Chapter 1377 Re-enter the ancient emperor’s mausoleum!

“Boy, die for me!”

Xu Tianyang rose up into the sky with a breath of gazing at the world, and directly stepped on Jiang Chen in the air.


There was a loud noise in the air, and the thousand-meter void instantly shattered.


I saw the red light surging on the soles of Xu Tianyang’s feet, directly turning into huge feet, like a god descending into the world, stepping down from the top of Jiang Chen’s head with the aura of crushing everything.

“call out!”

And just as the soles of Xu Tianyang’s feet fell.

A Sword Ray burst into the sky like a volcanic eruption, and crashed into the soles of Xu Tianyang’s feet.


The sound of the earth-shattering explosion resounded all over the world.

I saw the huge foot of Xu Tianyang, which was instantly cut to pieces by Sword Qi.


Xu Tianyang screamed, his figure retreated violently, and the red blood instantly filled the void.

Jiang Chen stood proudly and said indifferently, “I said, if you want to survive, you will honestly take me to the ancient Kunxu Sect site.”

“Boy, I didn’t expect you to comprehend the Dacheng Sword Domain. The emperor was only careless just now. You should not be arrogant in front of the emperor!”

Xu Tianyang’s voice fell, and a flame Realm with a burning weather also instantly enveloped a space of six hundred meters in radius.

Dacheng Fire Road Realm!

This Xu Tianyang is obviously also a pinnacle emperor who has realized the realm!

“Boy, you are not the only one who can comprehend Martial Dao Realm in this world!”

Xu Tianyang smiled coldly, and the burning flames in the space instantly turned into a hundred-meter fire dragon, with a trembling breath of burning weather, coming towards Jiang Chen to suppress.

“What about Realm? It’s just a fearless struggle.”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and Dacheng Sword Domain and Dacheng Lei Dao Realm instantly superimposed, and then turned into an open sky giant sword that flashed into the sky.


The fire dragon and the giant sword collided in the void, like two ancient gods fighting each other. The atmosphere that shook the sky and the earth made the surrounding world tremble!


The stalemate between the two did not last long. The fire dragon was directly smashed by the Open Sky Great Sword, and even the realm, the condensed virtual sky sun, collapsed into nothingness in the air.


Xu Tianyang’s whole body was struck by lightning, and a blood spurted out from his mouth, and he flew upside down in mid-air with a distance of hundreds of feet in embarrassment.

“Dacheng Sword Domain and Dacheng Raydao Realm, you…you actually understand the two types of Dacheng Realm?”

Xu Tianyang stabilized his figure in embarrassment, and there was an unprecedented shock in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen.

The boy in front of him is only in his twenties. Not only has the Cultivation Base reached the Eighth Stage, he has also mastered two realm powers.

The existence of such evildoers, even in their time, was unique.

“Your strength is good, and it will not be inferior to that Xuhengtian. Like you, the essence of the Ninth Stage peak, I am very interested. Since you are not willing to surrender, then put your body Hand over the essence of the soul.”

Jiang Chen looked at Xu Tianyang faintly, and there was also an impatient look in his eyes.

Xu Tianyang heard Jiang Chen’s words, and he thought of something in an instant, and his expression suddenly changed: “You are the Ninth Stage powerhouse who killed me in Kun Xuzong, and forced Xu Hengtian to escape back embarrassingly. ?”

Xu Tianyang had just successfully resurrected in the last few days, and he couldn’t wait to come out and see the outside world after he was resurrected.

When Xu Tianyang came out, Xu Hengtian had warned him that he had better not go out.

Xu Tianyang relied on his strength and did not take Xu Hengtian’s words into his heart.

But at this moment, Xu Tianyang felt a little regretful.

He never expected that as soon as he left the area where the ancient Kunxu Sect was located, he would encounter such a current evildoer.

With this strength, coupled with the two Realm powers of the third stage, even if he was at his peak tens of thousands of years ago, he may not be able to stop him, let alone this resurrection body now?

Just as Xu Tianyang was frightened and furious, an unusually terrifying force in the surrounding void suddenly swayed between the heavens and the earth.

Seeing that Jiang Chen was about to make another move, Xu Tianyang’s heart suddenly burst into death.

He quickly shouted to Jiang Chen with a look of horror: “Wait…I surrender, I am willing to take you to the site of Kunxuzong.”

Since the ancient Kun Xuzong collapsed, Xu Tianyang has been imprisoned in the ancient imperial mausoleum for tens of thousands of years in the form of an energy body.

Now that Xu Tianyang finally resurrected, freed from the shackles of the ancient imperial mausoleum, before he had time to take a good look at the outside world, he didn’t want to fall into Jiang Chen’s hands like this.

Seeing that Xu Tianyang had surrendered, Jiang Chen didn’t talk nonsense. He drew a strange seal in the void with his hands, and then directly penetrated into Xu Tianyang’s body.

Ancient Royal Beast Art!

In Jiang Chen’s eyes, these resurrected bodies of the ancient Kunxu Sect were actually equivalent to upgraded Demonic Beasts.

The essence of the soul in their bodies is similar to the Monster core of Demonic Beasts.

As long as he was able to control the essence of Xu Tianyang by the Ancient Royal Beast Art, Xu Tianyang would never want to make waves in front of him.

Feeling Jiang Chen’s prohibition on his soul essence, Xu Tianyang’s expression could not help but change slightly.

But under the eaves of human eyes, I had to bow my head.

Although Xu Tianyang was unwilling, he could only give his life to Jiang Chen’s control.

After controlling the Xu Tianyang, Jiang Chen did not talk nonsense, and directly asked: “You ancient Kun Xuzong, how many divine birth realm powerhouses have resurrected? The ancient Kun Xuzong ruins, there are quasi emperors and imperial realm energy bodies. ?”

“not a lot.”

“Last time, Xu Hengtian, at the instigation of the Blood Demon Hall, brought out almost all the resurrection powerhouses, but most of them fell outside.”

“Tens of thousands of years ago, the Kunxu Sect destroyed the gate. The emperor realm was located in the central area of ​​the battle. Almost all the gods were destroyed in an instant, and there was no opportunity to transform into an energy body. At least I have never been in Kunxu Sect. I have seen the imperial realm energy body.”

“As for the quasi-emperor strong, there are a few who have transformed into energy bodies. However, it is more troublesome for the quasi-emperor energy bodies to resurrect. Those few have been planning to resurrect for hundreds of years, and have been in a state of sleep, and have not yet completed it. Come back to life and wake up.”

The essence of Xu Tian Yang Yuan Ling was controlled by Jiang Chen, so he naturally didn’t dare to conceal the slightest bit of information. He explained the situation of the ancient Kun Xu Sect one by one.

When Jiang Chen heard the words, he was also slightly relieved.

Without the imperial realm energy body, the quasi-emperor energy body has not yet awakened in the resurrection state.

In this way, it is much easier for him to go to the ancient Kunxuzong ruins to crack the Yuanling Samsara formation.

After learning about the situation of Kun Xuzong, Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate anymore, and directly walked into the ancient imperial mausoleum with Xu Tianyang.

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