Chapter 1374 Hunting all the way, a bumper harvest!

“Do not!”

With a look of despair and horror on his face, the thin man quickly exploded the energy in Xiaochengfengdao Realm and his body with all his strength, trying to block Jiang Chen’s terrible blow!


In front of Jiang Chen’s fusion of Xiaocheng Time Realm and Dacheng Sword Domain’s power, all the obstacles of the skinny man were devastated and destroyed.


Thousands of Sword Qi instantly penetrated the skinny man’s body, leaving dense blood-colored holes in him.

After a while.

I saw the skinny man burst open in mid-air with a bang.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and slammed the place where the thin man’s body had burst. The third essence of the Ninth Stage of the womb was once again taken into the bag by Jiang Chen.

“Dianzhu Jiang, thank you for your help.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen was another trick to kill the thin man, the Empress of Moon Moon couldn’t help but said with gratitude.

When she was speaking, there was an unconcealable shock in her eyes.

At the beginning, because of Meng Qingxue’s affairs, Jiang Chen slammed into Cangyue Sacred Land alone, defeating the Cangyue Holy Lord with her own strength, and forced her to appear in the Cangyue Sacred Land too Elder.

Although Jiang Chen was already powerful at the time, Cangyue Holy Lord was confident to suppress Jiang Chen.

At that time, she allowed Jiang Chen to take Meng Qingxue to leave Cangyue Sacred Land, but she was afraid of the Silent City behind it.

And now.

Jiang Chen has already left her far behind.

Even the thin man who was able to completely suppress her before was beheaded by Jiang Chen with an understatement.

The Queen of Moonlight never thought of it anyway.

Jiang Chen was able to grow to such a terrifying point on a trip to the ancient starry sky.

this moment.

The Queen of Moonlight was also thankful for her original decision.

Fortunately, she chose to let Jiang Chen and the others leave Sacred Land. Otherwise, if Jiang Chen could not be resolved, they would probably suffer the disaster of Cangyue Sacred Land.

“Everyone is fighting for the Shenwu Continent, you don’t have to be polite.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and immediately continued to look around the battlefield.

The battle of more than a dozen divine womb Ninth Stage realm emperors can be said to be earth-shattering, making the space of a hundred miles trembling.

Especially where Xia Yunqiong and Xu Hengtian fought, the energy storm seemed extremely terrifying.

The strength of these two people is at the pinnacle of the womb, and their understanding of Martial Dao Realm has also reached Dao Realm, and their combat power is extremely strong.

Even with Jiang Chen’s current combat power, it is not easy to defeat these two people.

“It seems that the peak emperor of Shenwu Continent is much stronger than I thought.”

Looking at Xia Yunqiong, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but feel a little bitter in his heart.

Xia Yunqiong, this Haotian Sacred Land is too Elder, and only ranked 13th in the Supreme Emperor’s List.

Even the thirteenth ranked Xia Yunqiong has such a combat power, what kind of horror will the strength of the top ten supreme emperor be?

Jiang Chen even had some doubts that among the top ten old monsters on the Supreme Emperor’s List, it is not necessarily that they have not yet reached the supreme powerhouse of Realm!

Although the Shenwu Continent has no plane origin now, the peak emperor of the Divine Fetal Realm cannot induce the emperor, and then through the emperor to cast the emperor body, condense the emperor’s soul, and become a true imperial realm powerhouse.


Some talented and enchanting divine birth peak emperors, after Realm’s power reached the Consummation Realm, they were still able to break the limit and comprehend a trace of legal power.

Those who are able to master the laws of the emperor realm before entering the emperor realm are known as the quasi-emperors!

Shaking his head, Jiang Chen threw his happy thoughts away and rushed towards a battle violently in front of the left.


Seeing another strong man from the Divine Fetal Stage fell into Jiang Chen’s hands, the expression of the Xuhengtian who was fighting against Xia Yunqiong was hard to see the extreme.

He forced Xia Yunqiong back with one move and directly issued the order to retreat.

Xia Yunqiong was equal to him in strength, and he couldn’t defeat it at all for a while.

But Sacred Land of the Eight Hermits is an evildoer like Jiang Chen. Killing them is as simple as cutting melons and vegetables.

In less than a moment, three Ninth Stage powerhouses fell into his hands.

If this continues, I’m afraid they will really be wiped out today.

Xia Yunqiong was frightened in his heart, and directly forced Xia Yunqiong back with a palm.

The other ancient Kunxusong powerhouses also got rid of the opponents in front of them, and then quickly retreated towards the land of silence.

“Want to go? Now that I’m here, leave the essence of the essence in my body to me.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, his figure also accelerated in vain, and the five-color light beam formed by the superposition of five Realm powers crashed down directly at the nearest ancient Kun Xuzong strong.


The ancient Kun Xuzong expert hadn’t reacted at all, and the whole person had been bombarded by the five-color beam of light into scum.

After taking the essence of the ancient Kun Xuzong strong man into the bag, Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate in his figure, and directly pursued and killed the next one.

The essence of the essence of these ancient Kunxu sect powerhouses, in Jiang Chen’s eyes, was like the fat on his lips, how could he just let these guys leave like this?


When Xia Yunqiong saw this, he also gave an order, leading the powerhouse of the eight hidden world Sacred Land into the land of silence.

In today’s battle, the ancient Kun Xuzong was killed by Jiang Chen with four powerful Ninth Stage wombs, which was a serious injury. Now is their best chance to destroy this group of guys, and Xia Yunqiong will naturally not be polite.

After Jiang Chen and the Eight Great Hidden Worlds Sacred Land chased them all the way, the ancient Kunxu Sect quickly fell into their hands.

In the end, almost only Xu Hengtian was left with two ancient Kun Xuzong powerhouses, and fled back to the ancient emperor’s mausoleum in embarrassment!

From the time Jiang Chen descended on the land of silence, in just half a day, these ancient Kunxusong powerhouses who had stalemate with the Eight Great Hidden Sacred Land for several months were completely resolved.

After Xuhengtian fled back to the ancient emperor’s mausoleum in an embarrassing manner, the eight hidden worlds Sacred Land also eliminated the ancient Kun Xuzong powerhouse in the Land of Destruction!

At the invitation of Xia Yunqiong, Jiang Chen stayed in Silence City temporarily.


Jiang Chen’s demonstrated strength has already received Xia Yunqiong’s attention, and Xia Yunqiong also intends to invite Jiang Chen to discuss the next thing.

After staying in Silence City, Jiang Chen began to count his harvest.

This battle was undoubtedly a bumper harvest for Jiang Chen.

Before and after, Jiang Chen received a total of fifteen yuan spirit essences, each of which was of extremely high grade. Among them, the essence of the god fetus Ninth Stage reached six!

Seeing more than a dozen yuan spirit essences in front of him, a rare smile appeared on Jiang Chen’s face.

With these more than ten high-grade essence essences, he must be able to ascension his strength to a new level again!

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