Chapter 1311: Ancient Starry Sky Road!

As the ancestors of the five holy cities and two Haotian Sacred Land disciples were solved by Jiang Chen successively, the establishment of the Great Hall of the Human Emperor Palace finally proceeded smoothly.

this moment.

Whether it is the forces in the northern coastal area or the Practitioner who came to observe the ceremony, they are all well-behaved at this moment and dare not make any trouble.

After this battle.

The Palace of the Human Emperor is destined to become the epicenter of the prefecture and become a terrifying existence above the holy city of martial arts. Who has the courage to run wild in front of the Palace of the Human Emperor?

Half a day later.

After the ceremony of the establishment of the Palace of the People.

And what happened in the Palace of Human Emperor, like a hurricane, quickly swept across the Zhongzhou mainland.

Countless Practitioners throughout the Central State Continent were shaken by the news once again.

Even some people who were more optimistic about Jiang Chen didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be able to do this step.

Conquer the Nirvana City in the Land of Nirvana, crush the ancestors of the five holy cities and the disciples of Haotian Sacred Land, and build the Palace of Humans with invincible power.

How domineering and heaven-defying is this?

When people outside were shocked by Jiang Chen’s actions.

Jiang Chen left the affairs of the Palace of Human Beings to Ye Chengjun, Xiao Duli and others, and he cultivated wholeheartedly.

Although Jiang Chen’s combat power is Transcendent, even Feng Xuankun and other divine fetus Sixth Stage realm emperors can easily suppress it, but Jiang Chen is not satisfied.

after all.

The Shenwu Continent Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, with Jiang Chen’s current strength, is still not enough to be the pinnacle of the continent.

Not to mention anything else, the Haotian Sacred Land in the Eight Hidden Worlds Sacred Land alone is probably not what he can compete with now.


He must Ascension own strength as soon as possible to cope with the Haotian Sacred Land he will face next.

During the day, Jiang Chen called the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm from the Palace of Human Beings to be his sparring partner, and he used this as a Cultivation Base for Ascension.

In the evening, Jiang Chen absorbed the Spirit Stones, Ascension Martial Dao Cultivation Base.

With the blessing of a hundred times the experience of the system, Jiang Chen’s strength has also grown at an extremely terrifying speed.

Two months later.

Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base was promoted from Xiaocheng in the early stage of the Eighth Stage to Xiaocheng in the middle of the Eighth Stage.

With physical strength alone, Jiang Chen can easily crush the Fourth Stage Practitioner of the Divine Tire.

In addition, Jiang Chen’s Martial Dao Cultivation Base also successfully reached the fourth stage of the fetus!

Ascension of the Dao Cultivation Base and Martial Dao Cultivation Base, Jiang Chen plans to try to cultivate the second seal of the human emperor’s seal: Zhu Shen’s seal!

As a martial arts martial art of the Xuanling Continent, the Human Emperor Seal is far superior to any Martial Skill in the Shenwu Continent, and it is powerful enough to destroy the world.

Even if it is only the first seal of the soul seal, it is enough for him to easily cross the three Realms with the Cultivation Base of the Third Stage, and kill the Feng Xuan Kun in the Sixth Stage.

If he could master the second seal of punishment, this seal would definitely become another killer for him to fight across the border.


Before Jiang Chen had time to start insight, Xiao Duli and Ye Chengjun suddenly found him.

Looking at the somewhat solemn expressions of the two Xiao Duli, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but frowned slightly: “Master, what happened, is it because Haotian Sacred Land did something?”

“Relax, Vast Sky Sacred Land shouldn’t take action against the Human Emperor Palace for the time being. Now for the saint son of Vast Sky Sacred Land, there is one thing that is far more important than dealing with our Human Emperor Palace.”

Ye Chengjun shook his head, and then said in a deep voice, “We came to see you today, mainly for this matter.”


Jiang Chen couldn’t help passing a look of surprise in his eyes, and asked curiously: “What the hell is it?”

“Ancient Starry Sky!”

Xiao Duli slowly said: “According to the news we have received, the legendary ancient road to the starry sky in Shenwu Continent seems to be opening soon.”

Starry sky and ancient road!

Hearing Xiao Duli’s words, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shrink slightly.


He suddenly raised his head to look at the two Jiang Chen, with a shocked expression on his face: “Does the ancient starry sky road in your mouth have something to do with the legendary Starry Sky City in the Shenwu Continent?”

“Yes, this ancient starry sky road is the trial road to Starry Sky City…”

As Ye Chengjun said, he began to introduce Jiang Chen to the ancient starry sky.

Ten thousand years ago.

The Blood Spirit Clan invaded the Shenwu Continent, the Great Emperor Haotian led the emperors of the Shenwu Continent, fought against the Blood Spirit Clan in the Star City, and finally burned with the Blood Spirit Clan jade.

In that battle, all the powers of the Emperor Realm of Shenwu Continent fell in Star City.

The inheritance of many emperor realm powerhouses has also been left in that starry sky city.

In order to prevent the inheritance of many imperial powers in the Shenwu Continent from being cut off, Emperor Vast Sky finally evolved the ancient starry sky road with the God-less Vast Sky Tower, which became a bridge connecting the Shenwu Continent and the Star City.

The ancient starry sky road is opened every 100 years, and all the emperors who are under one hundred years old on the Shenwu Continent are eligible to enter the ancient starry sky road.

As long as you can pass the trial of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, you can enter Starry Sky City and obtain the Great Emperor’s legacy of Starry Sky City.

To know.

The Shenwu Continent was known as a hundred emperors thousands of years ago!

The inheritance of the hundreds of emperor realm powerhouses has all survived in Star City!

It can be said that Star City is the most terrifying opportunity for Shenwu Continent today.

Even the supreme geniuses of the Eight Hidden Worlds Sacred Land are all eager for them.

“How long will this ancient starry sky road open?”

Jiang Chen groaned slightly, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

The Great Emperor Haotian opened the Starry Sky City with a sword, half of which fell to Emperor Buried Abyss, suppressing the blood spirit family Li Jiuyou and the plane teleportation formation.

The Starry Sky City connected by the ancient starry sky road in Ye Chengjun’s mouth was obviously the other half Jiang Chen had never seen.

Since this ancient starry sky road can lead to the other half of the starry sky city, he has to go there for a while.

“About a month later.”

Xiao Duli said helplessly: “I knew you would choose to enter the ancient starry sky road, but we want to enter the ancient starry sky road now, I am afraid it will be a little troublesome. Because the entrance of the ancient starry sky road is located in Haotian Sacred Land. .”

“It’s okay, nothing is expected.”

Since Xingkong Ancient Road was evolved from the God-less Haotian Tower of Emperor Vast Sky, the entrance to Haotian Sacred Land is naturally reasonable.

Although Haotian Sacred Land is powerful, Jiang Chen is not too afraid now.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, even the emperor of the seventh stage of the divine fetus, he is sure to easily kill him.

Even if Haotian Sacred Land wants to attack him, he promises to make Haotian Sacred Land pay a heavy price for it!

“Hall Master, there is a woman named Yue Siyun outside the Palace of Human Emperor who wants to see you.”

Just as Jiang Chen and Xiao Duli were discussing the Xingkong Ancient Road, a voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Yue Siyun, why did she come?

Jiang Chen’s complexion changed slightly, and he said solemnly: “Take her to see me immediately!”

It is impossible for Yue Siyun to come to the Imperial Palace to find him for no reason.

Suddenly I came here now, I am afraid that in all likelihood, something happened to Meng Qingxue of Cangyue Sacred Land.

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