Chapter 1381 Set up a coffin, Five Elements Samsara’s coffin!

Xu Tianyang looked at the dragon corpse standing beside Jiang Chen with a dull expression, almost unable to believe his own eyes.

To know.

This dragon corpse was once the mount of Emperor Kun Xu, a real horned dragon.

The horned dragon at its peak was an existence comparable to the powerhouse of the emperor realm.

Even if it is just a corpse now, it is definitely not something ordinary people can get involved.

How Xu Tianyang always thought of it.

Jiang Chen easily subdued the dragon corpse of the Emperor Realm!

“Let’s go and take a look inside the Great Hall.”

Jiang Chen ignored Xu Tianyang’s shock and said lightly, and then walked towards the Great Hall with the dragon corpse.

Now that this dragon corpse is subdued, Jiang Chen’s safety in the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace is undoubtedly greatly guaranteed.

Unless the real imperial realm powerhouse recovers, there should be nothing that can pose a threat to him.

Entering the central main hall of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace, Jiang Chen realized that the main hall was much larger than he wanted.

This is a huge palace with the size of a thousand feet!


Although this main hall is large, it is unusually empty inside.

Jiang Chen glanced at it and got an unobstructed view of the situation in the entire Great Hall.

There is almost nothing in the Great Hall, only six identical bronze coffins are placed in the center of the Great Hall.

Among them, five bronze coffins are arranged in a ring in the direction of Five Elements.

The remaining coffin is surrounded by the five coffins in the center.

These bronze coffins are engraved with some strange patterns, which look unpretentious but majestic.

They are covered in patina, mottled with ancient meaning, and exudes a breath of timelessness.

“Five Elements Samsara coffin, with the coffin as the foundation, the formation is laid out, what a subtle layout!”

Jiang Chen stared closely at the five bronze coffins in the center of the Great Hall, and there was a shock that could not be concealed in his eyes.

The core of the Yuanling Samsara array is the power of the Five Elements that gathers the heavens and the earth, and grows out of each other to form a special area, allowing the dead to gather the essence of the Yuanling and transform it into a special energy body.

Generally speaking.

To arrange the formation of the Yuan Ling Samsara array, you need treasures representing the five ultimate powers of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and then use these five ultimate gods as the base to gather the power of the world and the Five Elements.

And the Five Elements Samsara coffin in front of you is one of the most extreme methods for arranging the Yuanling Samsara array.

If he guessed correctly, there should be an emperor corpse inside the five coffins arranged around Five Elements.

Moreover, the power held in front of the five emperor corpses in the coffin corresponded to gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, thus forming the Five Elements Samsara coffin.

This Five Elements Samsara coffin is almost equivalent to five corpse refining furnaces. The emperor corpse inside can be refined into five different emperor bone relics, thus supporting the entire Yuanling Samsara array!

As for the coffin in the middle, in all likelihood, it is Emperor Kunxu.

This Emperor Kunxu put his own body in the center of the formation of the Yuanling Samsara array, clearly using the power of formation to accumulate his own body to achieve a certain purpose.

Lay down the Five Elements Samsara coffin with five emperor corpses, arrange the Yuanling Samsara array, and then use the entire Yuanling Samsara array to store own corpse.

Such a handwriting is extremely huge!

Jiang Chen took a deep breath in his heart, the Great Emperor Kun Xu was really an incredible figure.

It seems that the battle of Kunxu Zong’s extermination has not yet come, Kunxu Great Emperor has used some means to hide from the sky and cross the sea, and store the body of the own Great Emperor in the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace.

The Emperor Kunxu kept the body of the Emperor here, is there really any way to resurrect?

“This is the main hall of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace. How come there are so many coffins?”

At this moment, Xu Tianyang, who followed Jiang Chen into the Great Hall, was instantly stunned by the situation in the Great Hall.

In Xu Tianyang’s heart, the main hall of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace should be the place where Emperor Kunxu lived all year round, and it should be a Sacred.


He didn’t expect that the main hall of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace was like a tomb, with six mysterious bronze coffins!

“Who was buried in these six bronze coffins, and how could they appear in the main hall of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace?”

Rao Xu Tianyang, the Elder of the Kunxu Sect, was also stunned by the situation of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace, and couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.

Jiang Chen ignored Xu Tianyang and directly ordered the dragon corpse beside him to open the coffin.

Now that he is here today, he will have to destroy the magnificent situation laid down by Emperor Kun Xu anyway!

And this Five Elements Samsara coffin is the core of Kunxu’s layout.

As long as the Five Elements Samsara coffin is destroyed, the Yuanling Samsara formation will not attack itself, and Emperor Kun Xu will no longer be able to use the Yuanling Samsara formation to contain the body of the emperor and achieve his own purpose.

not to mention……

The Five Elements Samsara coffin refines the emperor’s corpse, and the emperor bone relic formed is definitely the supreme treasure that is more than ten times more powerful than the essence of the soul.

If he can collect the five emperor bone relics of Five Elements Samsara’s coffin, he wants to reach the peak of the Ninth Stage in one breath, I am afraid it will be easy.

Under Jiang Chen’s order, the dragon corpse moved directly towards the nearest coffin, and then stretched out the huge dragon claws to grab the coffin.


Just when the dragon claw was about two or three feet away from the coffin, a golden enchantment was able to resist the dragon claws of the dragon corpse.

Even if the dragon corpse has the terrifying power to smash the quasi-emperor, it is difficult to get close to the coffin!

Jiang Chen’s eyes shrank suddenly, his gaze locked tightly on the golden enchantment.

After a while, a system prompt sounded directly in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You watch the god-level Restrictions, trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You comprehend one in 10,000 of the emperor source divine forbidden!”

Jiang Chen heard the prompt sound in his mind, and he was also full of feelings in his heart.

This Emperor Kunxu deserves to be the pinnacle of the Shenwu Continent tens of thousands of years ago. Not only does he master the formation of gods such as the Yuanling Samsara formation, he can also place god-level Restrictions around these coffins.

Since with the power of the dragon corpse, he couldn’t break through the imperial origin god forbidden, he also had to first Insight, the god-level Restrictions, before he could open the Five Elements Samsara coffin in front of him.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate, and directly ordered the dragon corpse to return to his side to protect the law, and then with all his strength to insight into the emperor source god in front of him.

“Ding! You watch the god-level Restrictions, trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You comprehend one in 10,000 of the emperor source divine forbidden!”

“Ding! You watch the god-level Restrictions, trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You comprehend one in 10,000 of the emperor source god forbidden!


“Ding! You successfully comprehended God-level Restrictions!”

It took more than ten days before Jiang Chen finally successfully brought out the Diyuan God forbidden Insight.

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