Chapter 1380 Conquer the Dragon Corpse of the Emperor Realm!

“I… I don’t know.”

“Emperor Kun Xu took the other three powerful emperors of Kun Xu Zong and fought against that powerful enemy in the void. We don’t know the specific situation of the battle.”

“Moreover, the fighting time did not last long before it ended, and then a palm print in the void suppressed, turning the area where Kun Xuzong was located into ruins!”

Xu Tianyang said with a look of horror.

Hearing Xu Tianyang’s words, Jiang Chen’s expression instantly became extremely solemn.

Emperor Kunxu and the others fought against a powerful enemy in the sky, and the destruction of Kunxuzong did not appear as an energy body. Xu Tianyang speculated that they were all destroyed in that battle, but there was no problem. .

Now that the corpse of the Emperor Realm Horned Dragon appeared in the Kunxu Emperor Palace, it was really incredible.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

Since this imperial realm dragon corpse appeared in the Kunxu Emperor Palace, and was guarded in the central main hall of the Kunxu Emperor Palace, the corpse of the Kunxu Emperor, I am afraid it is also very likely to exist in this Great Hall in front of him.

The Great Emperor Kunxu was able to arrange the Yuanling Samsara formation so that the ancient Kunxu Sect powerhouse could reappear in the world, and he must be a thoughtful person.

How could such a character not leave a way for himself?

It seems that the battle at the beginning was not as simple as Xu Tianyang imagined.


At this moment, the black horned dragon roared and slaughtered Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen hurriedly sacrificed the Meteorite Sword, a red sword glow containing the power of the Third Stage Sword Domain, with the horror Sword Qi that cuts the void, and slashed at the black horned dragon with a sword.


Sword Qi slashed on the horned dragon’s body covered with black scales, sparks splashed in all directions, and a harsh metal impact echoed in the air.

“The defense of the dragon corpse of the Emperor Realm is really not as strong as usual!”

Seeing that his sword, which was enough to easily kill the emperor Ninth Stage, could not hurt the dragon corpse, Jiang Chen’s eyes shrank slightly.

“Master, it’s useless, let’s run away.”

“The dragon clan is already known for defense. The defense of this dragon corpse is stronger than the emperor body of the general emperor realm powerhouse.”

“Unless the quasi-emperor who has mastered the power of the emperor realm, even the pinnacle emperor of the divine fetus cannot break his defense at all!”

Xu Tianyang’s figure trembled, and his expression looked alarmed.

The ninth-rank horned dragon, this was the mount of the Kunxu Great Emperor back then, and was revered as the dragon emperor in Kunxu Sect.

Even if it is just a corpse now, the combat power is not even 30% of the peak period, but it is not something they can contend with.

Jiang Chen didn’t bother to care about Xu Tianyang at all.

He came to the Kunxuzong site in order to crack the Yuanling Samsara array and completely solve the danger of the ancient imperial tombs.

The situation in the Kunxu Imperial Palace now surpassed Jiang Chen’s imagination.

If he guessed right, in the battle of Kunxu Zong’s extermination, Kunxu Great didn’t know what imitation method was used, and the body of Own Great was preserved in Kunxu Imperial Palace. It was nothing more than seeking a resurrection. chance.

If you don’t enter the Great Hall in front of you and unlock the secrets in the Great Hall, once the Great Emperor Kunxu is resurrected, the danger to the Shenwu Continent is probably no less than the birth of the Nine You King of the Blood Spirit Race.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, thinking quickly about countermeasures in his mind.

This giant dragon corpse had better defenses than the emperor body of the emperor realm, and even if Jiang Chen made a full move, it would be difficult to defeat it, and it was obviously impossible to fight hard.

The dragon corpse can guard the central Great Hall of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace and actively attack the outsiders approaching the Great Hall. In all likelihood, the Kunxu Emperor did…

The corpse control technique and the beast taming technique have almost the same effect. They both leave a soul mark in the target body to achieve the goal.

That is to say.

In this dragon corpse, there is probably a spirit or soul imprint of Emperor Kunxu, which gave the dragon corpse an order to guard the Great Hall.

If this is the case, Jiang Chen might be able to use the Human Emperor Seal to obliterate the imprint left by Emperor Kun Xu in the dragon’s corpse!

By the time.

He might even subdue the dragon corpse in front of him!

An imperial dragon corpse is at least as powerful as a quasi-emperor.

If you can conquer the dragon corpse, this will definitely be of great help to the Nine You Kings and the Blood Spirit Race in the future.


Just as Jiang Chen thought to himself, the dragon corpse struck again.

He lifted a black dragon claw and slammed it at Jiang Chen. The surrounding space was shattered, and terrifying power swept across Jiang Chen again.

“Time and Space Sword Domain!”

Jiang Chen swung the Meteorite Sword in his hand quickly, and a cyan Sword Domain descended, instantly enshrouding the dragon corpse.


The black dragon claws of the dragon corpse landed on the barrier of the time and space Sword Domain, and there was a sudden explosion.

Jiang Chen was enough to easily trap the Sword Domain of the Ninth Stage Emperor’s time and space. After only a few breaths, he was torn apart by the dragon claws of the dragon corpse!


Although the Sword Domain only blocked the dragon corpse for a moment, it was enough for Jiang Chen.

When he flipped over his palm, the soul-killing seal was rapidly enlarged in mid-air, moving towards the suppression of the dragon corpse.


The dragon corpse that was submerged by the soul-killing seal suddenly uttered a terrifying roar, and the huge body was constantly struggling with the energy of the soul-killing seal.

Although the energy of the Soul Destruction Seal did not cause any substantial damage to the dragon corpse, Jiang Chen clearly felt that the dragon corpse’s eyes, which originally flashed with monstrous anger and great anger, had gradually become hollow.

Seeing this scene before him, Jiang Chen knew that the Soul Extinguishing Seal had an effect, and his eyes couldn’t help but light up.

He quickly formed an ancient imperial beast seal and penetrated into the body of the dragon corpse.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen felt that the ancient imperial beast seal was hindered by a trace of mysterious soul imprint, and he failed to control the dragon corpse.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, and once again patted the dragon corpse with a soul-killing mark.

After this cycle three times, Jiang Chen finally wiped out the original soul mark in the dragon’s corpse, and then imprinted his own soul mark in the dragon’s corpse by using the ancient imperial beast mark!

“This dragon corpse… doesn’t even move?”

Seeing that Jiang Chen was fighting with the dragon corpse, it directly made the dragon corpse completely quiet, and Xu Tianyang’s eyes couldn’t help showing a look of shock.

“It’s not that it won’t move. Now only if I let it move, it will move.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, beckoned to the dragon corpse, and commanded: “Return!”

As Jiang Chen’s order came down, the huge body of the dragon corpse moved instantly, and he obediently came to Jiang Chen’s side.


Seeing this scene, Xu Tianyang couldn’t help but breathe in his heart, and an unconcealable astonishment appeared in his eyes.

Jiang Chen actually conquered this dragon corpse!

This… how is this possible?

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