Chapter 1340 Great Emperor Divine Wine, Haotian Brewed!

With Xia Changkong’s voice falling.

Many Tianjiao emperors rose up into the sky and flew towards the starry sky gate in mid-air.

Jiang Chen and Xiao Duli didn’t hesitate, and they walked through the gate of the starry sky with everyone, and landed on the ancient road behind the gate of the starry sky.


Just as Jiang Chen landed on the ancient road of starry sky, a power of heaven and earth descended from the endless starry sky above his head in an instant.

Immediately afterwards.

A series of system prompts sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the law of the Great, Sword Domain gains 100*100 experience!”

“Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the law of the Great, Thunder Realm gains 100*100 experience!”

“Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the emperor’s law, and the wind tunnel Realm gains 100*100 experience!”

“Ding! You are oppressed by the power of the emperor’s law and understand the true meaning of time!”

The series of reminders in his mind also made Jiang Chen gasp.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

I have just stepped into the ancient starry sky. Sword Domain, Ray Dao Realm, and Feng Dao Realm have all gained certain experience points.

Not only that.

Jiang Chen also comprehended a new kind of Martial Dao true meaning, true meaning of time!

To know.

Unpredictable forces like time and space are the most difficult existences in this world to grasp.


Although these forces are extremely difficult to master, they are equally terrifying.

For example, Jiang Chen’s time and space Sword Domain, even if it is just a Martial Skill that contains the laws of time and space, its power is already extremely overbearing.

Now that Jiang Chen understands the true meaning of time, he can continuously gain experience with the help of the ancient starry sky, and then evolve the time Realm and master the real power of time!

“This ancient road to the starry sky was evolved by Emperor Haotian with the help of the Godless Haotian Tower. The power of the law contained in it should have been left by Emperor Haotian.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, his heart also became more and more respectful to the Great Emperor Vast Sky.

The Great Emperor Vast Sky is worthy of being the number one emperor of the Shenwu Continent thousands of years ago, and the power of his emperor’s laws actually contains four different attributes of power.

While Jiang Chen was amazed, there was more ecstasy that could not be concealed.

This ancient starry sky road, he was right this time.

As long as he is on this ancient road in the starry sky, he will be constantly oppressed by the power of the law of the great emperor, gaining four different powers.

Once with the help of the ancient starry sky, Sword Domain became a big success in one fell swoop, Thunder Realm and Fengdao Realm became small, and then successfully evolved Time Realm.

By the time.

His five Realm powers are superimposed, and I am afraid that the emperor of Ninth Stage is hard to stop!

“There are nine stages in the Starry Sky Ancient Road, each of which is only a kilometer away, and there are related cards at the end. Only after passing the level can you enter the next stage.”

“It is said that the higher you go, the stronger the oppression of the power of the law of the Great Emperor!”

“At the last third level, if the strength is too weak, the oppressed may not be able to move, and it will be difficult to move.”

At this moment, Xiao Duli whispered in Jiang Chen’s ear.

Jiang Chen looked up and found that at the end of a kilometer of the ancient road in the starry sky, there was a checkpoint the size of a thousand meters.

“Jiang Chen, you go through the barriers, leave me alone, and strive to pass the ancient road of Tier 9 Starry Sky and enter Starry Sky City as soon as possible.”

Xiao Duli looked at the many Emperor Tianjiao who set foot on the ancient starry sky, and couldn’t help but quickly said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen hesitated slightly: “Master, are you all right by yourself?”

after all.

These hidden Sacred Land geniuses, Jiang Chen has offended a lot now.

If Xiao Duli is left alone, there is no guarantee that those people will not find Xiao Duli’s troubles.

“Relax, on this ancient starry sky road, everyone’s purpose is to try and break through the barriers. Generally, there will be no conflicts.”

Xiao Duli smiled faintly: “What’s more… I am not a vegetarian, Xiao Duli. There are only a handful of people who can win me in this ancient starry sky.”

“In that case, please be careful, Master. I’ll go ahead.”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he didn’t hesitate anymore, and quickly rushed towards the top of the ancient starry sky road.

Since the ancient Starry Sky Road is going up, the stronger the pressure of the law of the Great Emperor is, the experience points he gains from various Realms will surely increase exponentially.


Jiang Chen didn’t want to waste time in the first few levels, and planned to clear the level in one go before talking about it.

For the Emperor Tianjiao who entered the ancient starry sky, the first-order oppression could hardly cause too much obstacle to them.

In less than a moment, many Tianjiao emperors rushed into the first end of the level.

Not long.

Jiang Chen also came to the end of the ancient road to the first-order starry sky, and then slowly walked into the gate of the checkpoint.

The next moment…

An ordinary-looking young man suddenly condensed in front of Jiang Chen.

The young man looked at Jiang Chen blankly, and said coldly: “The tester, defeat me, you can pass the first rank of the ancient road of the starry sky and take the first rank Haotian to make a cup.”


The young man’s voice fell, and he didn’t wait for Jiang Chen to answer, and then he slammed out hundreds of shadows, killing Jiang Chen overwhelmingly.


Jiang Chen squeezed his fist and punched out without any fancy. The hundreds of shadows in front of him were all shattered.

And the young man also disappeared without a trace under Jiang Chen’s punch.

The strength of this young man is only equivalent to that of an ordinary Second Stage Realm Emperor. For Jiang Chen now, it is naturally not worth mentioning.

After passing through the gate of the checkpoint, Jiang Chen came to a wide square in the checkpoint.

In the center of the square, there is an ancient well, which exudes a refreshing fragrance of wine. Just one sip makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly lit up slightly: “Is this the so-called Haotian brew?”

“Yes, this is Haotian Brew.”

“It is rumored that the Great Emperor Haotian is addicted to wine, so he created the supreme spirit wine Haotian Brew, which is infinite in mystery.”

“This first-rank Haotian brew on the Starry Sky Ancient Road is only the first-rank Haotian brew. But even if it is the first rank, with a drink, the effect of Ascension Cultivation Base is not inferior to the ordinary eight-rank spirit pill!”

At this moment, Mo Zixuan, the holy child of heaven, walked into the level and said lightly to Jiang Chen.

When he was talking, he directly took a cup of Haotian brew from the wine glass next to the ancient well, then poured it into a jade bottle, sealed it, and put it in the storage ring.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and he asked curiously: “Is this Haotian brew still classified into grades?”

“Xingkong Ancient Road has a total of nine levels, and the Haotian Brewing grade is different for each level.”

Mo Zixuan explained: “It is said that the Ninth-Rank Haotian Brew in the ninth level is a real divine wine. If you drink a glass, it will be worth decades of hard cultivation!”

Jiang Chen was also amazed when he heard the words.

No wonder these celestial emperors are so fascinated by the ancient starry sky.

Not to mention the fascinating Starry Sky City, just to drink the Haotian brew of the 9th-order Starry Sky Ancient Road, I am afraid that it is worth at least a hundred years of hard work.

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