Chapter 1369 Either surrender or die!

A place of silence.

Ever since Ye Chengjun joined the Palace of Human Emperor with the forces of Nirvana City, the Land of Nirvana has fallen into chaos.

Countless forces in the land of nirvana all want to enter the city of nirvana and become the new master of the land of nirvana.

at this time.

The strong man in the ancient imperial mausoleum was born suddenly, taking control of the Land of Annihilation with the momentum of thunder, and has a tendency to expand rapidly.

After receiving the news, Sacred Land, the Eight Hermits, quickly sent strong men to suppress it.


The strong man born in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum is beyond the imagination of the eight Sacred Lands.

Even if the world’s eight Sacred Land powerhouses are exhausted, they have no ability to suppress these powerhouses. In the end, they can only guard the entrance of the Land of Annihilation and confront the powerhouses who were born in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum.

This time.

There will be some confrontations from time to time between the two sides, but everyone seems to have scruples about each other, and there has never been a fierce battle!


Just two days ago, the ancient imperial mausoleum launched a fierce attack on the eight largest Sacred Land, and an unprecedented tragic battle broke out between the two sides.

Although the Sacred Land of the Eight Hermits killed a lot of the powerhouses of the Divine Embryo and repelled the attacks of the ancient imperial mausoleum, it also paid a lot of money.

This battle.

There are more than ten emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm sacrificed in the Eight Hidden Worlds of Sacred Land, including a strong man of the Divine Embryo Ninth Stage Realm!

After this battle, both sides have a tacit understanding of truce here.

The ancient imperial mausoleum sent messengers to negotiate with the eight hidden world Sacred Land.

The ancient imperial tombs are powerful, and the eight hidden worlds, Sacred Land, are obviously not far away from the ancient imperial tombs.

not to mention.

Now that the Blood Demon Hall of Shenwu Continent is raging, the situation is extremely severe, and the Eight Great Hidden Saints are not here to stand in a stalemate with the ancient emperor’s mausoleum.

After deliberation, the eight hidden world Sacred Land decided to negotiate with the ancient imperial mausoleum.

Entrance to the Land of Annihilation, above a thousand feet of void.

More than a dozen imposing figures stand in the air, clearly divided into two camps.

One of them is the eight hidden world Sacred Land Holy Lord headed by the Haotian Holy Lord.

Opposite them, there are a dozen mysterious strong men wearing simple silver robes.

The leader is a silver-haired young man with extraordinary bearing.

He seems to be only 20 or 30 years old, but the aura on his body has reached the level of the seventh stage of the divine fetus, no less inferior to some of the Holy Lords in the Eight Hidden Worlds Sacred Land!

“Holy Lord of Haotian, although your eighth Sacred Land is strong, our ancient Kunxu Sect is also not weak.”

“If you and me continue, it will only hurt both sides. I am afraid it will not be good for anyone.”

“As long as you promise this emperor one condition, Ancient Kun Xuzhong is also happy to make peace with you!”

The silver-haired youth looked at Haotian Holy Lord and couldn’t help but smile faintly.

Haotian Holy Lord stared closely at the silver-haired youth opposite, and couldn’t help taking a deep breath: “Xu Ming, tell me about your conditions.”

The silver-haired youth said indifferently: “The conditions are very simple. Our Kunxu Sect occupies half of the Shenwu Continent, and we will coexist with you!”

“Huh! I think you are just wishful thinking!”

“The ancient Kunxu Sect was destroyed tens of thousands of years ago. Now you are just a group of people who are not like humans, and ghosts are not like ghosts!”

“As long as my eighth Sacred Land is here, you don’t want to take a step into the martial arts!”

When the eighth Sacred Land Holy Lord heard the silver-haired young man’s words, he was immediately furious.

The Haotian Holy Lord also said with a gloomy expression: “Your appetite is too big, right? If this Holy Lord disagrees.”

“Disagree, then let’s continue.”

“Now the Shenwu Continent is ravaged by the Blood Demon Hall. If your eight hidden world Sacred Land is constrained here, the Shenwu Continent will also be occupied by the Blood Demon Hall!”

The silver-haired young man smiled confidently and said: “The emperor wants to see, who are we to kill who is the first!”

As the silver-haired youth said this, the expressions of Haotian Holy Lord and others became extremely difficult to look at.

This time.

The Blood Demon Hall teamed up with these guys in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum, and undoubtedly caught them by surprise.

Now the top ten blood emperors of the Blood Demon Hall have been resurrected digitally, and their eight hidden Sacred Lands are completely constrained by the ancient imperial mausoleums.

Although they still don’t know what is going on in the mainland of Central China, they can imagine how grim the situation will be.

Without the action of Sacred Land, the eight hidden worlds of them, no one in Zhongzhou Continent could stop the resurrected blood emperors in the Blood Demon Hall.

“Your conditions are too much.”

Haotian Holy Lord said in a deep voice: “Let you leave the land of silence and find a place to live in the Shenwu Continent. This is my biggest bottom line!”

The upgraded resurgents of the ancient Kunxu Sect are too weird. Once they appear in the Shenwu Continent, they will have endless troubles.

to be honest.

If it weren’t for the severe situation in the Central State Continent, Haotian Holy Lord would never let these upgraded resurrected one step into the Shenwu Continent.

And now.

Haotian Holy Lord had to choose a compromise, intending to stabilize these upgraded resurrectors first, and then make plans after the matters of the Blood Demon Hall were resolved.

“Since Haotian Holy Lord is so insincere, I don’t think there is any need to continue the negotiation.”

The silver-haired young man smiled coldly: “When the Blood Demon Hall sweeps through the Central State Continent, my ancient Kunxu Sect will be able to divide the world equally with the Blood Demon Hall. How can this emperor take it in his eyes if there is a small habitat?”

Hearing the words of the silver-haired youth, Haotian Holy Lord’s complexion became more and more difficult to look.

The current situation is undoubtedly very unfavorable for their eight hidden world Sacred Land.

The silver-haired youth wants to dominate half of the Central State Continent, so it is impossible for Sacred Land to agree to such a condition.

But once they rejected the conditions of the silver-haired youth, they would have to continue to stand in a stalemate with these upgraded resurrectors, and they would not have time to take care of the Blood Demon Hall on the Central State Continent.

Once the Blood Demon Hall has become a climate, it will attack the upgraded resurgents of the ancient imperial mausoleum on both sides.

By the time.

Even their eight hidden worlds, Sacred Land, may not be able to stop them.

Just when the Haotian Holy Lord and the others were in a dilemma, not knowing how to choose Gang, a chuckle of disdain, but abruptly resounded in the air.

“Hehe… that’s ridiculous!”

“A group of guys who have been dead for tens of thousands of years are just alien creatures reborn with the help of secret methods, and they are also delusional to dominate the Shenwu Continent!”

“You only have two paths now, either surrender or die. Choose for yourself.”

The disdainful chuckle suddenly heard from the void, and everyone present was slightly startled.


They all looked at somewhere in the void in unison.

Immediately afterwards.

There was a sudden violent spatial fluctuation in the void, and a thin young man in black clothes also slowly walked out of the void of space!

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