Chapter 1361 One person, one sword, destroy the Blood Demon branch hall!

One sword wiped out the branch hall of the Blood Demon Hall. Jiang Chen didn’t stay at all, and his figure disappeared into the sky in a flash.

Three days later.

Jiang Chen descended on the eastern region of the Zhongzhou mainland, a huge city called Bahuang City.

This Bahuang City, originally a majestic city built by the Bahuangmen of the Samsung forces, is inhabited by tens of millions of people.

Since the Blood Demon Hall came out, the Bahuang City has been occupied by the Blood Demon Hall, and the killings were carried out here. Tens of millions of people in Bahuang City flee from the dead, and the huge bluestone city wall was stained crimson with blood.

A smell of rotting corpses radiated from the city. Many people in the Hall of Blood Demon sit among the corpses, absorbing blood cultivation unscrupulously.

In the center of the city wall, a young man with bloody eyebrows was sitting cross-legged in the center of a pile of dead bodies.

Around him, blood lines were inserted into the body of the corpse like blood vessels, absorbing the blood from the corpse frantically.

Just blink of an eye.

Hundreds of corpses all around dried up quickly.

“Tsk tusk… it feels so good to be born. With these fresh blood, I should be able to break through the fourth stage of the fetus soon.”

After absorbing the blood of hundreds of corpses, the young man added dry lips, and a look of unsatisfactory expression appeared on his face.

“This city is almost abandoned, and I don’t know when my father took action against the Bahuangmen. The blood of those geniuses in the Bahuangmen must be more delicious.”

The young man murmured to himself.


The young man suddenly sensed something, and the twinkle of bloody eyes couldn’t help looking at a part of the sky, as if he had found a prey, showing an extremely fiery expression.

“call out!”

Under the gaze of the young man, a black shadow rushed towards the direction of the Bahuang City.

“Ha ha……”

“It’s really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it. I was worried that there was no delicious blood to enjoy. I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to bring it to the door.”

“Boy, your blood tastes good, give your blood to me to enjoy.”

The young man stared at the oncoming black-clothed youth with fiery eyes, and couldn’t help laughing wildly in his mouth.

The black-clothed youth gave the young man a coldly glance, and the cyan long sword in his hand suddenly drew a slight arc in the air, and cut it out with a volley.

“No…Father, save me!”

The young man was shocked, only feeling a shadow of Death instantly filled his heart.

There was a scream in his mouth, without any hesitation in his figure, he turned and fled towards the center of the city.

It’s just that although his speed is fast, Jiang Chen’s Sword Ray is faster, and almost slashed on the young man’s body in the blink of an eye, killing his body and spirit together!


Just as Jiang Chen killed the young man in a room, a monstrous bloody storm swept from the center of the Bahuang City.

In the bloody storm, a middle-aged man stepped into the air with a terrible anger.

This middle-aged man is also a strong man who has reached the seventh stage of his womb!

“Boy, dare to be the son of the blood butcher, I want you to die without a place to be buried!”

The middle-aged man stared at Jiang Chen angrily, his eyes burst with cold blood, and he shot towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was not afraid of the slightest, lightly tapped the cyan long sword in his hand, and thousands of cyan volleys flew in the sky, instantly smashing all the blood on the face.

He stared coldly at the middle-aged man in front of him: “I just killed your son and you deserve to die. Then if you lead people to slaughter the Bahuang City, shouldn’t you be more punishable?”

“Haha… it’s just a city, but it’s slaughtered, what can you do?”

Xuetu laughed wildly: “From now on, this Shenwu Continent is the world of my Blood Demon Hall. Anyone who dares to resist my Blood Demon Hall should die!”


“Back then, neither of you Blood Demon Hall was able to dominate the Shenwu Continent. Now that I am here, Jiang Chen, your only result is destruction!”

Jiang Chen’s face was cold, he directly raised his hand and slashed out at Xuetu with a sword.

“The ants in the Sixth Stage stage of the divine fetus, dare to be wild in front of the emperor and die for me!”

With a wave of Xuetu’s hands, the monstrous Blood Qi carried an extremely hot force, causing the void nearby to burn.

The horrible breath seemed to burn all the world into nothingness.

Looking at the monstrous Blood Qi in the sky, Jiang Chen looked indifferent.

He was holding the Meteorite Sword, his figure did not retreat but moved forward, and the human sword merged into one, instantly piercing through the Burning Blood Qi of the Blood Tu’s body, and a sword slashed on the Blood Tu’s body.


A burst of blood spewed out, and Xue Tu’s entire body was cut off at the waist, turning into two halves and falling down from mid-air.

Immediately afterwards.

An illusory blood shadow ran away from the fallen corpse in panic, and a roar of fright was also issued in his mouth.

“Ah… bastard, you wait for the emperor, kill my heirs, destroy my body, the emperor will definitely not let you go!”

“You won’t have that chance.”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, Dacheng Sword Domain condensed in an instant, thousands of fierce Sword Qi slowly emerged from the void, completely strangling the soul of the blood massacre dry and quiet!

Killing the blood slaughter in an understatement, Jiang Chen stepped across the sky over the Eight Desolate City like a god, and the Sword Qi in the Dacheng Sword Domain fell from the sky like a sword rain.

Wherever they went, almost all the people in the Blood Demon Hall were reduced to ashes under the rain of swords.

After clearing the Blood Demon Hall of the Eight Desolation City, Jiang Chen’s figure flashed and went straight to the branch hall of the Blood Demon Hall of the Eastern Region.

Half a day later.

Jiang Chen once again completely destroyed the second punishment hall of the Blood Demon Hall with one sword and one man!

And while Jiang Chen slaughtered the strong Blood Demon Hall of the Eight Desolate City with one sword and one man, he destroyed the second Blood Demon Hall branch hall at the same time.

The North Territory Samsung overlord-level force Bahuangmen obviously felt the same.


The master of Bahuangmen quickly sent spies to Bahuang City to find out.

When the spies from the Bahuangmen arrived in Bahuang City, the whole person was stunned.

I saw that in the Bahuang City, the corpses of the strong Blood Demon Hall were all over the ground, and even the seventh-stage emperor, who was almost invincible in the eyes of Bahuangmen, had his body cut into two parts by a sword!

These powerful blood demon halls who had captured the Eight Desolate City were all killed!

This Bahuangmen disciple hurriedly reported the situation of Bahuangcheng back to Bahuangmen, and immediately the whole Bahuangmen was a sensation!

All the strong masters of the Eight Desolation Sect, including the master of the Eight Desolation Sect, couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

To know.

The leader of the Blood Demon Hall who captured the Eight Desolate City was a peerless emperor in the Seventh Stage realm.

Although Bahuangmen is already regarded as the top three-star power in the Zhongzhou mainland, facing such a peerless emperor, it can only retreat.

Who was it that slaughtered all the powerful Blood Demon halls in the Eight Desolate City?

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