energy bodies that suddenly appeared, Xu Hengtian’s complexion also became more and more ugly.

These few people in front of them are surprisingly the quasi-emperor energy bodies that have been planning to resurrect for hundreds of years.

Xu Hengtian didn’t expect that the sudden changes in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum would affect even these few people.

“Several Venerables, things are like this…”

Xu Hengtian took a deep breath and couldn’t help but quickly explain to the quasi-emperor energy bodies.

“What are you talking about? Xu Tianyang took a human youth into the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace. It is very likely that they caused the changes in the ancient emperor’s tomb?”

The expressions of those quasi-emperor energy bodies suddenly changed: “Immediately summon all the energy bodies of Kunxu Sect, enter the Kunxu Emperor Palace, and pull out the Xu Tianyang and the human youth!”

Xu Hengtian hesitated and said: “Venerable, Kunxu Imperial Palace has always been a forbidden place for Kunxu Sect, we…”

“Stop talking nonsense, immediately summon all the energy bodies of Kunxu Sect, and enter the Kunxu Imperial Palace as I wait!”

Before Xu Hengtian finished speaking, one of the quasi-emperor energy bodies directly interrupted his words, and then quickly slew towards Kunxu Emperor Palace with several other quasi-emperor energy bodies.

As one of the few quasi-emperor experts in Kunxu Sect, they naturally understand the situation of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace better than Xu Hengtian and others.

They clearly knew that the formation core that maintained the ancient imperial mausoleum was located in the Kunxu Emperor Palace.

Now that this happens to the ancient imperial tombs, in all likelihood, the core of the formation has been destroyed.

If they don’t stop them, I’m afraid the entire ancient imperial mausoleum will be completely finished.

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