Chapter 1375 Yuan Ling Samsara array!

Looking at the essence of the essence in front of him, Jiang Chen did not hesitate, and began to swallow the essence of the essence of Ascension.

“Ding! You swallow the essence of the eighth rank and seventh rank fire attribute, and gain Cultivation Base experience 14700000*100!”

“Ding! You swallow the 8th-Rank 7th-Rank Elemental Spirit Essence, Fire Dao Realm experience 14700000*100!”

“Ding! Your Fire Realm reached Xiaocheng Realm!”

The eight-rank high-rank Yuan Ling essence provided Jiang Chen with an extremely terrifying experience.

The Cultivation Base experience provided by an 8-Rank 7-Rank Yuan Ling Essence is almost as good as two cups of the 9-Rank Haotian Divine Brew on the Starry Sky Ancient Road!

More than a dozen yuan spirit essence group, almost equivalent to dozens of cups of nine-grade Haotian Divine Brew.


Even if Jiang Chen’s current upgrade experience is extremely huge, Cultivation Base is still growing at a terrifying speed.

Divine Tire Sixth Stage middle stage, Divine Fetus Sixth Stage late stage, Divine Fetus Seventh Stage……

After Jiang Chen swallowed more than a dozen yuan spirit essences, his Cultivation Base directly reached the peak of the Eighth Stage of the divine fetus, only one step away from the Ninth Stage of the divine fetus.

Among them, four of the essence of the wind attribute, let Jiang Chen’s wind channel Realm step into the realm.

The five essences of the soul of thunder have made Jiang Chen’s Thunder Realm also reach the achieved Realm.

So far.

Of the five Realms that Jiang Chen has mastered, three of them are great, and the remaining two are small. It can be said that they have reached an extremely terrifying point.

At this moment.

Jiang Chen didn’t even know the extent of his combat power.

But there is one thing that Jiang Chen can be sure that as long as he doesn’t meet a quasi-emperor-level powerhouse, he has the confidence to fight any divine birth realm peak emperor on the Shenwu Continent!

After swallowing the Essence Essence Ascension and Cultivation Base.

Jiang Chen, who had nothing to do, did not end his cultivation, but took out the seal of the emperor and continued to insight into the seals of the second seal of the gods.

The Emperor’s Seal is a sacred weapon of the Xuanling mainland human race.

During this period of time, Jiang Chen also found out that the human emperor’s seal also had a great effect on the secret techniques inherited from the blood spirit race in the Blood Demon Hall.


Jiang Chen next planned to spend more time to master the remaining two seals of the Emperor’s Seal.

At that time, the Shen Wu Jitian formation dissipated, and if he used the Human Emperor Seal to deal with the Nine You King Li Jiuyou, perhaps it should have an unexpected effect.

“Ding! Your Insight, a master of martial arts, will trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! Your comprehension of the First Seal of the Human Emperor Seal, Ascension One 300,000th!”

“Ding! Your Insight, a master of martial arts, will trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! Your comprehension of the First Seal of the Human Emperor Seal, Ascension One 300,000th!”


At the time of Jiang Chen’s Closed Door Training Insight, the Eight Great Hidden Sacred Land spent a few days in Silence City.

Five days later.

Xia Yunqiong finally sent someone to find Jiang Chen and asked him to go to the hall for discussion.

When Jiang Chen came to the hall, Xia Yunqiong and other eight hidden powers had already gathered here.

When they felt the aura of Jiang Chen that was stronger than that of a few days ago, they couldn’t help but shudder in their hearts.

It seems that Jiang Chen has gained a lot of strength in the past few days after getting a lot of essence of the soul.

“Dian Master Jiang, although the upgraded resurgents of the ancient Kunxu Sect have been repelled by us, the danger of the ancient imperial mausoleum has not been eliminated. We are discussing this matter. What is your opinion?”

Seeing Jiang Chen coming, Xia Yunqiong asked politely.

“This matter must be resolved as soon as possible.”

“The ancient Kunxu Sect was the Great Emperor Sect tens of thousands of years ago, and there are countless strong people. If I expected it well, I am afraid that there is a quasi-emperor in the ancient emperor’s tomb.”

“Once these energy bodies regenerate, the consequences may be unimaginable.”

Jiang Chen said directly without even thinking about it.

“We all understand this truth, but we now have no good solution except passively guarding the land of silence.”

Xia Yunqiong smiled bitterly: “Can we still enter the ancient emperor’s mausoleum?”

To know.

In the ancient imperial mausoleum, those energy bodies of Kun Xuzong can exert extremely powerful combat power.

Once the quasi-emperor and even the energy body of the imperial realm were encountered in the ancient imperial mausoleum, their eight hidden Sacred Lands would be completely wiped out.

“If I’m right, the ancient imperial mausoleum should be a special area formed by mysterious formation.”

“If you want to solve the troubles of the ancient imperial mausoleum once and for all, the best way is to crack the formation and let the ancient imperial mausoleum completely disappear from the Shenwu Continent.”

Jiang Chen groaned slightly: “Let’s do this, you still stay in the land of silence and stop the resurgents who want to come out of the ancient imperial mausoleum. I will go to the ancient imperial mausoleum alone to see if I can find a way to crack it.”

“Well, if you have any needs, you can just ask them.”

Xia Yunqiong nodded, then thought for a while and said, “We also have an 8-Rank Peak Former in Haotian Sacred Land. Do we need to call him?”

Their eight hidden worlds, Sacred Land, have no better way now. Since Jiang Chen is willing to give it a try, Xia Yunqiong naturally supports it unconditionally.

“No, I’m afraid it will take a lot of time for me to go here, just keep the place of dying.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

According to Jiang Chen’s estimation, the formation of the ancient imperial mausoleum is probably at least the formation of the gods of the same level as the Shenwu Jietian formation.

Not to mention the formation of the 8th-Rank peak, even the 9th-Rank formation master, I am afraid they can’t do anything about the formation of the ancient emperor’s mausoleum.

Only Jiang Chen can use the power of the system to forcefully reveal the formation Insight of the ancient imperial mausoleum.

After turning over and discussing.

Jiang Chen left Silence City alone and headed straight for the ancient emperor’s mausoleum.

after all.

The matter of the ancient imperial mausoleum, the more it was delayed, the more disadvantaged it was for Shenwu Continent.

Now that the ancient Kun Xuzong’s energy body is accelerating its resurrection, no one knows when a quasi-emperor-level powerhouse will emerge.

Even if Jiang Chen is currently unparalleled in combat strength, facing a quasi-emperor powerhouse who has mastered a trace of the emperor realm law, he is not sure that he can handle it.

All the way to the outside of the ancient imperial tomb, because it is not the time to open the ancient imperial tomb every month, outsiders like them cannot enter the ancient imperial tomb for the time being.

Jiang Chen could only wander around the ancient imperial tombs, trying to see if he could insight into the formation of the ancient imperial tombs.


After Jiang Chen wandered around, he still didn’t get any results.

Jiang Chen groaned for a moment, and finally flashed over a thousand feet above the ancient imperial mausoleum, overlooking the ancient imperial mausoleum below, and brought the huge ancient imperial mausoleum into his own line of sight.

At this moment, a familiar system prompt finally resounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You watch the formation of Samsara, and trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You comprehend the essence of the formation of the Samsara Formation!”

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