Chapter 1315 Don’t force me to kill!

“A existence like an ant, dare to do something to me, get out!”

Jiang Chen let out a cold drink, his aura changed drastically, and an overwhelming might also swept out in an instant.


The terrifying imperial might shattered the oncoming palm strength in the blink of an eye, and then, like a heavy hammer, hit the hearts of the two old women.


The two old women suddenly snorted, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of their mouths. The whole person was like a kite with a broken wire, flying upside down in embarrassment for a distance of tens of feet.

They looked at Jiang Chen, who was still standing with his hands on the opposite side, and there was an unconcealable astonishment on the old faces.

All around.

Those people in Cangyue Sacred Land who were planning to besiege Jiang Chen with the two old women involuntarily stopped and looked at Jiang Chen in horror.

These two old women are the emperors of the divine birth realm of Cangyue Sacred Land Law Enforcement Hall.

One drink of the might, you can severely inflict two god-tier fetal realm kings!

Is this the first strength of the Emperor Tianjiao? It really is not an ordinary horror!

this moment.

All the people of Cang Yue Sacred Land were silent, no one dared to take a step forward.

Even the emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm was severely injured by one of them, and these Divine Soul Realm of them rushed up like this. What is the difference between sending them to death?

“good very good!”

“Since I Cangyue Sacred Land was founded, you are the first to dare to do it in Cangyue Sacred Land so openly.”

“Today, my Moon Qianjin will take your head to prove my reputation of Sacred Land!”

Yue Qianjin smiled angrily, and the powerful aura of the fourth stage of the womb also spread over the square in an instant.

Immediately afterwards.

I saw a silver long sword in her hand emerged out of thin air, and the dazzling moonlight power suddenly surged out of the long sword.

Just blink of an eye.

The power of Yuehua turned into a white and flawless giant sword in the middle, like an immortal sword that did not stain the world, exuding a fierce and mysterious aura.

“Yuehua Sword Art!”

Following Yue Qianjin’s cold stern scream, the fairy sword volleyed straight down at Jiang Chen.

Where Sword Ray passed, even the void cut a gap in the space of a hundred meters long, which shows that the power of this sword is indeed extremely fierce.

“Haha… if you want my Jiang Chen head, you can rely on the Cultivation Base in the Fourth Stage of your divine fetus, but it’s far from qualified!”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, and his whole body was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, exuding a terrifying sword force of trembling void.


He looked at the Yuehua giant sword that fell from the void, pinched a sword finger directly, and lightly described the location and went out.


The sword finger cut through the space, instantly chopped the oncoming Yuehua Great Sword in half, and then shot away at Yue Qianjin without any reduction in speed.


Yue Qianjin didn’t have time to react, she was hit by the sword, and then the whole person flew out in embarrassment, retreating to the edge of the square before slowly stabilizing her figure.

When everyone saw Yue Qianjin’s miserable appearance, they couldn’t help taking a breath.

I saw Yue Qianjin’s face pale, and her gorgeous brocade robe was already ragged.

The long sword in her hand hangs upside down on the ground, forcibly supporting her trembling body.

In the place where her chest was less than three inches from Dantian, there was an extremely conspicuous blood hole, and the red blood was sprayed out like a fountain.

no doubt.

As long as Jiang Chen’s finger was shifted by three inches, the Moon Thousand Brocade at this moment was at least completely destroyed, and it was even very likely to be killed by a single sword!

To know.

Yue Qianjin is the law enforcement Elder of Cang Yue Sacred Land, the emperor of Cultivation Base reaching the fourth stage of the womb.

Even among the many elders in Sacred Land, Yue Qianjin’s strength is among the top five existences!

Such a strong man was also defeated by Jiang Chen with one finger!

These people of Cangyue Sacred Land were originally skeptical about Jiang Chen’s pressure on Haotian Sacred Land and Xia Yuanhao to reach the top of the list of the Emperor of Heavenly Journey.

But at this moment, they had to believe it.

One finger defeated the law enforcement Elder in the fourth stage of Sacred Land of Sacred Land, even if their Sacred Land ranked the top ten Holy Maiden of the Emperor of Heaven, it was impossible to do it!

The enchanting level of this child is probably not inferior to that of Haotian Sacred Land.

“Who is going wild in my Sacred Land!”

Just when everyone was overwhelmed by the situation in front of them, a dozen or so torrents of weather broke out in Cangyue Sacred Land.

The next moment…

I saw a sudden violent spatial fluctuation in the sky above the square, and the Daoist shadow appeared ghostly.

The head of the person is a fairy woman who is as cold as a moon palace, with long sleeves fluttering and wide bands flying.

She seems to be only thirty years old, her skin is as snowy, without any blemishes, and she has an extremely ethereal and terrifying aura, like a cold moon descending into the world, permeating the sky.

Behind the woman, there are still seven or eight powerful people in the Divine Fetal Stage standing proudly there. There are at least two or three auras in it, not even inferior to the ancestors of the five holy cities.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but secretly marvel.

The eight hidden Sacred Lands are more powerful than the five Sacred Lands by more than one level.

I’m afraid it is only one Sacred Land, which is more powerful than the five holy cities.

His gaze swept across this group of Cangyue Sacred Land powerhouses, and Jiang Chen fell directly on the two men in red dragon-patterned robes beside them.

The leader is a man who appears to be in his thirties.

He is tall and straight, full of explosive power, long burgundy hair, flaming eyes, and a breath of monsters that exudes raging flames.

Behind the man is an old man with a slightly rickety figure. However, the aura emanating from this old man is not much weaker than Feng Xuankun of the five holy cities.

“It seems that he is the saint son of Sacred Land, Yang Yao.”

Jiang Chen looked at the red-haired and red-eyed man in front of him, and a cold light flashed across his eyes.

“Have seen the Holy Lord!”

As the group of people in the void emerged out of thin air, many people from Sacred Land saluted

Yue Qianjin pointed to Jiang Chen with a bitter expression on her face, and said, “Holy Lord, this person has trespassed on my Sacred Land, and I also ask the Holy Lord to order him to be killed, to prove my Sacred Land. Prestige!”

Cangyue Holy Lord looked at Jiang Chen and said in a cold voice: “Boy, who are you, dare to trespass into Cangyue Sacred Land. If you don’t give this palace an explanation today, then don’t want to walk out of Cangyue Sacred Land alive. .”

“Haha… that’s ridiculous!”

“What shit you Cangyue Sacred Land do for Holy Maiden, you actually use my Jiang Chen people as a bargaining chip. Even if you want to explain, it should be your Cangyue Sacred Land to give me an explanation!”

Jiang Chen laughed disdainfully, and his proud voice instantly resounded through the world.

“I, Jiang Chen, came here today just to take Meng Qingxue away. If you, Sacred Land, Cangyue, are more acquainted, you’d better not force me to kill!”

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