Chapter 1372 The war broke out!


The golden soles slammed on Xu Ming’s head.

How could Jiang Chen’s imaginary cry, which had already been hit hard by Jiang Chen, stop Jiang’s shocking kick?

I saw that his whole body was shattered by Jiang Chen’s foot, and then turned into a cloud of blood, scattered down in the air.

And at the place where Xu Ming’s body collapsed, a strange crystal the size of a fist also appeared in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

“Huh… it turned out to be the essence of the soul?”

Jiang Chen was startled slightly, and immediately stretched out his hand to put the essence of the essence into the bag, and a look of ecstasy appeared in his eyes.

He obviously did not expect that these resurrected ancient Kunxu sect powerhouses also have the essence of the essence in their bodies!

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

It seems that this essence of the soul is the core of these ancient Kunxuzong powerhouses preserved in the ancient imperial mausoleum.

Their so-called borrowing to regenerate is also through the secret method, implanting the essence of the soul into the body of a person, and it is no longer a human being in essence.


These resurrected persons still possess the essence of the soul, which is undoubtedly great news for Jiang Chen.

Originally Jiang Chen thought.

These resurrected people should have no essence of the soul, and killing them would be a waste.

Therefore, Jiang Chen is still considering conquering the ancient Kun Xuzong’s power to cope with the great calamity that Shenwu Continent will face next.

Now it seems that this is completely unnecessary.

These ancient Kun Xuzong guys are extremely weird and extremely powerful, and it is undoubtedly very troublesome to conquer.

Since these guys have the essence of the soul, instead of conquering these guys, it is better to kill the essence of the soul directly. Ascension own strength is simple and rude.

“Boy, you dare to kill my Emperor Kun Xuzong and die for me!”

Just as Jiang Chen received the essence of the soul that burst out of Xuming’s body, a voice containing monstrous anger swept across the sky and the earth.


A giant black palm covering the sky and the earth, like a huge sky swallowing behemoth, came crashing toward Jiang Chen to suppress it.

The brilliance in Jiang Chen’s eyes rose sharply, and his huge fists rushed up into the air, like the sky in the sky, and slammed into the black giant palm from the suppression.


A terrifying explosion of energy instantly shattered the void in a radius of one thousand meters.

Under the impact of that terrifying energy, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but stepped on the ground and stepped back again and again in the void.

I saw the light on his Baizhangjin body became dimmer, and finally collapsed completely.

At the same time that Jiang Chen’s immortal golden body collapsed.

In the sky thousands of feet away in front of him, more than a dozen figures slowly emerged from the void space, and the monstrous aura instantly swept the world.

Looking at the more than ten figures that appeared in the void, Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly condensed!

In front of these ten figures, the breath of each of them is extremely powerful, almost reaching the Ninth Stage, far surpassing the Holy Lord of the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land.

Eleven fetuses Ninth Stage realm emperor!

The ancient Kunxu Sect is worthy of the Great Emperor Sect tens of thousands of years ago, and his strength is truly terrifying in the world.

Fortunately, the ancient Kunxu Sect’s powerhouse did not fully resurrect, otherwise, with the current strength of Shenwu Continent, it would be really difficult to stop it.

“Boy, you kill my Emperor Kun Xuzong, today I will kill you!”

The first burly man stared at Jiang Chen coldly, and directly approached Jiang Chen with a murderous expression on his face.

“Huh! Xu Hengtian, your ancient Kun Xuzong first sent people to negotiate, but now you openly take action during the negotiation. Are you really thinking of us as the eight hidden world Sacred Land so bullying?”

At this moment, Void suddenly heard a faint snort. The powerful figure of Nine Dao appeared from Jiang Chen’s side in an instant.

The first white-haired old man moved his body and directly blocked the burly man on the opposite side.

The Ninth Daoist shadow that appeared suddenly was also the Ninth Stage Realm Emperor.

There is also a figure that Jiang Chen makes Jiang Chen more familiar with. It is the Supreme Elder Empress of Cang Yue Sacred Land.


The nine powerhouses in front of them should be the gods of the eight hidden worlds, Sacred Land, Ninth Stage, too high Elder.

“Xia Yunqiong, your eight hidden worlds, Sacred Land, took the lead to kill me, Emperor Kun Xuzong, so you are ashamed to say that we will do it first?”

“Since you are going to fight, I, Kun Xuzong, will accompany you.”

“Today, I want all of you to bury our emperor!”

The burly man shouted angrily, then waved his hand: “Kill me!”


Following Xu Hengtian’s order, the ten Divine Embryo Realm powerhouses behind him almost all exploded at the same time, aggressively rushing towards Jiang Chen and the others.

Xia Yunqiong and others are also unwilling to show weakness, and the battle between the two sides is about to start.

“You two, go and kill that kid for me!”

Xu Hengtian greeted Xia Yunqiong and the others with eight people, and sternly shouted at the remaining two.

The two gods Ninth Stage realm emperor heard the words and rushed directly towards Jiang Chen.

“It’s no wonder that the eight hidden worlds Sacred Land has no energy at all to suppress the Blood Demon Hall. It seems that they are a little reluctant to hold these guys out of the ancient emperor’s mausoleum here.”

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shook his head secretly.

In the ancient emperor’s mausoleum, there are a total of eleven divine births, Ninth Stage realm emperors. And the eight hidden worlds Sacred Land, plus the one who fell, there are only ten people in total.

If he hadn’t appeared, if the Eight Great Hidden World Sacred Land fought with these guys, it might not be able to stop it.


The powerhouse of the ancient Kunxu Sect is far more than this.

If it is delayed for a long time, there will be more and more powerful people in the resurrection of the ancient Kunxuzong.

It seems that they can really solve the matter of the ancient imperial mausoleum quickly.

“Holy Lord of Haotian, Jiang Chen can deal with two god-tier fetuses alone. I am afraid it is not easy. Leave it to us here, and you can help him!”

Heaven asked the Holy Lord to see the battle on the other side, and could not help but hurriedly said to Haotian Holy Lord.

The Vast Sky Holy Lord has the Cultivation Base at the peak of the Eighth Stage of the Divine Fetus. Among their eight Holy Lords, only the Vast Sky Holy Lord can barely contain a Kunxu Sect powerhouse of the Divine Fetus Ninth Stage.


Before the Haotian Holy Lord could speak, a faint chuckle sounded from their ears.

“Don’t worry about me, you take care of yourself. There are just two divine births, Ninth Stage Realm Emperor, it’s not worth mentioning to me.”

The resurrection powerhouses of the ancient Kunxu Sect were even weaker than the human powerhouses of the Realm.

As for the two Ninth Stage guys in front of the divine fetus, their strengths were not too strong, and they were far inferior to the blood emperor in the Blood Demon Hall.

In the eyes of Jiang Chen.

This kind of merchandise is just a prey to give him the essence of the soul.

“Die me!”

Just when Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, the two divine births Ninth Stage Realm Emperors, almost at the same time, rushed to Jiang Chen with monstrous energy from left to right.

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