Chapter 1360 The beginning of the killing!

Xiao Duli nodded: “Don’t worry, within a month, we will definitely establish the teleportation array!”

Jiang Chen didn’t talk nonsense either. After confessing a few words, he went straight to the place of Meng Qingxue’s Closed Door Training and drove the Xuanyin Divine Stone into the formation.

With the addition of Xuanyin Divine Stone.

Jiang Chen almost clearly felt that a powerful bloodline force in Meng Qingxue was awakening at a terrifying speed.


Even with the Profound Yin Divine Stone, Meng Qingxue still needs some time to successfully awaken the Taiyin Juemai Body.

Moreover, there is the inheritance of Emperor Xuanyue in the Xuanyin Divine Stone, and it may take some time for Meng Qingxue to accept the inheritance.

But once Meng Qingxue fully awakened the Taiyin Juemai Body, and then received the inheritance of Emperor Xuanyue, her strength would definitely reach an extremely terrifying level.

Even compared to Xia Yuanhao’s top eight Sacred Land geniuses, it will not be inferior in the slightest!

After giving the Xuanyin Divine Stone to Meng Qingxue, Jiang Chen didn’t stay in the Human Palace for too long.

Because the branch hall of the Blood Demon Hall located in the northern coastal region has launched an attack on the two-star peak force Tianhe Valley, the Palace of Human Emperor has also received the distress message from Tianhe Valley.

After receiving the news, Jiang Chen left the Palace of Human Emperors alone and headed towards the Tianhe Valley.

Half a day later.

Jiang Chen appeared over the Tianhe Valley.

When he saw the situation below, his eyes narrowed suddenly.

I saw a huge valley below, already riddled with holes at this moment. Even the gates of the Tianhe Valley, there are only a few broken walls left.

The vast Tianhe Valley was turned into a piece of scorched earth.

Looking from the void, Jiang Chen could vaguely see the corpses in the valley.

The whole valley was filled with a bloody breath, just like The Underworld.

It is not difficult to imagine what a terrifying battle happened here not long ago!

“Damn it, it looks like it’s a step too late.”

Jiang Chen’s complexion was ugly.

From the Tianhe Valley for help, until he rushed here, it took only half a day to make a full calculation.

He obviously didn’t expect that Tianhe Valley hadn’t even insisted on it for a long time, and it had been completely destroyed in the hands of the Blood Demon Hall!

Jiang Chen’s whole body instantly became murderous.

He didn’t hesitate at all, and walked directly towards the branch hall of the Blood Demon Temple in the northern coastal region.

Not long.

Jiang Chen came to a hidden Great Hall three thousand miles north of Tianhe Valley.

Looking at the several Blood Demon guards at the entrance of the Great Hall, Jiang Chen directly sacrificed the Falling Sky Sword, without even saying hello, he swung a sword at any time, beheading the several Blood Demon guards at the entrance of the Great Hall!

“People in the Hall of Blood Demon, get out and die quickly!”

A sword killed several guards, Jiang Chen’s sharp gaze shot directly into the depths of the Blood Demon Hall, and his cold voice instantly resounded through the world.

call out! call out! call out!

As Jiang Chen fell with a cold shout, bloody figures flew out of the Great Hall quickly.


These bloody figures flying by did not react at all. A cold Sword Ray had already penetrated through their bodies, strangling their bodies and souls to pieces.

“Who dares to stray in the ground of my Blood Demon Hall!”

At this moment, a loud roar suddenly came from the depths of the Great Hall.


I saw a middle-aged man wearing a blood-colored battle armor, also spooky stepping out in front of Jiang Chen.

His whole body exudes a bloody breath, and his voice is like thunder, rumbling, shaking the space of hundreds of meters in a radius of trembling.

Behind the middle-aged man, there were four or five bloody shimmering figures, which also emerged.

These blood shadows, every breath is no less than the divine birth realm!

A powerhouse of the seventh stage of the fetus, five emperors of the fetus of the gods!

No wonder the two-star pinnacle force Tianhe Valley was destroyed in an instant, such a powerful force, compared to any of the five holy cities, is even worse!

“Where did the hairy boy dare to come to my Blood Demon Hall to go wild and look for death!”

Seeing a hairy boy in Jiang Chen district, he dared to come to his Blood Demon temple branch hall to go wild, and the middle-aged man headed by him was immediately furious.

He screamed angrily, stretched out a huge bloody hand, and grabbed Jiang Chen’s head in the air.


Jiang Chen snorted coldly, the vitality surging in his body, lifted the meteor sword in his hand, waved a blue sword light, and slashed at the middle-aged man’s arm.


The middle-aged man’s arm wrapped in blood armor was cut off by Jiang Chen like a fragile piece of paper. The red blood splashed out from the broken arm of the middle-aged man like a fountain.


The middle-aged Han suddenly let out a scream.

He looked up at Jiang Chen, his expression horrified: “You…who are you?”

“Hallmaster of the Palace of Human Emperors, Jiang Chen!”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent and said: “You are in the territory of the main hall, destroy the power under the jurisdiction of our palace, you should be destroyed!”

“What? You are Jiang Chen from the Human Emperor Palace?”

The middle-aged man trembled suddenly, and an incredible horror appeared in his eyes.

They are the leader of the Blood Demon Hall branch hall, but the Blood Demon Emperor Blood Youtian, one of the ten blood emperors in the Blood Demon Hall.

Not long ago.

The Blood Swallowing Emperor Blood Youtian has gone to the Human Emperor Palace alone to suppress the hegemonic power in this northern coastal area.

How could this Human Emperor Palace Hall Master appear in their Blood Demon Hall at this time?

Could it be that… the Emperor of Blood Swallowing Goes to suppress the Palace of Human Emperor, has already failed?

This… how is this possible?

Although the Palace of the Human Emperor is said to be the top power that overwhelms the five holy cities in Central State, the Emperor of the Blood Swallowing Blood Youtian is one of the top ten blood emperors in the Hall of Blood Demon, and his strength has been restored to the Ninth Stage of the divine fetus.

With his strength, how could it be possible that even a small human palace could not be suppressed?

Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense, he merged with Dacheng Sword Domain’s sword Ling Tian to cut out.

Seeing that the middle-aged man didn’t even have a chance to resist, he was directly cut into a cloud of blood mist by Jiang Chen!


Seeing this horrifying scene, several other Blood Demon Temple Divine Embryo Realm powerhouses are all over the body with cold and dead souls.

Where did they dare to stay the least, and quickly turned and fled away with a look of horror.


This kid in front of me is really terrifying!

Divine fetus Seventh Stage emperors were all beheaded by a single sword!

Such existence is simply not something they can resist.

Jiang Chen’s expression was cold, Dacheng’s Sword Domain instantly enveloped a six-hundred-meter-square-meter space, and a series of ghostly sword lights passed through several people.

These few Blood Demon hall powerhouses did not even have the opportunity to resist, and they were all beheaded by Jiang Chen.

In an understatement, several Blood Demon hall powerhouses were killed, Jiang Chen’s meteorite sword pierced through the sky and the sword light directly slashed on the Great Hall in front of him.

Only a loud bang was heard, and Great Hall was turned into ruins directly under Jiang Chen’s sword.

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