Chapter 1363 Kill the blood emperor and destroy another palace!

With this angry shout, it resounded throughout the world.

A blood-clothed young man with long hair flying, also slowly condensed from the hundred zhang Blood Qi.

Staring at the blood-clothed youth in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing a strange look in his eyes.

The blood-clothed youth in front of him had a very strong aura, and he was obviously also a peak emperor who had reached the Ninth Stage of the divine fetus.


Jiang Chen clearly felt that the body and soul of the blood-clothed youth did not seem to be completely integrated, and there were even vague signs of rejection between each other.


The blood-clothed youth in front of him should have been born from the soul of a strong Blood Demon palace.

“Looking at your situation, I must have just borrowed weight to give birth just now, I don’t know which one of the top ten blood emperors are you?”

Jiang Chen looked at the blood-clothed youth faintly, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but lifted up a slight arc.

“Boy, you have some eyesight, this emperor is the blood emperor of the blood demon palace, the blood emperor, blood Wuji,”

The blood-clothed youth stared at Jiang Chen murderously: “You destroy the emperor’s palace and kill the emperor’s people, and even disturb the emperor’s cultivation, and the emperor will grant you a death!”

Blood Promise, the third-ranked existence of the top ten blood emperors in the Blood Demon Hall.

Not long after he borrowed his weight to give birth, the soul and the body have not yet fully merged, and he has been in the Closed Door Training cultivation deep in the branch hall of the Blood Demon Hall.

Originally, it only took half a month at most, and the blood was levelless to complete the last step and return to the world.

Who knew that at this critical time, this kid actually came to the door.

This kid just destroyed the branch hall of the Blood Demon Hall, and unexpectedly awakened him from cultivation, so that he had to be born early.

In this way, after this battle, he might have to spend at least a few years or even ten years of work to let the spirit and the body merge.

Even accidentally, the integration may fail, and his spirit will have to disappear from this world!

It can be said.

Jiang Chen’s sudden appearance almost destroyed him by using the technique of regenerating weight. How could this make Xue Wuji not angry?

Xue Wuji’s voice fell, and the whole person instantly transformed into a blood-colored giant with a height of hundreds of meters.

In the void, two huge blood-colored eyes with a diameter of ten meters, indifferently looked down at Jiang Chen below, like Devil’s eyes, blooming with bloodthirsty light.

In an instant…

I saw a mysterious bloody energy fluctuation in the bloodthirsty light, pouring toward Jiang Chen like a tide.

This mysterious bloody energy fluctuation, as if it could lose the mind and devour the soul.

Even the emperor of the ordinary divine fetus realm would be completely obliterated by this mysterious bloody energy in the blink of an eye!

“Very powerful soul blood technique, even if the ordinary goddess Ninth Stage realm emperor, I am afraid that I will retreat from this trick of you, but it is a pity that you met me, this thing is useless to me!”

Jiang Chen’s faint laughter fell, and immediately flipped his palm, and a soul-killing seal in his palm instantly turned into a huge black mountain, like a meteor falling to the ground, moving towards the suppression of Blood Promise.

Extinguish the soul seal suppresses the world.

The surrounding space, together with the bloody energy pouring down from Xue Wuji’s eyes, instantly shattered into nothingness.


The space shattered, and I saw the figure of Xue Wuji’s Baizhang, which also shrank sharply in an instant, turning into the appearance of a normal person.

“You… how could you crack my blood pupil technique?”

Xue Wuji raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, his eyes also showed incredible horror.

The blood pupil technique he mastered originated from the blood spirit race of the Profound Spirit Continent, and it was a powerful secret technique of the blood spirit race.

Back then, by virtue of this blood pupil technique, there were few opponents across the Shenwu Continent, and almost no one could crack it.

Xue Wuji never thought of it.

Thousands of years later, in the Shenwu Continent, a hairy boy who looked less than 20 years old was able to break his blood pupil technique so easily.

“It’s just a mere soul blood technique, it’s not worth mentioning to me.”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, and immediately stretched out three fingers at Xue Wuji, and said faintly: “The fourth!”

Xue Wuji’s eyes were cold: “Boy, what do you mean?”

“A River of Blood that was cleaned up by me before reborn, a Blood-Drinking Knife that was killed by me in the Starry Sky and Ancient Land without return, and a Blood-swallowing River Blood Youtian that was destroyed by me not long ago.”

When Jiang Chen said this, he couldn’t help grinning at Xue Wuji: “Congratulations, becoming the fourth Top Ten Blood Emperor who fell in my hands in the Blood Demon Hall!”


When Xue Wuji heard Jiang Chen’s words, he only felt an inexplicable chill spread all over his body instantly, and his heart was astonished to the extreme.

He didn’t hesitate at all, his figure turned into a bloody glow, and he fled away in a panic.

The blood of the blood-drinking knife has no return!

Heaven swallowing blood emperor blood!

Both of these two are the top ten blood emperors who have completely integrated their bodies to rebirth.

Especially the Blood Nether Heaven of the Blood Swallowing Emperor, even if his combat power is compared to him, he won’t have the slightest blood.

If even Xue Youtian had been beheaded by this kid, with his current state as an enemy, it would be no different from looking for death!

“Can you escape?”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, Dacheng Sword Domain and Xiaocheng Realm converge in this space at the same time.

In an instant…

The figure of Xue Wuji that had just rushed out suddenly changed from extremely fast to still.

Although Xue Wuji broke through the shackles of Time Realm in the blink of an eye, a bright Sword Ray suddenly fell from the void in the blink of an eye.


Xue Wuji screamed, and his entire body was shattered under that sword.

“Boy, this is what you forced me. Even if the emperor dies today, he will drag you to bury you with me!”

The body was shattered, and the illusory spirit of Xue Wuji could not help but let out a resentful roar, and immediately, like an inflated balloon, shot straight towards Jiang Chen!

“Soul Soul Seal, town!”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and another soul-killing seal moved toward the suppression of the soul of the blood Wuji.

I saw that the soul of Xue Wuji hadn’t had time to explode, it was already completely annihilated in the void under the suppression of the Soul-killing Seal!

After killing Xue Wuji, Jiang Chen disappeared into the void in a flash, and headed straight to the next branch of the Blood Demon Hall.

Not long after Jiang Chen left, some Practitioners who had been attracted by the battle soon discovered that the branch hall of the Blood Demon Hall had also been destroyed.

Shortly after.

The news of Jiang Chen’s slaying of Xue Wuji and the destruction of the third branch hall of the Blood Demon Hall spread throughout Zhongzhou once again.

“Jiang Chen, the lord of the Palace of Human Emperors, really wants to suppress the Hall of Blood Demon with his own power?”

Everyone was shocked.

Some young Practitioners of Blood Qi Fang Gang are even more excited.

There is also a high war intent in their eyes, which is surging crazily…

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