Chapter 1370 Don’t accept it, then hit you!

“Jiang… Jiang Chen?”

Seeing the black-clothed youth who suddenly appeared, Haotian Holy Lord and others were also taken aback.

They obviously didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen, the number one arrogant of the emperor of Tianjiao, would suddenly come to the land of nirvana.

“Huh! Where’s the hairy boy, what a big tone!”

The silver-haired young man looked at Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared, and couldn’t help but smile coldly: “Even the eighth Sacred Land can’t help my ancient Kunxu Sect. What are you doing and want me to surrender to the ancient Kunxu Sect?”

“Jiang Chen, why did you come to the Land of Silence, what’s the situation in the mainland of Zhongzhou now?”

Haotian Holy Lord was stunned for a moment, but quickly recovered and asked quickly.

“I heard that you were frustrated in the battle with the fellows of the ancient emperor’s tombs, so come here and have a look.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Don’t worry, Zhongzhou mainland is no problem. All the blood emperors in the Blood Demon Hall, and the six major branch halls that came out, have been suppressed by me!”

What? Has the Blood Demon Hall been suppressed by Jiang Chen?

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the Holy Lord of the Eighth Sacred Land couldn’t help taking a breath.

It is said that the Blood Demon Hall came out this time, but several blood emperors were reborn.

These blood emperors are undoubtedly not the powerhouses of the Ninth Stage realm.

Even their eighth largest Sacred Land can only be dealt with by the Supreme Elder of Ninth Stage!

And now.

Jiang Chen relied on his own power to suppress the Blood Demon Hall!

This… how is this possible?

The hearts of Haotian Holy Lord and others were shocked, and their faces were full of unbelievable expressions. But they were also very clear that it should be impossible for Jiang Chen to deceive them by speaking out on this matter.

If this is true, doesn’t it mean that Jiang Chen already has the terrifying power to kill the emperor Ninth Stage?

Although the Holy Lord of the Eight Hidden Worlds Sacred Land had already seen Jiang Chen’s wicked talent at the beginning of the Tianjiao event.

But they still did not expect that Jiang Chen could grow to such a level after the Starry Sky City ahead!

“Haha… I really don’t want to lose my Zhongzhou mainland.”

“Xu Ming, I’m afraid you would never have thought that the Blood Demon Hall has been suppressed.”

“It seems that there is nothing to talk about between us. As long as my eight hidden worlds, Sacred Land, are here, you will never want to take a half step out of this place!”

Haotian Holy Lord laughed boldly and dryly.

Since the Blood Demon Hall has been suppressed by Jiang Chen, their eight hidden Sacred Lands have no worries about them, and there is no need to negotiate.

Now they can not only fight with the upgraded resurgents of the ancient emperor’s mausoleum with all their strength, but also have the pinnacle of Jiang Chen who can kill the goddess Ninth Stage emperor, so why compromise?

“This is impossible!”

“Blood Demon Hall has several divine births, Ninth Stage, the blood emperor, and all the powerhouses of your eight hidden Sacred Land are guarded in the Land of Annihilation. It is impossible for the Central State Continent to suppress the Blood Demon Hall!”

The silver-haired young man sneered with disdain: “Do you think that arranging this kid to bluff can scare the emperor?”

“I don’t have the heart to scare you here.”

Jiang Chen curled his lips and said lightly: “I’m giving you a chance. If your ancient emperor mausoleum is willing to surrender, I can consider forgiving you not to die!”

These upgraded bodies of the ancient imperial mausoleum can fight against the eight hidden Sacred Lands of the Shenwu Continent without falling into the wind. They are extremely powerful.

If possible, Jiang Chen also wants to try to subdue these guys.

If you can control this power, it will definitely be a great help to deal with the Shenwu Continent disaster in the future!

“Don’t be ashamed!”

The silver-haired young man stared at Jiang Chen sternly: “The emperor wants to see, what do you have to make our ancient Kunxu Sect surrender to you!”

“If you don’t accept it, then I will fight until you are willing to accept it!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and the soles of his feet slammed into the void, and a monstrous fist was directly on his fist, and he slammed it directly at the head of the silver-haired young man.

“court death!”

The silver-haired young man snorted coldly, his complexion sank, and then he also blasted out a sharp punch.


A shocking explosion resounded across the world, and the terrifying force trembled the space of a thousand meters in radius.

“Ding Ding Ding!”

Under this strike, Jiang Chen stood still, but the silver-haired youth retreated dozens of steps in the void.

He forced down the turbulent qi and blood inside his body, and a look of irritation flashed across his eyes.


An extremely terrifying breath also spread over the silver-haired youth in an instant.

The silver-haired young man was named Xu Ming, he was the emperor of Kun Xuzong, the true direct descendant of the great emperor!

Even in the era of genius like clouds tens of thousands of years ago, the silver-haired youth was also the arrogant pride of the proud peers!

Now it was just a face-to-face encounter, but was repelled by a boy like Jiang Chen, how could he not be angry in his heart?

“Boy Jiang Chen, this silver-haired young man is the emperor of the ancient Kunxu Sect, with a terrifying combat power that is not inferior to the emperor of the Ninth Stage realm!”

At this moment, Haotian Holy Lord could not help but remind Jiang Chen quickly.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly and said with a disdainful face: “What emperor, in my eyes it is nothing more than an ant.”

“Good! Good! Good!”

“I have to say, you successfully angered the emperor!”

“The emperor will kill you personally today to vent my hatred!”

The silver-haired youth was furious, and his expression instantly turned gloomy.

I saw his whole body surging with energy, turning into an endless silver divine light, which was extremely radiant and filled a thousand feet of void.


As this silver divine light filled the sky, the surrounding void was rapidly annihilated at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Those silver divine light annihilated the void, in a trance, unexpectedly condensed and reorganized, and evolved into a separate space, coming towards Jiang Chen’s suppression!

“Kun Xujie, give me the town!”

Looking at the mysterious space from the suppression, Jiang Chen couldn’t help narrowing his eyes.

This silver-haired young man is indeed the emperor of the ancient Kun Xuzong. He really has a bit of strength, and he turned out to be such a powerful Martial Skill.

With Jiang Chen’s current eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see the extraordinary ability of the silver-haired youth.

This is an imperial Martial Skill that contains the laws of the emperor, and it contains the laws of space, and its power is probably not inferior to his time and space Sword Domain.

“Boy, this Kunxu Realm is the strongest Secret Technique of my ancient Kunxu Sect. Back then, I didn’t know how many geniuses of the same generation were suppressed by my Kunxu Realm. You can be proud of being able to die under this trick. ”

The silver-haired young man looked down at Jiang Chen condescendingly, his face could not help but sneered.

“Ha ha……”

“It’s just an imperial Martial Skill that contains the laws of space, just want to suppress me by this?”

“I want to break your so-called Kunxu Realm, but it’s just a punch!”

Jiang Chen chuckled disdainfully, and a bright golden glow suddenly burst out of his body.

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