Chapter 1342 Realm power soaring!

Next to the ancient well, there was a young man in black, who was holding a wine glass and taking the third rank Haotian brew from the ancient well.

Looking at the black-clothed youth in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help being surprised.


Jiang Chen was surprised that it was not that someone had crossed the ancient road of the third-order starry sky earlier than him.

For the three ranks in front of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, almost all of the top twenty emperors of the Tianjiao ranking can easily pass.

If these celestial emperors appeared here so quickly, Jiang Chen would naturally not be surprised.

But the young man in black, Jiang Chen, was very strange.

Even in the Tianjiao event yesterday, Jiang Chen didn’t even have any impression of the black-clothed youth in front of him.

Looking at this guy’s dress, he should also be a hidden arrogant.

In yesterday’s Tianjiao event, in addition to Xu Tianyi, two of the hidden Tianjiao’s strengths should also be able to rank in the top 20 of the Tianjiao Emperor list.


Jiang Chen naturally had a certain impression of the two hidden arrogances.

And this young man in black clearly does not belong to either of those two!

When Jiang Chen looked at the black-clothed youth, the black-clothed youth obviously also discovered Jiang Chen’s existence.

It was just that the black-clothed youth only slightly raised his head and glanced at Jiang Chen, then took the third rank Haotian Brew, and walked towards the fourth-rank ancient starry sky road.

“This young man in black seems to hide quite deeply.”

Jiang Chen looked at the back of the mysterious black-clothed youth leaving, and couldn’t help muttering to himself authentically.

Although the black-clothed youth in front of him seemed to have only the Cultivation Base in the second stage of the fetus, Jiang Chen knew very well in his heart that this guy must have some hidden high-level secrets.


It’s impossible for this guy to get past the third order in such a short time.

A hidden Tianjiao who is strong enough to rank in the top twenty or even the top ten of the Tianjiao Emperor list, but has always hidden the Cultivation Base, and entered the ancient starry road in a very low-key manner.

I’m afraid there must be something tricky!

Especially thinking of the reminder of Mo Zixuan, the holy son of heaven, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a look of vigilance in his eyes.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and he stopped thinking about it immediately.

No matter what the purpose of this guy hiding his strength to come to Starry Sky Ancient Road, as long as it doesn’t affect him.

If you dare to provoke him, no matter what the other person is, he will definitely make him pay a heavy price!

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen ignored the black-clothed youth, took a glass of third rank Haotian Brew and drank it.

“Ding! You drank a cup of third-rank Haotian brew and gained Martial Dao Cultivation Base experience 2.400000*100!”

“Ding! You drank a cup of third-rank Haotian brew and gained 2,400,000*100 experience in Cultivation Base!”

A cup of third-rank Haotian brewed into the stomach, Jiang Chen’s Martial Dao Cultivation Base reached the middle stage of the Fourth Stage of the Divine Fetus without any accident, and the Physical Dao Cultivation Base was not far from being promoted to the next Realm.

After passing the third-level ancient starry sky road, Jiang Chen still did not stop the pace, and continued to set foot on the next-level ancient starry sky road.

The ancient starry sky road, every three steps is a watershed.

At the fourth level, even some of the top 20 geniuses in the ranking of the Emperor of Tianjiao were under the pressure of the law of the Great Emperor, and their actions were greatly affected.


Jiang Chen was obviously not within the affected area, he still walked towards the end of the fourth-order starry sky ancient road like a stroll in a leisurely garden.

Along the way.

The two Sacred Land geniuses who were walking slowly on the fourth-order starry sky ancient road, they looked at Jiang Chen’s appearance of walking in the garden, and their eyes showed incomparable respect.

“It’s worthy of being the first emperor of Heaven’s arrogance who can overwhelm the son of Haotian, it’s really amazing.”

The two of them saw Jiang Chen who passed them in the blink of an eye, and their mouths were full of amazement.

Jiang Chen naturally ignored the shock of the two, and soon reached the end of the fourth-order starry sky ancient road…

With this crazy mode, Jiang Chen is walking along the ancient starry sky all the way.

It took less than a day.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth-order ancient starry sky roads were all successfully passed by Jiang Chen.

The Haotian Brew rewarded by this Tier 3 Starry Sky Ancient Road also enabled Jiang Chen’s Martial Dao Cultivation Base to successfully reach the pinnacle of the Fourth Stage of the Divine Fetus.


When Jiang Chen stepped into the seventh-order starry sky ancient road, he finally felt great pressure from the law of the emperor in the starry sky.

At this time, Jiang Chen, who had plenty of time, was not in a hurry to pass the last three steps of the Ancient Starry Sky Road. Instead, he used the rule of the Great Emperor in the Ancient Starry Sky Road to oppress and began to exert his full strength in Ascension Martial Dao Realm.

“Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the law of the Great, Sword Domain gains 700*100 experience!”

“Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the emperor’s law, Ray Dao Realm gains 700*100 experience!”

“Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the emperor’s law, and the wind tunnel Realm gains 700*100 experience!”

“Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the emperor’s law, and time truly gains 700*100 experience!”

Every time the Starry Sky Ancient Road goes up one level, the oppression of the Law of the Great Emperor will double that of the first level.

This seventh-order emperor’s law oppresses, seven times more than the first-order Ascension. Every time Jiang Chen is oppressed, the experience he gains has increased sevenfold!

Although the experience gained each time is not too much, but with such continuous growth every few minutes, Jiang Chen Martial Dao Realm’s power is still Ascension at an extremely fast speed.

Especially the true meaning of time is growing at an extremely terrifying rate.

Just ten days.

Jiang Chen’s true meaning of time has directly broken through from First Stage Realm to Third Stage Realm.

One month later.

Jiang Chen’s true meaning of time reached the Third Stage Realm, and smoothly evolved the fifth Realm power, Time Realm!

Two months later, two pleasant system prompts resounded in Jiang Chen’s ears again.

“Ding! Your Thunder Realm breakthrough Xiaocheng Realm!”

“Ding! Your wind tunnel Realm breakthrough Xiaocheng Realm!”

Hearing the prompt sound in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a touch of delighted villain appeared in his eyes.

Since entering the ancient starry sky, in just two months, Jiang Chen’s Martial Dao Realm power has skyrocketed more than ten times.

Following Sword Domain, his Thunder Realm and Fengdao Realm have made breakthroughs in Realm.

Not only that.

He also evolved a new Martial Dao Realm, Time Realm!

Now that the five Realm powers are superimposed, Jiang Chen himself doesn’t know how powerful he can reach.


If once again encounter the existence of Cang Yue Sacred Land Supreme Elder Queen of the Moon Empress level, Jiang Chen believes that he is qualified to fight against it!

“Your Excellency entered the seventh step of the Starry Sky Ancient Road so early, ranking first in the ranking of Emperor Tianjiao, it is indeed a well-deserved reputation.”

Just after Jiang Chen Lei Dao Realm and Feng Dao Realm made breakthroughs, a faint voice suddenly came from behind Jiang Chen.

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