Chapter 1373 Killing the Godborn Ninth Stage Emperor!

Looking at the two god-tier Ninth Stage realm emperors who had jointly attacked, Jiang Chen’s expression seemed indifferent!

He just stood with his hands in his hands, standing still on the spot.

Until the two figures appeared at a distance of less than a hundred feet away from him, Jiang Chen’s figure suddenly disappeared in place without warning.

“not good!”

The face of the middle-aged man on the left changed drastically.

Before he could react, a burst of Sword Ray slashed through the Baizhang void behind him, slashing straight at it.

The middle-aged man didn’t have time to dodge, he directly urged the energy in his body, and patted the broken Sword Ray with his backhand.


Sword Ray easily smashed the middle-aged man’s huge palm, and the aftermath of Sword Qi wasted by the middle-aged man and flew dozens of feet away.

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and with a wave of the Meteorite Sword in his hand, a flame-condensed Sword Qi directly penetrated the void, and appeared in front of the middle-aged man in the blink of an eye.

The middle-aged man suddenly lost his soul, and quickly condensed the energy of his whole body, forming a thick energy cover all over his body.


The flame Sword Qi slashed on the energy shield of the middle-aged man, and smashed the energy shield completely in just an instant.


The middle-aged man screamed, and the whole person was burned into nothingness by the terrifying power of the flame Sword Qi.

After Sword Domain reached Dacheng Realm, Jiang Chen’s kendo attainments became more arbitrary.

As long as he is in a six-hundred-square-meter space around him, he can fuse the power of the Sword Domain with a single blow.

This kind of power, even the ordinary goddess Ninth Stage realm emperor, is simply hard to stop!

A sword killed the middle-aged man. Jiang Chen looked at the essence of the essence that was falling down, and with a slight move in his palm, he instantly collected the essence of the essence of the emperor of the Ninth Stage realm.

“Next, it’s your turn.”

After receiving the essence of the Yuan Ling, Jiang Chen grinned at the remaining man in black, and once again disappeared in place without warning.

Seeing that Jiang Chen’s figure disappeared again, the man in black was already extremely frightened.


Without the slightest hesitation, he turned around and fled hurriedly towards the land of silence.

Kill the godborn Ninth Stage with one sword!

The strength of this kid in front of him is too terrifying, it is not something he can handle at all.


Just as the black-clothed man had just escaped less than a hundred feet away, a cold voice suddenly rang in his ears.

“Want to escape? It’s a pity… the prey I’m watching Jiang Chen can’t escape.”

As this cold voice fell, the surrounding time seemed to have stopped in an instant, and the figure of the man in black who had fled in panic was also instantly frozen in the void.

And at the moment when the figure of the man in black freezes.

A blue sword Sword Ray slammed from the top of the black-clothed man’s head, and instantly strangled the black-clothed man’s body to shreds.

at the same time.

Jiang Chen’s figure also appeared in the place where the black-clothed man dissipated, and he stretched out his hand and pocketed the second essence of the soul.

Only in an instant.

The two Ninth Stage realm emperors who were arranged by Xu Hengtian to kill Jiang Chen have already been killed by Jiang Chen!

“Ok… so strong!”

Seeing this scene, Haotian Holy Lord and others couldn’t help taking a breath.

This kid is really heaven-defying, and this growth rate is too terrifying!

A few months ago, the ancient starry sky road opened.

Although Jiang Chen overpowered Xia Yuanhao at the Tianjiao event, showing an incomparable strength and talent, his combat power was far worse than that of the Ninth Stage Realm Emperor.

But no one thought of it.

In less than a few months, Jiang Chen would grow to such a terrifying level after returning from Star City.

Although they already knew that Jiang Chen suppressed the Blood Demon Hall and killed the Ninth Stage Realm Emperor of the Blood Demon Hall in Mainland China, they still didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be so heaven-defying!

In just a few breaths, two Ninth Stage realm emperors were killed.

Killing the goddess Ninth Stage realm emperor is like slaughtering a dog!

This scene is really shocking.

Today’s Jiang Chen, I am afraid that he is already standing at the top of Shenwu Continent.

“Haha…Xu Hengtian, it seems that your ancient Kunxu Sect will be defeated in this battle.”

Seeing Jiang Chen beheading two divine fetuses Ninth Stage realm emperor one after another, Haotian Sacred Land is too high, Elder Xia Yunqiong couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

For a long time, the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land and the ancient Kunxu Sect have always been at a disadvantage.

Even in that battle not long ago, they lost a divine birth Ninth Stage Realm Emperor, and finally had to choose a compromise.

And now Jiang Chen turned out to be born, and instantly killed the enemy’s two divine births, Ninth Stage realm emperor!

This time.

Perhaps they have the ability to completely suppress these ancient Kunxu Sect guys!

“Xia Yunqiong, you don’t want to be proud, the emperor will suppress you today!”

Xu Hengtian roared, and a more majestic energy suddenly surged out of his body, moving towards Xia Yunqiong’s suppression.

“Dianzhu Jiang, please help me!”

Just when Jiang Chen collected the essence of the soul, a voice asking for help suddenly came from Jiang Chen’s ear.

Jiang Chen looked at the voice, and found that it was Cang Yue Sacred Land Madam Elder Empress who was asking for help.

Although the Moon Empress is also the Ninth Stage Realm Emperor, it is obviously the weakest existence among the divine birth Ninth Stage Realm Emperors of the Eight Hidden Worlds of Sacred Land.

The Kun Xuzong powerhouse who was fighting against her was obviously much stronger.

The Queen of Moonlight was already in a panic and danger under the attack of a strong Kun Xuzong.

If not for Cang Yue Sacred Land has an extremely powerful defensive emperor martial arts, I am afraid she would have been severely injured by the Kunxu Sect expert!

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, and with a flash of figure, he rushed towards the place where the Empress of Moonlight was fighting.

“Damn it!”

The skinny man who fought with the Empress of Fantasy Moon saw Jiang Chen killing him, his complexion changed slightly.

He quickly gave up his plan to continue attacking the Empress of Fantasy Moon, the sky full of energy palmprints instantly enveloped the Baizhang Void, directly surging towards him.

Jiang Chen swept out with a sword, and the sky full of palm prints were instantly shattered, and a domineering Sword Qi slammed out of the Meteorite Sword, blasting the thin man a hundred meters away!

After personally confronting Jiang Chen, the thin man finally felt Jiang Chen’s terrifying strength.

Just as he was shocked in his heart, Jiang Chen’s figure burst into him again.

“Do not!”

At this moment, the thin man only felt that his whole person was covered by a shadow of Death, and he turned around and left in a panic.

And at this moment.

A fiery red Sword Domain suddenly descended from the top of the thin man’s head, covering the six hundred meters of space around the thin man.

Before the thin man could react, Sword Qi had already gathered towards him from all directions…

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