Chapter 1341 Crazy breakthrough!

With a sigh in his heart, Jiang Chen also walked straight to the ancient well.

He picked up the wine glass and took a glass of Haotian Brew, without any intention of storing it, so he took the wine glass and drank it.

“Ding! You drank a cup of first rank Haotian brew and gained 800000*100 of Martial Dao Cultivation Base experience!”

“Ding! You drank a cup of first rank Haotian brew and gained 800,000*100 experience in Cultivation Base!”

With the entrance of a cup of Haotian Brewing, Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base experience has grown a lot in an instant.

“Tsk tusk… this Haotian brew is really good stuff.”

Jiang Chen looked at the full well in the ancient well in front of him, with a fiery expression in his eyes.

Drinking this cup of Haotian Brew, the Cultivation Base experience gained is equivalent to three or four seven-Rank peak essence essences of the ancient imperial mausoleum!

Not only that.

This Haotian Brew also has the effect of Body Tempering, which makes him feel that Cultivation Base is also synchronized with Ascension.

If he could drink all the Haotian brew in front of him, to what extent could his Cultivation Base ascension?


This is only the first-rank first-rank Haotian brew on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, not to mention the higher-quality Haotian brews on the other eighth-order Starry Sky Ancient Road.

If he could get all the Haotian Brews, even if he reached the peak of the Ninth Stage of the womb in one breath, that would definitely be more than enough!

“This Haotian Brew, can’t I take a few more glasses?”

Jiang Chenyi licked his lips still, and couldn’t help asking Mo Zixuan with some curiosity.

“The Ancient Starry Sky Road was evolved by the Great Emperor Vast Sky without God’s tools.”

“No one under the Emperor Realm can violate the rules here.”

“Someone once tried to take the second cup, but the star element of the star element stone was instantly cleared, and he was directly expelled from the ancient starry sky road.”

Mo Zixuan smiled faintly, “If you don’t want to leave the ancient starry sky road, you’d better not try it lightly.”

When Mo Zixuan was speaking, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

This guy in front of him is worthy of the Destiny predicted by the Master and his elders, and it is indeed a non-human existence.

To know.

A cup of Haotian Brew is comparable to the primary eight-level spirit pill.

Even the top geniuses of the Eight Sacred Lands like them need at least three to five days to fully refine and absorb.

But this guy actually just swallowed it and finished it!

The bloodline power is deeper than Xia Yuanhao’s most powerful emperor bloodline, and the absorption of heaven and earth spirit medicine is so terrifying.

This guy’s physique is definitely a very terrifying Xiantian divine body.

After hearing Mo Zixuan’s words, Jiang Chen could only suppress the impulse in his heart.

This Haotian brew is good, but if you get kicked out of the ancient starry road for taking an extra cup, it will be more than worthwhile.

When Jiang Chen and the two were talking, another Tianjiao Emperor passed the level.

The Emperor Tianjiao greeted Jiang Chen politely and ran to the ancient well to take a cup of Haotian Brew.


I saw him run to the level with a smile of joy, open a cultivation stone room, and start Closed Door Training cultivation.

“In this level… is there a stone room that can be Closed Door Training cultivation?”

When Jiang Chen saw this, a look of stunnedness suddenly appeared in his eyes.

“Each step of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, the difficulty of going forward will increase exponentially.”

“Most of the Tianjiao emperors who have cleared the level will refining and absorb the Closed Door Training after obtaining Haotian Brew, and then enter the next level after the Ascension strength.”

“This level is naturally also very humane, providing everyone with a stone room for Closed Door Training.”

“I also went to Closed Door Training to refine the Haotian brew, please, please.”

As Mo Zixuan said, he was also preparing to go to the level to start the cultivation stone room.

Every time the ancient starry sky road opens, almost no more than three to five can actually enter the starry sky through the ancient starry sky road.

Even Mo Zixuan, the holy son of Heavenly Mystery, didn’t wake up Star City too much.

For most Tianjiao emperors.

Going through the barriers to obtain the strength of Haotian Brewing Ascension, by the way, feel the power of the Great Emperor’s Law, and strive to make a breakthrough in Martial Dao Realm. This is the real purpose of their trip.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen didn’t stay there anymore, and strode out towards the gate at the other end of the level.

“Jiang Chen, this time the Starry Sky Ancient Road is not easy. I have a hunch, I’m afraid something big will happen next, I hope you can be more careful.”

At this moment, Mo Zixuan’s voice suddenly came from behind Jiang Chen.

Hearing Mo Zixuan’s words, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but suddenly startled.

Sacred Land has always been unpredictable and has some incredible abilities.

Now that the Heavenly Mystery Saint Child said something like this, he must have predicted something. It seems that something will really happen on the Starry Sky Ancient Road this time.

“thanks for reminding.”

Jiang Chen turned his head back to thank Mo Zixuan for his cupped fist, and then went straight to the ancient road in the second-order starry sky.

Get out of the level.

A kilometer-long ancient starry sky road once again appeared in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

This time.

Jiang Chen clearly felt that the pressure of the Great Emperor’s Law in the starry sky was much stronger than the first-order ancient road in the starry sky.

Every time he is oppressed, the experience points gained by the four Martial Dao powers have also changed from 100 to 200.

The first stage of the Starry Sky Ancient Road is relatively simple. As long as the Emperor Tianjiao enters the Starry Sky Ancient Road, he can almost pass it 100% and get a cup of Haotian Brew.

It can be said.

The first rank Haotian Brew is a gift of Haotian Great Emperor.

To the second level, the difficulty is undoubtedly Ascension a lot.

Jiang Chen obviously found that some of the God-born First Stage Emperor Tianjiao who were walking on the ancient road in the starry sky had become a little strenuous.


Compared with the current Jiang Chen, this level of difficulty is still negligible.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen came to the level at the end of the second-rank starry sky, and then defeated the gatekeeper with a punch and got a cup of second-rank Haotian brew!

“Ding! You drank a cup of second rank Haotian brew and gained Martial Dao Cultivation Base experience of 1,600,000*100!”

“Ding! You drank a cup of second rank Haotian brew and gained 1,600,000*100 experience in Cultivation Base!”

With the entry of this second-rank Haotian brew, the experience of Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base has skyrocketed again, and there is even a vague sign of breakthrough.

As long as he crosses the ancient road of the third-order starry sky, his Cultivation Base should be able to smoothly move from the fourth stage early stage to the middle stage of the fourth stage!

Did not stay too much in the second level.

Jiang Chen quickly passed through the checkpoint and entered the third-order ancient starry sky road.

Although the oppression of the Great Emperor’s Law of the third-order Starry Sky Ancient Road has increased a lot again, it still does not cause any hindrance to Jiang Chen.

Not long.

Jiang Chen came to the third level of the ancient starry sky road.

Less than an hour after entering the ancient starry sky road, Jiang Chen even drove the third-order starry sky ancient road, the speed can be described as fast to the extreme.

After defeating the third-tier gatekeeper with one punch, Jiang Chen slammed into the level.

When he saw the situation next to the ancient well in the checkpoint, his eyes were in vain.

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