Chapter 1378 Ancient Kunxu Sect Ruins!

Kunxu Zong is located at the main peak of the Kunxu Mountain Range in the center of the ancient imperial mausoleum.

In the ancient imperial mausoleum, where the range of perception was greatly compressed, it was naturally not an easy task for Jiang Chen to find the Kunxuzong ruins on his own.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Chen chose to conquer Xu Tianyang outside the ancient emperor’s mausoleum.

Now that Xu Tianyang, an Elder-level figure of the ancient Kun Xuzong, leads the way, things are undoubtedly much easier.

Less than half a day after entering the ancient imperial mausoleum, Jiang Chen was led by Xu Tianyang to the Kunxu Mountain Range.

From a distance, Jiang Chen saw a Tongtian mountain peak.

The mountain peak is like a huge pillar, extremely steep, towering into the sky.

After entering the Kunxu Mountain Range, in order to reduce unnecessary trouble, Jiang Chen pretended to be captured by Xu Tianyang, and Xu Tianyang took him towards the Kunxu Sect site.

The resurrection of these energy bodies of Kun Xuzong must rely on the human body as the carrier.

During this period of time, the Resurrection Practitioner often captured some humans and returned to Kunxu Sect.


Although Jiang Chen and the others also encountered a lot of energy bodies in the Divine Fetal Stage along the way, they all greeted Xu Tianyang respectfully, and didn’t even bother Jiang Chen who was captured by Xu Tianyang.

Not long after, the two climbed to the main peak of Kunxu Mountain Range.

The main peak of the Kunxu Mountain Range is relatively flat, about the size of a thousand miles. The magnificent buildings on the mountain have been broken by several people, giving people a vicissitudes of life.

“Master, this is the Kunxu Sect site, where are we going next?”

Xu Tianyang didn’t know what Jiang Chen wanted to do when he came to Kun Xuzong Site, so he asked in a low voice.

Jiang Chen looked carefully at the Kunxuzong ruins for a while.

After a while.

Jiang Chen’s gaze was directly locked on a broken palace in the center of Kun Xuzong.

Although this Great Hall looks extremely dilapidated on the surface, it is still very conspicuous among the numerous buildings of Kunxu Zong.


After Jiang Chen’s rough observation, the formation core of the Yuanling Samsara array should be hidden in that Great Hall.

“Take me to the Great Hall in the middle.”

Jiang Chen did not hesitate, and directly ordered Xu Tianyang.


Xu Tianyang’s expression suddenly changed when he heard Jiang Chen’s words.

“Master, you can’t go to that place!”

“The central Great Hall is the former imperial palace of our Kunxu Sect Leader Sect Leader Kunxu, and it is a forbidden place that no one can approach to Kunxu Sect.”

“After the collapse of Kun Xu Sect, the two emperor servants at the peak of the Ninth Stage of Emperor Kun Xu also transformed into energy bodies. They guarded the gates of the imperial palace. Even if the energy bodies of Kun Xu Sect dared to approach them, Relentlessly stop killing.”

Although he and Jiang Chen are not weak in strength, they are not afraid of the two emperor servants in front of the imperial palace.

But once fighting with those two emperor servants, it is bound to alarm the entire Kun Xuzong energy body.

At that time, I am afraid that they will really be hard to fly.

Jiang Chen snorted faintly: “I’ll let you take me there, you can just take me there, where is so much nonsense!”

The Yuanling Samsara array of the ancient emperor’s mausoleum was arranged by the Kunxu Great Emperor of Kunxuzong in all likelihood.

Since this central Great Hall is the imperial palace of Emperor Kunxu, Jiang Chen is now almost certain that the core of the formation of the Yuanling Samsara formation is in this palace.

He wants to crack the Yuanling Samsara array and it is imperative to enter the central Great Hall. .

Regarding the two goddess Ninth Stage’s Di Pu, Jiang Chen didn’t care at all.

With his current strength, as long as Xu Tianyang takes him over, he will directly stack his five Realm powers, and even the emperor at the peak of the Ninth Stage of the divine fetus can instantly kill unexpectedly!

Although Xu Tianyang didn’t want to approach the imperial palace at all in his heart, his life and death were completely controlled by Jiang Chen at this moment, and he could only bite his head and leash Jiang Chen towards the central Great Hall.

In a short while, Xu Tianyang took Jiang Chen to the Great Hall in the center of Kunxu Sect.

“Xu Tianyang, what do you want to do?”

“Within a kilometer from the Kunxu Emperor Palace, no one is allowed to approach. As the Elder of the Kunxu Sect, you should be very clear about this.”

“Don’t go back quickly, if you dare to take a step forward, then don’t blame the two of me for being rude to you!”

At this moment, two energy bodies exuding fierce sword power also emerged out of thin air at the gate of Kunxu Emperor’s Palace.

The two of them looked at Xu Tianyang who appeared in front of the imperial palace, with icy chills in their eyes.

Xu Tianyang looked at the two emperor servants who appeared at the gate of the imperial palace, his mind tightened slightly.


Before Xu Tianyang could speak, Jiang Chen’s figure burst out at the two emperor servants.

Dacheng Sword Domain!

Dacheng Raido Realm!

Dacheng Fengdao Realm!

Xiaocheng Fire Road Realm!

Xiaocheng Time Realm!

In just the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen’s five Realm powers were superimposed together instantly, covering all the space in front of the imperial palace with a radius of one hundred meters!

Immediately afterwards.

The five-color storm formed by the fusion of the five Realm powers also swept out against the two emperor servants in an instant.

“Xu Tianyang, you…you dare to lead people to the Kunxu Imperial Palace!”

Jiang Chen’s vain shot also made the expressions of the two emperor servants instantly frightened.

Feeling the horror of Jiang Chen’s strike, where did the two dare to neglect the slightest, they quickly urged the energy in the body to resist the five-color storm that swept across.


Jiang Chen has combined three kinds of realm, two kinds of small realm, how can the two of them be able to resist in a haste?

In just a few breaths, the five-color storm shattered the defensive energy of the two.

I saw two emperor servants, also under the impact of the five-color storm, instantly turning to ashes.


The two emperor servants at the top of the Ninth Stage are gone?

Xu Tianyang looked at the shocking scene in front of him, and couldn’t help taking a breath in his heart.

To know.

The two emperor servants at the entrance of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace are the peak emperors of the Ninth Stage, a divine child whose strength is equal to him.

Such two powerhouses at the top of the Ninth Stage were killed by Jiang Chen’s easy move!

Although Xu Tianyang fought Jiang Chen outside the ancient emperor’s mausoleum, he had already felt Jiang Chen’s terrifying combat power.

But he never expected that the strength that Jiang Chen showed at the beginning was far from the limit he could reach.

One person masters five Realm powers, and each Realm is not weak.

The five Realm powers are superimposed, and the powerhouse at the peak of Ninth Stage can’t stop it at all.

With a move of his palm, Jiang Chen put the two emperor servant’s essence essences into his bag, and then glanced at Xu Tianyang lightly: “What are you going to do in a daze? If you don’t want to die, please follow me into the imperial palace as soon as possible.”

After that, Jiang Chen didn’t bother about Xu Tianyang, and entered the gate of the imperial palace in a flash.

Xu Tianyang also knew that the power that Jiang Chen had just exploded had already attracted the attention of Kun Xuzong’s energy bodies.

He took a deep breath, and finally had to gritted his teeth and quickly swept towards the gate of the imperial palace.

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