Chapter 1371 There is no one in the world who I dare not kill!


Jiang Chen urges the imperial Martial Skill to immortalize the golden body, which stands proudly in the world like a giant pillar.

“Drive me!”

Jiang Chen screamed, and the fist with golden light, like a huge golden meteorite, with a terrifying bloodline power, a fist exploded toward the suppressed silver space.


The golden fist fell on the silver space, and suddenly there was a loud bang.

In an instant…

The clouds in the void are annihilated, and the space is shattered, as if the end is coming.

I saw that the silver space from Emperor Kun Xu Xuming’s suppression was almost shattered by Jiang Chen’s punch!

Immortal golden body!

This imperial Martial Skill from God’s Domain is extremely powerful and overbearing!

With Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base at the peak of the middle stage of the Eighth Stage, coupled with the bloodline power of the indestructible golden body and the true dragon body, even the ordinary divine child Ninth Stage Practitioner can hardly stop him from punching.

Although the emperor of the ancient Kun Xuzong in front of him was very strong, he was still far worse than Jiang Chen.

“How can this be!”

Seeing that own Kun Xujie was broken by Jiang Chen with a fist, Xu Ming’s face also showed a touch of incredible astonishment.

To know.

In the age of Kun Xuzong, the genius of Shenwu Continent was like a cloud, and Martial Dao was extremely prosperous.

But even at that time, Xu Ming was able to rely on this trick to arrogantly respect the young talents of his peers in Kunxu Realm, and become one of the few invaluable geniuses in Shenwu Continent.

But now, the Martial Dao of Shenwu Continent has withered, and even the strongest of the Emperor Realm of Returning to the Ruins are extinct!

In such a situation, how could the Shenwu Continent be born with a punch to crush the heaven-defying evildoer of Kunxu Realm?

“Haha… the ancient emperor Kunxuzong, it seems that it is nothing more than that!”

A fist smashed the Xuming Kun Xu realm, Jiang Chen laughed dryly, and the Baizhang golden body rushed to Xuming like God of War.

He pulled the mountain out, and golden fists fell from his huge fist, smashing the space of Xuming’s body around a hundred meters into nothingness.


The space was shattered, and the figure of Emperor Kun Xu Xuming was like a kite with a broken line, falling hundreds of feet in the void.

Everyone looked up.

I saw Xu Ming’s entire chest burst open, dripping with blood, and even the beating heart appeared clearly in the sight of everyone.

This scene immediately caused Haotian Holy Lord and others to take a breath.

Just a punch!

This ancient Kun Xuzong disciple, who was comparable in combat power to the Ninth Stage emperor, was almost beaten!

“Damn it, if it wasn’t for this emperor’s son to resurrect with a secret method, and lose the blood of the emperor and the bloodline supernatural powers, how could any of this guy be arrogant!”

Xu Ming was frightened in his heart.

Tens of thousands of years ago.

Kunxu Sect Leader, Kunxu the Great, had a foreboding of Kunxu’s catastrophe in advance, so he arranged the ancient gods formation to form a special area.

After the collapse of Kunxuzong.

All the Kun Xuzong disciples who fell in the formation have survived in the form of an energy body.

Especially those who are above the Divine Embryo Stage not only retain their consciousness and memories of their lives, but they even have a secret method that can be reborn in another way.

After a long period of tens of thousands of years, the ancient Kunxu Sect has gradually resurrected some strong men.

Especially not long ago, a few powerful people in the Blood Demon Hall came to the door, wanting to join forces with Xuming and them to dominate the Shenwu Continent.

Xu Ming naturally hit it off, and agreed to cooperate with the Blood Demon Temple.

With the help of several Blood Demon hall powerhouses, the ancient Kun Xuzong gave birth to a large number of resurrected in a short period of time.

These resurgents, although they have the Martial Skill and power in front of them, after all, they are upgraded resurrected bodies that are reborn with the help of secret methods, and they still lose powerful powers such as the blood of the great emperor.

To know.

Xu Ming, the son of Emperor Kun Xu Zong, was the son of Emperor Kun Xu, possessing the purest blood of the great emperor, and the power of his blood was extremely powerful.

Now that there is no bloodline power, and Xuming’s combat power is at least 30% weaker than the peak state, how can it compete with Jiang Chen?

“The emperor!”

Seeing that Xuming was hit hard by Jiang Chen, the countenances of the ancient Kun Xuzong’s strong men changed drastically, and they quickly shot at the same time, without any hesitation, they moved towards Jiang Chen to besiege!

“Stop them!”

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Holy Lord of Haotian, and immediately erupted at the same time as the Holy Lord of the Eight Hidden Sacred Lands, cutting off all the experts of the ancient Kunxu Sect.

And when the Haotian Holy Lord and others were fighting with those ancient Kunxuzong powerhouses.

Jiang Chen looked down at Xu Ming condescendingly, and said lightly: “Finally, I will give you a chance to lead you guys like the ancient Kun Xuzong to surrender to me. I will spare you not to die!”

“Humph! What are you, wanting this emperor to surrender to you is just a dream!”

Xu Ming smiled coldly and looked extremely disdainful.

Their ancient Kunxu Sect is the Great Emperor Sect. At their peak, they had more than one strong emperor, no fewer than ten strong quasi-emperors, and hundreds of emperors in the divine birth realm!

As the ancient emperor of Kunxuzong, how could he succumb like Jiang Chen?

Even if it is lost today, it is a big deal to return to the ancient imperial mausoleum and wait for some time.

As long as their ancient Kun Xuzong’s strength is fully restored, it will be easy to dominate the current Shenwu Continent.

“Since you don’t want to surrender, let me die.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and the golden body of Baizhang directly stepped into the sky, and the huge golden soles directly brought a force of smashing the void, and stepped toward Xuming’s head fiercely.

“Boy, you… Stop it!”

Seeing Jiang Chen stepping towards him without hesitation, Xu Ming finally passed a panic expression in his eyes.

He suddenly shouted at Jiang Chen with a look of anger: “I am the emperor of the ancient Kunxu Sect. If you dare to kill me, you will not let go of my Kunxuzong quasi-emperor powerhouse and the emperor realm powerhouse when I resurrect. yours.”

“The ancient Emperor Kunxuzong, is it amazing? Under this world, there is no one whom Jiang Chen dared not kill!”

Jiang Chen’s indifferent voice fell, ignoring the threat of Xu Ming. The huge golden soles stomped directly through Baizhang Void, and appeared above Xu Ming’s head in the blink of an eye.

“No! Pro Elder, save… save me!”

Xu Ming looked at the golden soles that were rapidly enlarged in his eyes, and suddenly only felt a shadow of Death filled his heart, and finally couldn’t help but screamed out in horror.

And just as the screams of Xuming sounded, an angry shout containing the breath of the weather suddenly came out from the land of silence.

“Boy, stop this emperor!”

“If you dare to hurt my emperor Kun Xuzong’s hair, this emperor will definitely break your corpse into ten thousand pieces!”

Jiang Chen had no expression on his face, he didn’t pay attention to the angry shout at all, and he stomped down on Xu Ming’s head.

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