Chapter 1376 Show me the way, forgive you for not dying!

“The formation of the gods, the Samsara formation, is finally triggered!”

Hearing the system prompt in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

As long as the Hundred Times Comprehension is triggered, it is only a matter of time for Jiang Chen to insight into this magical formation Yuanling Samsara array.

“Ding! You watch the formation of Samsara, and trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You comprehend the essence of the formation of the Samsara Formation!”

“Ding! You watch the formation of Samsara, and trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You comprehend the essence of the formation of the Samsara Formation!”


very quickly.

Jiang Chen had already discovered that the Insight speed of this Yuanling Samsara formation seemed to be a bit more difficult than the Insight Shenwu Jietian formation at the Burial Emperor Yuan last time.

Although he can still comprehend one part of the essence of formation every time he has an Insight. However, the time required for Insight once is twice that of Insight Shenwu Jietian Formation.

Back then, Jiang Chen spent a full twelve days in the Emperor Buried Insight Shenwu Jietian Formation.

This also meant that it would take him at least twenty days to get out of the Samsara Array Insight.


As long as this Samsara Array Insight can be released to solve the trouble of the ancient imperial mausoleum, it will not be a problem at all in a mere twenty days.

In order to prevent external factors from affecting his Insight Yuanling Samsara formation, Jiang Chen directly planted a hidden breath formation in the surrounding space, completely concealing his breath.

Even the pinnacle emperor of the Ninth Stage of the divine fetus, as long as he is not close to the range within a kilometer, it should be difficult to detect his existence.

After arranging the hidden formation, Jiang Chen sat cross-legged in the sky above the ancient imperial mausoleum, constantly insight into the Samsara formation in front of the soul.

One day, two days, three days…


Half a month passed in a flash.

Jiang Chen’s Insight for the Yuanling Samsara array is almost two-thirds.

During this period, Jiang Chen also vaguely sensed a few tyrannical auras, and stepped out of the ancient imperial mausoleum.

However, there was Xia Yunqiong who guarded the Land of Desolation. Jiang Chen ignored this, and remained motionless in the void to insight into the Yuanling Samsara formation.

Five more days passed.

There was finally a pleasant reminder in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You have successfully comprehended the formation, the Samsara formation!”

After comprehending the Yuanling Samsara formation, Jiang Chen finally had a deeper understanding of the formation of the ancient imperial mausoleum.

This ancient imperial mausoleum, just as Jiang Chen had expected, was a special space formed entirely by the formation of Yuan Ling Samsara.

All those who fall into the Samsara Formation of the Primal Spirit will condense the essence of the Primordial Spirit and transform into a special energy body that only survives in the Samsara Formation of the Primal Spirit.


After being transformed into an energy body, the lower-level energy bodies below the Divine Emblem will lose all consciousness and abilities.

Only the energy bodies above the Divine Emblem can preserve the consciousness in front of them and the Martial Dao power they have mastered.

Some powerful divine fetal realm energy bodies can even save complete memories…

After understanding the situation of Yuanling Samsara formation, Jiang Chen also vaguely had some guesses.

The formation of this ancient emperor’s mausoleum, in all likelihood, was secretly set up by the great emperor of the ancient Kunxuzong.

The ancient Kunxu Sect, the Kunxu Great Emperor, should know that Kunxu Sect will face an inevitable catastrophe, so this Yuanling Samsara array was arranged in advance, in order to let the ancient Kunxu Sect use another kind Way to reappear in the world!

“The formation core of the Yuanling Samsara formation is located inside the Yuanling Samsara formation. It seems that if you want to crack the Samsara formation, you have to go to the ancient imperial mausoleum!”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and immediately stood up and slowly stepped down from the sky.

The primordial essence of the Divine Fetal Realm of the ancient emperor’s mausoleum is Jiang Chen’s superb divine object capable of ascension strength, coming faster than any spiritual pill.

Jiang Chen originally planned to take some time to once again enter the ancient imperial mausoleum to hunt down a batch of essence of the soul, and in one fell swoop to bring the Cultivation Base Ascension to the peak of the Ninth Stage, and even seek the opportunity to break through and return to the market.

Since breaking the Yuanling Samsara formation is also going to enter the ancient imperial mausoleum, Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate at all, and went straight towards the ancient imperial mausoleum.

Because he had mastered the complete Yuanling Samsara formation, although Jiang Chen could not break the formation outside, he could find the weakness of the formation and directly enter the ancient imperial mausoleum without waiting for the opening of the ancient imperial mausoleum every month.


Just as Jiang Chen descended from the void and was about to enter the ancient emperor’s tomb, there was a wave of energy fluctuations in the ancient emperor’s tomb in vain.

The next moment…

I saw a majestic middle-aged man in a red robe, also violently looting from the ancient emperor’s tomb.

at the same time.

A shocking laugh is also slowly resounding between the sky and the earth.

“Haha…how many years, I finally got rid of the shackles of this world and see the sun outside again!”


Just when Xu Tianyang’s laughter fell, a faint voice suddenly came from his ears.

“You got rid of the shackles of the Yuanling Samsara formation. Unfortunately, you didn’t have much luck. When you came out, you met me. It seems that you can only see the outside world.”


The sudden sound also surprised that Xu Tianyang.

He suddenly looked up and saw a black-clothed young man slowly stepping into the air from above the ancient emperor’s mausoleum.

Xu Tianyang immediately sneered with a disdainful look: “Hey… a little boy who dares to speak up in front of the emperor. Since you took the initiative to send you to the door to find death, the emperor will send you to The Underworld to report.”

Xu Tianyang’s sorrowful laughter fell, and immediately raised his hand to be a terrifying energy, which condensed into a huge flame palm in the void, and slammed it towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, and he squeezed out a sword finger, easily defeating Xu Tianyang’s giant flame palm.

Standing with his hands in his hands, he looked down on Xu Tianyang condescendingly, and said lightly: “I want to enter the ancient emperor’s mausoleum, and I just lack a guide. Give you a chance, surrender to me, and then take me into the ancient Kunxu Sect site. I forgive you for not dying!”

The formation core of the Yuanling Samsara array is located at the ancient Kunxuzong site.

Jiang Chen entered the ancient emperor’s mausoleum alone, and it was not easy to find the relics of Kun Xuzong.

The Xu Tianyang in front of him is extremely strong, and his position in the ancient Kun Xuzong is not low. If this guy leads the way, it would save him a lot of trouble.

“Hmph! What are you, what qualifications do you have to make the emperor surrender to you?”

Xu Tianyang screamed in anger, and the powerful aura of the peak of the goddess Ninth Stage also burst out of him in an instant…

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