Chapter 1316 The emperor’s bloodline supernatural powers can be broken with bare hands!

“Boy presumptuous, how can my Sacred Land, Sacred Land, allow you to be wild here!”

Jiang Chen’s arrogant words suddenly made many powerful people in Cang Yue Sacred Land furious.

I saw a cold woman bathed in holy brilliance next to Cang Yue Holy Lord stepping forward. Sacred’s coercion was like moonlight shining on the earth, descending towards Jiang Chen.

Facing the cold woman’s Sacred coercion, Jiang Chen stood with his hand in his hand, like a God of War with a man in charge, and he was unmoved at all.

Let her be overwhelming, I will stand still!

“Looking at your age and Cultivation Base, it should be the Holy Maiden of Sacred Land’s Holy Maiden, but it doesn’t seem to be great.”

Jiang Chen calmly glanced at the cold woman, and then curled his lips in disdain: “Are all the people in Cang Yue Sacred Land blind? You want to use Qingxue to save you.”

“What are you, it’s not your turn to interfere with my Cangyue Sacred Land thing!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Yue Qingxuan’s cold face couldn’t help but a look of shame emerged.

Behind her, a bright moon with the size of a hundred meters in diameter slowly rose.

This bright moon was extremely deserted, and the rays of light hung down, cold and biting.

In an instant…

The temperature over the entire square dropped suddenly at this moment, giving people a feeling of being in an extremely cold place.

“Jiang Chen, be careful, this is Cangyue Sacred Land’s bloodline supernatural power: Hanyue Zhentian!”

Yue Qianyin’s expression suddenly changed when she saw the scene before her.

The founders of the eight hidden worlds of Shenwu Continent, Sacred Land, were once the top emperors on the peak of Shenwu Continent, and their bloodlines have been extremely powerful.

The descendants of the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land, as long as the bloodline level reaches a certain level, there is a chance to awaken the bloodline supernatural powers.

The higher the bloodline level, the greater the probability of awakening the bloodline magical powers.


The awakening of bloodline supernatural powers is not easy, even the top princes of the eight Sacred Land with the bloodline of the nine-star emperor, may not necessarily be able to awaken bloodline supernatural powers.

And Yue Qingxuan of Cangyue Sacred Land is the only person in Cangyue Sacred Land who has awakened his bloodline supernatural powers in the past three hundred years!

The emperor’s bloodline supernatural powers are even more powerful than the imperial Martial Skill.

Yue Qianyin once saw it with his own eyes.

Yue Qingxuan first entered the Divine Fetus Realm, and with this bloodline magical power, she easily suppressed the Third Stage Emperor of Divine Fetus!

Now that Yue Qingxuan breaks through the Fourth Stage of the Divine Fetus, and once again displays her bloodline supernatural powers, I am afraid that the Sixth Stage Emperor of the ordinary Divine Fetus will not be able to match it!

Even if Yue Qianyin already knew that Jiang Chen had been ranked first on the list of Emperors of Heaven, he couldn’t help but squeeze a cold sweat for Jiang Chen.

“Holy Maiden displayed the supernatural powers of the Great Emperor’s bloodline, Jiang Chen will undoubtedly die.”

Yue Qianjin saw this scene, and her face couldn’t help showing a sneer.

“Yue Holy Lord, the bloodline and supernatural powers of your Sacred Land emperor are truly extraordinary. With the current strength of the Qing Xuan Holy Maiden, I am afraid that it can be at least ranked among the top five in the list of the emperors of Tianjiao.”

Sacred Land Shengzi Yang Yao smiled and praised.

With Yue Qingxuan’s bloodline magical power, even if he wanted to deal with it, he would have to spend a lot of effort.

Cang Yue Sacred Land Holy Lord smiled slightly: “Holy Son is absurdly praised. Compared with Sheng Son, Qing Xuan still has a big gap.”

Regarding the words of Cang Yue Sacred Land Holy Lord, Yang Yao couldn’t deny it.

Except for Jiang Chen, who had recently inexplicably reached the top of the Emperor’s List, Yang Yao has always been the top three existence in the Emperor’s List.

It can be said.

Of all the geniuses of the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land, only Xia Yuanhao of Haotian Sacred Land can make Yang Yao jealous.

“You can be proud of being able to die under the bloodline and supernatural powers of my Great Emperor Sacred Land!”


Yue Qingxuan stared at Jiang Chen coldly, and immediately controlled the round of bright moon behind him to suppress Jiang Chen.

“Ha ha……”

“What about the supernatural powers of the emperor’s bloodline?”

“In my eyes, you, the so-called great emperor’s bloodline, can’t be so powerful, let me break it with my bare hands!”

Jiang Chen laughed domineeringly, and immediately the golden light of his whole body skyrocketed, and it instantly condensed into a golden body that was as high as one hundred zhang.

With the golden body of Baizhang condensed, Jiang Chen raised a huge golden fist, and slammed it directly against the oncoming bright moon.


A loud sound like Hong Zhong Dalu spread all over the world.

I saw Jiang Chen’s fist with glittering golden light, like a golden sun colliding with the bright moon.

In an instant…

The void exploded, and the terrifying breath shook the void thousands of feet.

In that round of Yue Qingxuan, Mingyue, which was sufficient to suppress the Sixth Stage emperor of the ordinary divine fetus, was abruptly blocked by Jiang Chen’s fist!

His fist was as bright as gold casting, full of Immortal aura.

Shake the emperor’s bloodline and supernatural powers with bare hands!

This guy actually blocked Yue Qingxuan’s bloodline supernatural power with a fist!

Seeing this scene before him, everyone in the square looked dumbfounded.

Even the Sacred Land Holy Lord of Cang Yue and Sacred Land Saint Child of Zhanyue had an incredible horror in their eyes.

Using bare hands to shake Yue Qingxuan’s bloodline supernatural powers, how powerful is this guy’s body?

Even Haotian Sacred Land’s Xia Yuanhao, who is known as dual cultivation of physical martial arts, would never be able to do it.

Who is this son? When did the Shenwu Continent actually have such an enchanting genius?

“What a cold moon, even if it is really a bright moon in the sky, I will still break it with a punch!”

“Drive me!”

Jiang Chen shouted wildly, and his whole body was furious, and a dazzling golden light burst out again from the golden body of Baizhang.

His golden fist, like a giant axe, with the power to split the world, once again slammed into the bright moon in front of him.


That round of Baizhang Mingyue could no longer withstand the power of Jiang Chen’s opening punch, and it burst into the void with a bang, turned into a little bit of silver, and dissipated in mid-air…


The bloodline supernatural power was destroyed, Yue Qingxuan’s face also turned pale in vain, and a mouthful of blood could not help but squirted out wildly.

She raised her head to look at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and finally there was an unprecedented panic in her eyes.

Yue Qingxuan, who used the emperor’s bloodline and magical powers, was so defeated!

this moment.

The heavens and the earth all fell into a dead silence for an instant.

Hardly shake the emperor’s bloodline supernatural powers with bare hands, and easily break through with two punches!

What kind of overbearing and heaven-defying means is this?

“Who is your Excellency?”

Cang Yue Sacred Land Holy Lord slowly took a deep breath, and a solemn expression flashed across his eyes.

This son seems to be only in his early twenties, but his terrifying strength has already surpassed countless peerless talents in the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land.

This kid… Could it be that he is not a disciple of a certain hidden emperor?

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