Chapter 1368 News of the Land of Destruction!

The Hall of Blood Demon was suppressed!

The human emperor Jiang Chen was born. In less than half a month, he even cut several blood emperors in the Blood Demon Hall and smoothed the six branches of the Blood Demon Hall!

As soon as the news came out, the entire Zhongzhou mainland was shaken by it.

No one could think that Jiang Chen really did it.

And it took only half a month to destroy all the six branches of the Blood Demon Hall!

At this moment, countless Practitioners in Central China are celebrating.

All the forces in the Central State, including the five holy cities, have begun to take action to clean up the remnants of the remnants of the Blood Demon Hall.


The Hall of Blood Demon, which had swept across the entire Zhongzhou Continent with thunder, was completely suppressed.

When many forces in the Zhongzhou Continent suppressed the remaining Blood Demon Palace forces, Jiang Chen directly took tens of thousands of Practitioners towards the Human Palace.

These tens of thousands of Practitioners are all Practitioners without any influence background.

They are all willing to continue to follow Jiang Chen and join the Palace of Human Emperor.

Regarding this, Jiang Chen did not refuse.

Although the Blood Demon Hall has been easily suppressed by him, the troubles of Shenwu Continent are far more than the Blood Demon Hall.

It is undoubtedly a good thing to be able to gather these forces and increase the strength of the Human Emperor Palace.

Bringing tens of thousands of Practitioner Practitioners all the way back to the Palace of Human Emperors, Jiang Chen handed these people to the Elder of the Palace of Human Emperors to settle down.

And after Jiang Chen returned to the Palace of Human Emperor.

The entire northern coastal area of ​​the Central State mainland has become more lively than ever before.

After this battle, the name of the Emperor Jiang Chen shocked the world, and the Palace of the Emperor also had a great reputation in the Zhongzhou mainland, even far surpassing the five holy cities in Zhongzhou.

Countless forces in the Central State Continent are scrambling to come to the Palace of the People to pay homage to Jiang Chen.

There are even many two-star and three-star forces who decided to move to the northern coastal areas, and since then they have respected the Palace of Humans.


The northern coastal area, which was originally the most desolate and desolate in the Central State Continent, has also become prosperous.

With the addition of many two-star and three-star forces, the northern coastal areas, both in terms of strength and prosperity, are even worse than the areas where the five holy cities of Zhongzhou are located.


Regarding these things, Jiang Chen ignored them.

After returning to the Palace of Human Emperor, Jiang Chen handed everything over to Ye Chengjun and the others.

But Jiang Chen only slightly paid attention to the layout of the Human Emperor Palace and the Northern Wilderness Transmission Array, and then put most of his thoughts on cultivation.

Although with Jiang Chen’s current combat power, he is fully capable of fighting against the top Divine Embryo Realm emperor in the Zhongzhou Continent, but Jiang Chen does not dare to slacken his efforts!

after all.

The ten-thousand-year period is coming. The power of the Shenwu Jietian Formation in the Burial Emperor Abyss may dissipate at any time.

By the time.

The channel between the Shenwu Continent and the Xuanling Continent is opened, and Li Jiuyou, the Nine You King of the Blood Spirit Clan, will also be born!

Once these things happen, they are far from what Jiang Chen can handle now.

The only thing Jiang Chen can do now is to seize the time, Ascension strength, and strive for an early breakthrough to the market!

After completely controlling the Xuanming Pagoda, Jiang Chen was also on the fifth floor of the Xuanming Pagoda, and obtained the secret of the so-called breakthrough imperial realm left by the Holy Lord of Xuanming.


This so-called breakthrough imperial realm mystery is of no use to these practitioners in Shenwu Continent today!

Because breakthrough the imperial realm, it needs to rely on the power of the origin of the Shenwu Continent!

The origin of the plane contains the origin law of this square of heaven and earth.

In the Shenwu Continent, after reaching a certain level, the peak emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm could establish contact with the origin of the plane, and then trigger the Tribulation of Heaven and Earth.

This Heaven and Earth Tribulation is also called the Emperor Tribulation by the Practitioner of Shenwu Continent!

Once the peak emperor of the Divine Fetal Realm has passed the emperor’s calamity, whether it is the physique, bloodline, soul, or the power of Martial Dao, it will be extremely sublimated and reach a brand-new Realm.

This Realm is called the Guixu Realm, and it is also called the Emperor Realm powerhouse in Shenwu Continent!

Now that the original power of Shenwu Continent is intercepted by the Shenwu Intercepting Array, the Practitioner of Shenwu Continent cannot sense the existence of the original force at all, let alone trigger the disaster of heaven and earth.

It is precisely because of this.

Since the battle of Wannian, the Shenwu Continent has never been born an emperor realm powerhouse!


Jiang Chen is different from the Practitioner of Shenwu Continent.

He has a system in his body, so he won’t be subject to any restrictions on breakthrough Realm.

As long as he has enough experience, Jiang Chen has the confidence to become the only imperial realm powerhouse in the Shenwu Continent before the Shenwu Jitian formation dissipates!

It’s just that with the enhancement of Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base, he now needs experience points for every Ascension Realm to a very terrifying point.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen had obtained the Xuanming Pagoda in the remains of the quasi-emperor, and took all the cultivation resources of a quasi-emperor into his bag.

Especially in the Xuanming Pagoda, there is also a regenerable Yuanling vein, which can greatly speed up Jiang Chen’s acquisition of Cultivation Base experience!

“Ding! You absorb a piece of Spirit Stones cultivation and gain 800*10*100 experience!”

“Ding! You absorb a piece of Spirit Stones cultivation and gain 800*10*100 experience!”

“Ding! You absorb a piece of Spirit Stones cultivation and gain 800*10*100 experience!”



Jiang Chen’s state of using the resources in his hand to cultivate wildly did not last long.

On the tenth day Jiang Chen returned to the Palace of Human Emperor, a news from the City of Silence came suddenly.

Eight hidden worlds Sacred Land fought a great battle with the strong men of the ancient imperial mausoleum. Among them, a divine birth, Ninth Stage emperor fell, and the situation was extremely severe.

After Jiang Chen got the news, he definitely went to the Land of Annihilation to help the eight hidden worlds Sacred Land.

The danger of the ancient imperial mausoleum to the Shenwu Continent is ten times more dangerous than the Blood Demon Hall!

Once the eight hidden world Sacred Land retreats, the consequences will be unimaginable.

not to mention……

To break through to the market realm, not only must he reach the pinnacle of the Divine Embryo Realm in the Cultivation Base, but the Realm power must also reach the Consummation Realm.

Now Jiang Chen’s strongest Sword Domain has just reached Dacheng Realm, and there is still a long way to go before Realm.

And the Divine Embryo Realm Energy Body in the ancient imperial mausoleum can not only increase the Cultivation Base, but also the power of the Ascension Realm, which is undoubtedly a huge attraction for Jiang Chen!

If possible, Jiang Chen also wants to find an opportunity to enter the ancient imperial mausoleum again to see if he can hunt down some high-rank divine fetal realm energy bodies!

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, even the energy body of the ordinary divine fetus Ninth Stage can be easily hunted!

If he can get enough Divine Embryo Realm energy body, whether it is Cultivation Base or Realm Realm’s Ascension speed, he will definitely be much faster than in the Human Palace Closed Door Training cultivation.

With a decision in his heart, Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate at all, he left the Palace of Human Emperor alone and headed straight to the land of silence!

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