Chapter 1379 Emperor Kunxu Palace!

Jiang Chen suddenly exploded with five Realm powers and instantly killed two emperor servants, which also attracted the attention of Kun Xuzong’s many divine fetal realm energy bodies.

Including Xu Hengtian who had been resurrected, he also felt the existence of this breath in an instant.

His figure flashed, and he flew out of the Great Hall of Closed Door Training.

“Just now there was an extremely powerful breath coming from the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace, what is going on?”

Xu Hengtian raised his head to look at the direction of Emperor Kunxu Palace, and couldn’t help but directly ask some energy bodies emerging around him.

“I… I saw Tianyang Elder just now, and it seems to be heading in the direction of Emperor Kunxu Palace.”

An early stage energy body of a divine fetus said tremblingly.

“Xu Tianyang, is he back?”

Xu Hengtian frowned suddenly.

Didn’t the old guy have to go out and see the outside world? How could he come back so soon?

And as soon as this guy came back, he actually ran to the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace!

Didn’t he know that Emperor Kunxu Palace was not a place where they could set foot?

“Yes, it is.”

The divine fetal realm energy body hurriedly said: “Tianyang Elder is back, and he also brought back a human youth, and then went directly to the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace.”

Xuhengtian’s complexion changed suddenly when he heard the words.

Less than a moment after Xu Tianyang left the ancient emperor’s mausoleum, he returned with a human youth, and then went straight to the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace. I am afraid this must be strange.

“Why not report such an important matter to me immediately?”

Xu Hengtian looked cold and indifferent, and a horrible aura burst out all over his body, causing the divine fetal realm energy body to kneel to the ground, trembling all over.

“Hengtian Elder calmed down. I thought that the human youth was the carrier of Tianyang Elder’s capture back to offer my sect power back to life, but I didn’t expect Tianyang Elder to go directly to the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace, and then this breath suddenly exploded. ”

Xu Hengtian took a deep breath, and flashed out in the direction of Emperor Kunxu Palace.

When he came to the gate of the Kunxu Emperor Palace, he could still vaguely feel an aura of destruction in the air that had not yet completely dissipated.

Xu Hengtian’s gaze swept around, and he didn’t find Xu Tianyang at all.

What shocked Xu Hengtian most was.

When he was close to the Kunxu Imperial Palace, the two emperor servants who were responsible for guarding the Imperial Palace had never appeared.

“What happened here just now? Could it be that Xu Tianyang led the human youth into the imperial palace forcibly and failed in a battle with the two emperor servants?”

Xu Hengtian’s eyes flickered slightly, and his expression was extremely gloomy.

He obviously didn’t expect that Xu Tianyang would come back and forcibly enter the Kunxu Imperial Palace with a human youth less than a moment after he went out.

Although he didn’t know what happened to Xu Tianyang, the Kunxu Imperial Palace was the core of their Kunxu Sect.

Even the secret that their Kunxu Zong powerhouse can survive with the energy body situation is hidden in the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace in front of them.

Now that a human youth broke into the Kunxu Palace, it was not a good thing for them.

“Come on, give me a guard at the Kunxu Emperor Palace for twenty-four hours. If something happens to the Kunxu Emperor Palace, report it to me immediately!”

Xu Hengtian’s face was green and instructed.

Kunxu Palace, Xu Hengtian naturally did not dare to rush into it.

Xu Hengtian also has no way of knowing what is going on in the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace now.

He could only send someone to guard the Kunxu Emperor Palace and watch it change.

Stepping into the Kunxu Emperor Palace, Jiang Chen felt as if he had crossed the space and came to an extremely vast Great Hall.

Great Hall has gone through tens of thousands of years. Although it looks dilapidated, it still exudes an unstoppable breath.

Jiang Chen looked at the surrounding situation carefully, then his eyes flickered slightly, and he headed directly towards the central main hall.

Xu Tianyang followed Jiang Chen cautiously, not even daring to make a sound.

Kunxu Palace!

This is the residence of Emperor Kun Xu, the founder of Kun Xu Sect.

Since Xu Tianyang was born in Kunxu Sect, the Kunxu Imperial Palace has always been an awesome Sacred place in his eyes.

Even after tens of thousands of years, Xu Tianyang still has an instinctive awe of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace.

the more important thing is.

As Xu Tianyang, he naturally knew that the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace in front of him was not simple at all.

They rushed into it today, and I’m afraid they would have to stay here forever if they were a little careless.

Walking in the imperial palace of a great emperor, Jiang Chen naturally did not dare to be careless.

Every step he took, he appeared extremely careful.

Even after a lapse of tens of thousands, there are still many killing formations portrayed by Emperor Kunxu in the imperial palace.

However, Jiang Chen has a system in his body. Once he finds a killing array, the system will remind him, so that he can easily avoid these killing arrays.

After wandering around in the imperial palace for two hours, Jiang Chen finally arrived at the Great Hall in the middle of the imperial palace.


At this moment, in the Great Hall in the middle of the front, a large piece of black light covered the sky and the sun was surging towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s complexion suddenly changed, and the bloodline supernatural power destroys the world dragon flames instantly aroused, the golden Baizhang Longyan with the aura of burning everything, instantly burned the black glow of his complexion!


And at the same time Chen defeated Heimang, a terrifying roar suddenly came from the Great Hall.


A huge black shadow exuding a frightening atmosphere also burst out of the Great Hall in an instant.

The black shadow’s body is more than a hundred feet tall, with dragon horns on his head, and his eyes like two black holes with a diameter of several meters. The whole body is covered with a layer of black scales, shining with weird black awns.


This is a real dragon with pure blood of the dragon!

It’s just that this real dragon is not a living creature, but a dragon corpse. Even after a lapse of tens of thousands of years, this dragon corpse still survives for thousands of years, not corrupting Immortal, and guarding it for generations!

“Be careful, master, this is the horned horned dragon once mounted by Kunxu Great Emperor. It was revered as the Dragon Emperor in Kunxu Sect. At its peak, it used to be comparable to the existence of a powerful emperor.”

Seeing this huge dragon corpse in front of him, Xu Tianyang’s expression could not help but change drastically, and he said with horror on his face.

Xu Tianyang, as Elder of Kunxu Sect, naturally knows the situation of Kunxu Sect very well.

When he looked at this dragon corpse, he thought of the origin of this guy almost instantly.

Although this dragon emperor has fallen for tens of thousands of years, his body is still exceptionally strong, more powerful than the realm emperor.

Even if it is a dragon corpse, it can’t be handled by ordinary divine birth realm emperors.

“Didn’t you say that in that battle, Emperor Kunxu and Kunxuzong’s imperial realm powerhouses were completely destroyed, and there was no chance to transform energy bodies. How could this dragon corpse still appear in the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace? ?”

Jiang Chen looked at the dragon corpse in front of him, his complexion also turned not so good in an instant.

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