Chapter 1383 The corpse of the emperor broke out of the coffin!

The central main hall of Kunxu Palace.

After taking the metal emperor bone relic of the first coffin, Jiang Chen quickly took the fire emperor bone relic of the second coffin.

And just as Jiang Chen was about to continue taking the emperor relics from the third coffin, tyrannical auras rushed in from the door of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace, towards the main hall of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace.

“Not good… it’s the breath of the Quasi-Emperor Realm energy body!”

Feeling the breath coming from the entrance of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace, Xu Tianyang’s expression instantly became horrified.

Didn’t the quasi-emperor energy bodies of Kunxuzong have been sleeping all the time?

If several quasi-emperor energy bodies were to kill this main hall, wouldn’t they be dead?

Jiang Chen had no expression on his face. He ignored Xu Tianyang’s horrified expression, let alone the energy bodies that had entered the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace, and walked directly toward the third Five Elements Samsara coffin.

Once the Five Elements Samsara coffin is destroyed, the entire space of the ancient imperial mausoleum will change.

Moreover, this change can also directly affect the survival of these energy bodies of Kun Xuzong.


The energy bodies of the Quasi-Emperor Realm were shocked because of the influence.

These quasi-emperor energy bodies are not in a low position in the Kunxu Emperor. They must have some understanding of the situation in the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace. I am afraid that they have already guessed that the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace has changed.

At this critical juncture of life and death, these energy bodies directly entered the Kunxu Imperial Palace, which was completely in Jiang Chen’s expectation.


Jiang Chen was not too worried about this.

Every time he opens the Five Elements Samsara coffin and takes away an emperor bone relic, there will be a gap in the Yuanling Samsara array, and it will become more difficult for these energy bodies to survive.

As long as the Five Elements Samsara coffin is completely broken, the elemental spirit Samsara array of the ancient imperial mausoleum will instantly collapse.

Once lost the Yuan Ling Samsara array.

Even the quasi-emperor energy body could not continue to survive at all.

Jiang Chen went straight to the third Five Elements Samsara coffin and quickly took out the wooden emperor bone relics from the third coffin.

But when Jiang Chen was about to follow the law to open the fourth coffin, he keenly caught a faint wave of life.

Jiang Chen paused, his gaze suddenly turned towards the coffin in the center.

After a while, Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly shrank.

The sound of a beating heart!

At that moment, Jiang Chen clearly felt that a heartbeat came from the coffin!

At this moment, a sense of horror suddenly filled Jiang Chen’s heart!

Could it be that when the ancient Kunxu Sect was destroyed, Emperor Kunxu used this Samsara formation to hide himself from the sky and let himself survive?

This… how is this possible?

To know.

The ancient Kunxu Sect’s time in Shenwu Continent was at least 30,000 years ago.

The general imperial realm powerhouse only has a life span of ten thousand years. Even the Great Emperor, his life span would never reach 30,000 years.

“Hurry up and leave the Great Hall!”

Although Jiang Chen couldn’t believe that Emperor Kun Xu was still alive, the heartbeat from the coffin made Jiang Chen feel an inexplicable chill.

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned around and rushed out to the Great Hall door.

And at the moment Jiang Chen just turned around, the bronze coffin in the center of Five Elements Samsara’s coffin trembled in vain and burst open.

Immediately afterwards.

A man in a golden robe flew out from the coffin.

The man in the golden robe is tall and straight, his face is like a crown jade, and his whole body exudes an aura of looking at the world.

Except for those slightly hollow eyes, the man in the golden robe is almost the same as a normal person!

“Kun…Kun Xu the Great!”

Xu Tianyang looked at the man in the golden robe who broke out of the coffin, and suddenly felt that his scalp was about to explode, and an unprecedented panic appeared in his eyes!

The corpse of Emperor Kun Xu was also in the palace of Emperor Kun Xu!

Moreover, this corpse, which had been stored in the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace for tens of thousands of years, was actually alive!

This… how is this possible.

Xu Tianyang suppressed the panic in his heart, and quickly followed Jiang Chen, turned around and fled outside the Great Hall in panic.

And at this moment, a somewhat vaguely low and hoarse voice resounded in the Great Hall in vain as if from those ancient years.

“Ah… you… bad emperor… big thing, damn it!”

Hoarse and ancient was spread in vain in the Great Hall, and suddenly Jiang Chen’s entire body was suddenly erected.

A feeling of extreme danger was also in Jiang Chen’s heart instantly.

At this critical juncture of life and death, Jiang Chen quickly ordered the dragon corpse to block the corpse of Emperor Kun Xu and rushed towards the Great Hall entrance without looking back.

And just when Jiang Chen’s figure was about to reach the entrance of the Great Hall.

A substantial sound wave, like a storm of destruction, instantly swept the entire Great Hall!


Xu Tianyang’s figure was instantly hit by that terrifying sound wave, and then the whole person was like a balloon that was hit, bursting with a bang, turning into blood mist, and spreading.

Even the dragon corpse that was left behind by Jiang Chen to resist the attack of Emperor Kun Xu, the hard black dragon scales on his body, were cracked inch by inch under the attack of the sonic storm.

To the end.

Even the corpse of this imperial horned dragon was completely transformed into nothingness.


Taking advantage of the moment when the dragon corpse resisted the sonic storm, Jiang Chen finally escaped from the Great Hall.

But even so, Jiang Chen was still affected by the storm spilling from the Great Hall.

He dared not be the slightest negligence, and quickly exploded the true dragon bloodline and the five Realm powers.


Even if it was only a trace of sonic energy spilling from the entrance of the Great Hall, it still caused a burst of blood in Jiang Chen’s body to roll, and a low muffled sound rang in his throat.

Jiang Chen suppressed the churning breath of his heart, his eyes locked tightly at the door of the Great Hall.

Seeing that the corpse of Emperor Kun Xu had not come out of the Great Hall, Jiang Chen was suddenly relieved.

Fortunately, the Great Emperor Kunxu didn’t really resurrect, but there was an emperor’s mind activated on the corpse, and he could only issue this strike with the emperor’s mind.


I’m afraid he will really fall in this Kunxu Emperor’s Palace today.

“It’s just a pity that the imperial dragon corpse, and the two emperor bone relics that we didn’t have time to get.”

Jiang Chen shook his head, and a look of regret appeared on his face.

The imperial dragon corpse, this is equivalent to a bodyguard of the quasi-emperor realm. There are also the two emperor bone relics condensed from the body of the strong emperor realm, which are also the supreme treasures that the Practitioner dreams of.

Now because of the blow of the Great Emperor Kun Xu, it was completely wiped out.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

Although the dragon corpse and the remaining emperor bone relics are gone, there is still one thing that makes Jiang Chen’s heart in Great Hall at this moment. That is the emperor corpse of Emperor Kunxu!

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