Chapter 1362 Megatron Central State!

“Who did it? Could it be that the Five Great Sacred Cities or the Palace of Humans didn’t make it?”

A Bahuangmen Elder muttered.

“The five holy cities fought against the Palace of Human Beings half a year ago, and their vitality was greatly injured. Now they are all huddled in their own turf to protect themselves, how can they send someone to help the Eight Desolation Gate?”

“As for the Palace of Human Emperors, they are far away in the northern coastal area, and there is also the Blood Demon branch hall in the northern coastal area.

“Could it be… the Eight Hidden World Sacred Land made the shot?”

Another Elder analyzed with excitement.

“The powerhouses of the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land are all confined in the Land of Annihilation. If they were able to make a move, they would have made a move. How could they wait until now.”

The master of the Bahuang Sect shook his head, and his eyes flashed: “If I guess right, someone in the hidden world should have taken the shot. Immediately send someone to investigate the matter with all their strength, and be sure to figure out the person who shot it. identity.”

No matter who made the move, this is a great happy event for the Bahuang Sect.

Perhaps their Bahuangmen could take this opportunity to use the power of that mysterious strong man to completely eradicate the Blood Demon branch of the Eastern Region in one fell swoop!

As a hegemonic power that has been passed down for thousands of years, Bahuangmen had absolute control over the Eastern Region of Zhongzhou before the Blood Demon Hall was born.


It didn’t take long for the master of Bahuang Sect to issue the order, and soon news came back.

In the Blood Demon branch hall that came out in the Eastern Territory, several Blood Demon hall divine emperors turned into icy corpses.

Even the entire Blood Demon branch hall was directly turned into ruins.

“What? The Blood Demon branch hall of the Eastern Region has been destroyed?”

Many high-level Bahuangmen couldn’t help taking a breath, and there was an incredible horror in the depths of their eyes.

It was only an hour since the powerhouse of Blood Demon Hall in the Eight Desolate City was destroyed.

Just an hour’s time.

The mysterious powerhouse actually directly killed the Blood Demon branch hall, and destroyed the Blood Demon branch hall in the east of the Blood Demon hall.


This is too shocking.

At this moment, another news came back to Bahuangmen.

The mysterious powerhouse who destroyed the Blood Demon branch of the Eastern Region was Jiang Chen, the lord of the Human Emperor Palace.

After hearing this news, many Bahuangmen high-level officials have been unable to recover from the horror for a long time.

half year ago.

Jiang Chen turned out to be the founder of the Imperial Palace, and slashed the ancestors of the five holy cities, and became the supreme tianjiao on the top of the list of tianjiao emperors, and his fame was everywhere.

Although they also knew that Jiang Chen, the lord of the Daoist Palace, was very enchanting, they still did not expect Jiang Chen to be so enchanting.

Coming to the Eastern Region alone, one person and a sword destroyed the Eastern Region Blood Demon Hall!

What a domineering existence is this?

“Door… Master, there is news from the northern coastal area. A few days ago, Jiang Chen killed the Emperor of the Blood Demon Temple Ninth Stage and destroyed the Blood Demon branch in the northern coastal area!”

At this moment, an Elder from the Eight Desolation Sect suddenly raised his head and said with horror on his face.

As the voice of the Eight Desolate Gate Elder fell, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath.

In just a few days, Jiang Chen destroyed the two main halls of the Blood Demon Hall one after another!

This guy…does he want to suppress the Blood Demon Temple with his own power?

“Haha… It seems that the heavens really won’t perish my Shenwu Continent. The order goes on, Bahuangmen fully cooperates with Palace Master Jiang Chen to suppress the Blood Demon Palace!”

After a moment of astonishment, the master of Bahuang sect also couldn’t help showing a look of ecstasy on his face.

The Hall of Blood Demon rages on the mainland of Zhongzhou, and the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land are confined in the Land of Annihilation. The five holy cities only seek self-protection and avoid the Hall of Blood Demon.

Seeing that the Zhongzhou Continent was in danger, Jiang Chen used his own power to destroy the two Blood Demon halls and the sub-temples, and then the Central State was greatly affected.

Such a character can be called a master of the world.

With the leadership of Jiang Chen, an outstanding figure, perhaps they really hope to suppress the Hall of Blood Demon.

The news of Jiang Chen’s destruction of two Blood Demon temple sub-temples, like a hurricane, quickly spread across the entire Zhongzhou mainland.

After receiving the whole news, countless people were shocked by it.

“Have you heard? The lord of the Human Emperor Palace, Jiang Chen, destroyed the two sub-temples of the Blood Demon Palace in just a few days. It is said that even a blood emperor in the Ninth Stage stage of a divine fetus was beheaded by him! ”

“What? There is such a thing? Really?”

The faces of many Practitioners in the Central State Continent are filled with unbelievable expressions.

“It’s true, the news not only came from the Palace of Human Emperors, but the Bahuang Gate of the Eastern Region also spoke out to prove it.”

The owner of a two-star family looked excited and authentic.

“The sky is a lesson, someone has finally stepped up to suppress the Hall of Blood Demon.”

After everyone confirmed this, their expressions instantly became extremely excited.

And just when countless people were shocked because of Jiang Chen’s successive destruction of the two branch halls of the Blood Demon Hall.

Jiang Chen came to a branch hall of the Blood Demon Hall in the southern part of the Zhongzhou Continent, and then raised his hand to a cyan sword light that penetrates the sky and the earth, splitting the Blood Demon Hall in front of him into two!


The giant hall collapsed, and countless blood-glowing figures flew out of the giant hall in anger.

“Boy, dare to destroy my Blood Demon branch hall, you are looking for death!”

The first divine fetus Seventh Stage realm emperor looked at Jiang Chen in the void, his eyes burst out with a monster of blood, evolving into a mountain of blood, and came to suppress Jiang Chen with the monstrous blood evil spirit.

Jiang Chen’s face was calm and unmoved.

He suddenly grasped the Meteorite Sword in his hand, and pointed out the sword at the Blood Mountain.


There was a loud noise, and the Baizhang Blood Mountain collapsed instantly, and Jiang Chen pierced through it with a sword. The Blood Demon Hall expert screamed, and his body exploded directly in mid-air.

“This kid killed the leader, everyone go together to avenge the leader!”

It was seen that the Seventh Stage Emperor of the Divine Baby was instantly beheaded by Jiang Chen, and the faces of the remaining few Emperors of the Divine Baby Realm changed drastically. Come.


Before these blood shadows had time to move, thousands of red Sword Qi spooked out of the air, forming a dense sword net in the void of a radius of hundreds of meters.

The moment those blood shadows touched Jian Wang, they were completely strangled by Jian Wang!

In an instant…

Flesh and blood flew across the sky, and it rained one after another.

In just a few moments, everyone including those few divine birth realm emperors were all killed by Jian Wang!


At the same time that Jiang Chen killed a group of Blood Demon Temple remnants, the giant palace that had been smashed by Jiang Chen’s sword was bombarded, and a hundred zhang Blood Qi burst into the sky.

at the same time.

A loud shout of anger also resounded instantly in a space of heaven and earth.

“Boy, you destroy this emperor’s palace and slaughter this emperor’s people, this emperor wants you to die!”

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