Chapter 1314 Her going or staying, Jiang Chen, I have the final say!

“You are my person, so naturally I won’t watch others take you away.”

Jiang Chen looked at this stunning figure that hadn’t been seen in several years, and there was a little softness in his eyes unconsciously.

Meng Qingxue’s delicate face couldn’t help showing a faint blush, and immediately said with a worried expression: “This is Cangyue Sacred Land, you must not mess around.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “What about Cangyue Sacred Land? I want to take you away, no one can stop it.”

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Yue Qianyin and said, “Qianyin Elder, you saved Qingxue in the endless sea and brought her to Cangyue Sacred Land to practice and take care of her. Thank you Jiang. .”

“It’s a kind of fate that I can meet Qingxue. It’s a pity that Qianyin is so quiet in Cangyue Sacred Land that he can’t even protect the safety of his disciples.”

Yue Qianyin smiled bitterly, and then a decisive expression flashed in her beautiful eyes: “You quickly take Qingxue away, let me deal with it here!”

With Yue Qianyin’s eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that Jiang Chen is a powerful emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm, and she is not even inferior to her in the Fourth Stage of the Divine Embryo.

As long as she creates a chance for Jiang Chen, maybe Jiang Chen really hopes to take Jiang Chen away from Sacred Land.

Meng Qingxue’s pretty face changed, and she hurriedly said: “Master, we have to go together, I will not leave you alone.”

“It doesn’t have to be.”

“If you want to stay in Cangyue Sacred Land, just watch it from the side; if you don’t want to stay, then leave together.”

“I want to take Qingxue away, I don’t need you to make sacrifices.”

Jiang Chen smiled proudly, his expression extremely calm and calm.

But when the three of Jiang Chen were talking, the face of the brocade-robed woman Yue Qianjin became extremely gloomy.

She stared at Jiang Chen coldly, her expression furious: “Boy, who are you, why are you breaking into my Sacred Land?”

Yue Qianjin obviously didn’t expect it either.

The black-clothed young god in front of him unknowingly broke into Cangyue Sacred Land, and they didn’t even notice Cangyue Sacred Land!

Jiang Chen glanced at Yue Qianjin calmly: “I’m here to take Meng Qingxue away from Cangyue Sacred Land, is there a problem?”

“Meng Qingxue is my Sacred Land disciple, can you take it away if you want?”

Yue Qianjin’s face turned cold: “Boy, dare to be wild in my Sacred Land, I think you are impatient for your life.”

Now Sacred Land has helped Qingxuan Holy Maiden to restore its peak, and Meng Qingxue is their exchange with Sacred Land.

If this kid took Meng Qingxue away, how would they explain to Sacred Land?

“You Cangyue Sacred Land, but you don’t deserve to have Qingxue as a disciple.”

“From now on, she is no longer a disciple of your Cangyue Sacred Land, but a member of our palace.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “She will leave or stay, Jiang Chen has the final say, but it is not your turn to interfere with Sacred Land!”

People’s Palace? Jiang Chen?

Yue Qianjin heard Jiang Chen’s words, and suddenly thought of something, her face suddenly changed: “You… are you the lord of the Human Emperor Palace Jiang Chen?”


This kid is Jiang Chen, the lord of the Palace of Human Emperors who has recently been known as the epicenter state mainland?

Following Yue Qianjin’s words, all Cang Yue Sacred Land people on the square were stiff and horrified.

In an instant…

The huge square was dead silent, as if even the surrounding air was frozen for it.

Although Cangyue Sacred Land is one of the eight hidden Sacred Lands, it is naturally very clear about the major events that have occurred in the Zhongzhou mainland. If it is said that there has been a sensation in the Zhongzhou mainland recently, even the Eight Great Hidden Sacred Land has shocked the Tianjiao figure, then it must be the one in front of him.

Jiang Chen!

A few months ago, Jiang Chen founded the Imperial Palace, conquered Nirvana City, and crushed the five holy cities in Zhongzhou.

In the latest version of Sacred Land’s list of the emperor of Tianjiao, Jiang Chen is even Xia Yuanhao who has overpowered Haotian Sacred Land, and is at the top of the list of the emperor of Tianjiao!

In the Supreme Emperor’s List, Jiang Chen’s ranking also reached 78th, not inferior to many of the older generations in the Eight Great Hidden Sacred Land!


This mythical figure who rose up like a comet on the Central State Continent and overwhelmed all the arrogances of the Eight Great Hidden Sacred Lands, unexpectedly appeared in front of them.

“The lord of the Palace of Human Emperors, Jiang Chen, the newly promoted Supreme Emperor of Heaven.”

“Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen, who has been thinking about Qingxue’s mouth, is really this one!”

Yue Qianyin took a deep breath, and an incredible horror appeared in his eyes.

Yue Qianyin knew better than anyone.

The Jiang Chen in Meng Qingxue’s mouth, like her, came from the remote place in the Northern Wilderness.

Yue Qianyin always thought that these two people should just have the same name, but he didn’t expect that they would be the same person!

A young man from the Northern Wilderness has grown into the supreme Tianjiao who has reached the top of the list of the Emperor Tianjiao in just a few years!

This… This is too incredible.

“That Human Palace…really you built it?”

Meng Qingxue stared at Jiang Chen blankly, and there was also a shock that could not be concealed in her beautiful eyes.

Although when he was in the Northern Wilderness, Meng Qingxue had already witnessed Jiang Chen crushing many geniuses from the Northern Wilderness all the way to reach the top.

But Meng Qingxue still didn’t expect it.

Even when he came to the Zhongzhou Continent, where Tianjiao is like a cloud, Jiang Chen can still stand up to the dust together, crush the countless Tianjiao of the eight hidden Sacred Land, and continue to write his own invincible myth!

“Replacement as fake.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Let’s go.”

After speaking, Jiang Chen directly ignored the many people of Sacred Land in the square, and turned around to bring Meng Qingxue with him.

“Jiang Chen, even if you are the lord of the Human Sovereign Palace, my Sacred Land is not a place where you can go wild at will!”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s actions, Yue Qianjin’s face suddenly sank: “If you leave now, I might be able to forget it. Otherwise…Don’t blame me, Sacred Land, Sacred Land, you’re welcome!”

“Then I’ll take a look at how you Sacred Land, Cangyue, are being kind to me!”

Jiang Chen stood with his hands in his hands, his whole body exuded an impenetrable domineering: “Today I will take Qingxue to leave, even if you Cangyue Sacred Land Holy Lord come in person, you will not be able to stop me!”

“Huh! Don’t be ashamed!”

Yue Qianjin shouted angrily: “Give me this guy who trespassed in Cangyue Sacred Land.”

The people of Cang Yue Sacred Land heard Yue Qianjin’s order, and they recovered in an instant, and then rushed towards Jiang Chen murderously.

Although Jiang Chen was talented near demon, he even surpassed Xia Yuanhao of Haotian Sacred Land.

But their Cangyue Sacred Land is one of the eight hidden Sacred Lands on the Shenwu Continent. They are truly standing on the top of the continent. How can they be frightened by a mere Jiang Chen?

“Boy, no matter who you are, our Cangyue Sacred Land is not a place where you can go wild, don’t die for me!”

Two of the old women in the Divine Fetal Stage took the lead, tearing the space with their monstrous palm strength and directly suppressing Jiang Chen on top of his head.

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