Chapter 1312 Meng Qingxue’s accident, go to Cangyue Sacred Land!

ten minutes later.

Under the leadership of a Renhuangdian Practitioner, Yue Siyun came to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn’t talk nonsense, and asked straightforwardly: “Siyun, why did you come here to find me? Did something happen to Qingxue?”

Yue Siyun nodded quickly and said, “Jiang Chen, Dage, Senior Sister Meng is indeed having some trouble.”

Sure enough, something happened to Qingxue!

Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly condensed, and he whispered softly: “What happened on earth, please make it clear.”

“Since Sister Qingxue entered Cangyue Sacred Land, she was deeply attracted by Qianyin Elder and Cangyue Sacred Land because she was pregnant with the Taiyin Juvenile Body.”

“Originally, Senior Sister Qingxue has also devoted herself to cultivating with the resources provided by Cangyue Sacred Land.”

“Until not long ago, Haotian Sacred Land reported that the ancient starry sky road was about to open, and then some accidents happened.”

Hearing Yue Siyun’s words, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but look surprised and said: “What are you talking about? Is Qingxue’s matter still related to the ancient starry sky?”

To know.

When Meng Qingxue was brought back to Cangyue Sacred Land by Yue Qianyin, it was the Cultivation Base of Shenhai early stage.

Although with Meng Qingxue’s physique of Taiyin and Juvenile, after entering the cultivation Sacred Land of Cangyue Sacred Land, her strength growth would definitely be terrifying.

But Meng Qingxue’s time to enter Cangyue Sacred Land is not long after all.

I remember that when I met Yue Siyun in the Land of Nirvana, Yue Siyun said that Meng Qingxue’s Cultivation Base had just reached the peak of Shenhai Ninth Stage.

Now it was only a few months before he entered the Land of Desolation.

In any case, it is impossible for Meng Qingxue to break through to the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm from the peak of the Divine Sea in such a short time.

As for the Ancient Starry Sky Road, only the Emperor Tianjiao under a hundred years old is eligible to enter.

Jiang Chen really couldn’t understand, how could Meng Qingxue have something to do with Starry Sky Ancient Road inexplicably?

“After the news of the opening of the ancient starry sky road came out, the eight great hidden Sacred Land’s princes were all ready to move, and began to do everything possible to Ascension’s strength to prepare for entering the ancient starry sky road.”

“Among them, the saint son of Sacred Land, Yang Yao, took a fancy to Senior Sister Qingxue’s Taiyin Juemai Body.”

“A few days ago, Yang Yao brought people from Sacred Land to Cangyue Sacred Land. The purpose was to come for Senior Sister Qingxue.”

When Yue Siyun said this, a wry smile appeared on her little face: “I don’t know what conditions Sacred Land has given to the day, so that the senior management of Cangyue Sacred Land has the meaning to send Senior Sister Qingxue.”

“What do you mean, Cangyue Sacred Land intends to sacrifice Qingxue in exchange for her to give to the saint son Yang Yao of Zhuri Sacred Land?”

As soon as Jiang Chen heard this, his whole body suddenly exploded with a cold killing intent.

The Taiyin Jiemai Body has a fatal attraction for certain practitioners, which Jiang Chen knows better than anyone.

Originally, Jiang Chen thought.

Meng Qingxue was brought into Cangyue Sacred Land by a strong man in Cangyue Sacred Land. With such a hidden four-star Sacred Land as a backing, such a situation should not happen.

But he never expected it.

Cang Yue Sacred Land used Meng Qingxue’s Lunar Desperate Body as a bargaining chip for profit!

“Hall Master, I also have a certain understanding of Sacred Land.”

“It is said that there is a secret method in Chasing the Sun in Sacred Land, which can use some special blood to come to the quality of the blood of the Great Ascension in Sacred Land.”

“The saint son of Sacred Land, I’m afraid it was the whole idea.”

At this moment, Ye Chengjun on the side could not help but said coldly.

“Yes, the bloodline of the emperor of Sun Yao Sacred Land Shengzi Yang Yao has reached the eight-star peak, and it is only one step away to reach the nine-star.”

Yue Siyun slowly said: “He just wants to use Senior Sister Qingxue’s Taiyin Desperate Body to Ascension the quality of his Great Emperor’s bloodline to Jiuxing!”


“What a long month Sacred Land, what a sun-seeking saint, he even hit my Jiang Chen’s head with his idea.”

“I want to see, if Jiang Chen is here, who dares to touch her hair!”

A cold light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes, and he immediately said to Xiao Duli and the others: “Master, the Palace of the Human Emperor will be handed over to you. I’m going to Cangyue Sacred Land.”

Xiao Duli frowned slightly: “Cangyue Sacred Land, as the eight hidden Sacred Land, is far less powerful than the five holy cities. Is it really okay for you to go alone?”

“Master, rest assured.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “With my current strength, there are not many people who can keep me in this Shenwu Continent.”

Ye Chengjun didn’t say much.

With a move of his palm, he directly took out a golden space Jade Slip and handed it to Jiang Chen: “Hall Master, you are going to Sacred Land, take this thing with you.”

Jiang Chen felt the terrifying spatial fluctuations on the golden Jade Slip, his eyes narrowed involuntarily: “This is…”

“This is what I left behind when the previous lord of Nirvana City left Nirvana City. When I encountered a situation that I couldn’t deal with, he would crush it, and he would arrive as soon as possible.”

“Although I don’t know if the old guy is still alive, and I don’t know if this golden Jade Slip is still useful.”

“But… there is the breath of that old guy on it, which may be able to deter some of the strong people in the Eight Great Hidden Sacred Land.”

Ye Chengjun said with a smile.

The last lord of the city of Nirvana, Ye Tianji, was already ranked in the top 30 of the Supreme Emperor’s list five hundred years ago.

Five hundred years have passed. Although Ye Tianji’s ranking on the Supreme Emperor’s List has not changed, it has never disappeared.

It has not disappeared, which means that Ye Tian Ji is still very likely to live in the entire world.

No one knows how terrifying the existence of an existence that was ranked in the top 30 of the Supreme Emperor’s List five hundred years ago.

Such a peerless figure who truly stood on the top of the Shenwu Continent, even if it was the eight hidden world Sacred Land, no one would dare to offend him easily.

Jiang Chen brought Jade Slip, the space left by Ye Tianji, and his safety would undoubtedly be an extra layer of protection.

Jiang Chen was not hypocritical either. He took the jade card in Ye Chengjun’s hand, and then bid farewell to the two directly, and quickly left the Palace of Human Emperor with Yue Siyun and hurried towards Cangyue Sacred Land.

Cang Yue Sacred Land is located in the southeast of the Zhongzhou mainland, hundreds of millions of miles away from the northern coastal area where the Palace of Human Emperor is located.

The two Jiang Chen teleported all the way to Tianyue City, the nearest to Cangyue Sacred Land, through the teleportation array.

Immediately afterwards.

Under the guidance of Yue Siyun, Jiang Chen flew towards the south of Tianyue City with Yue Siyun.

After half a day.

The two finally stopped over a rolling mountain range.

“Jiang Chen Dage, this is it.”

Yue Siyun said, then took out a silver token with the mark of Cang Yue Sacred Land and ejected it into the space in front of him.

call out!

The silver token instantly sank into the void in front of him, and a strange spatial fluctuation also slowly spread from that space.

After a while.

I saw a spatial vortex measuring hundreds of meters in size, and it gradually appeared in Jiang Chen’s sight…

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