Chapter 1310 Haotian Sacred Land disciple, I can’t kill it!

“Today, the grand ceremony of the establishment of the Palace of Human Beings, it would be a bad idea for the two of you to hide in the dark.”

A cold light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes, and coldly said, “If you can’t give this hall master a reasonable explanation, then you two will also save your lives.”

“Jiang Chen, don’t think that if you can conquer the five holy cities in Zhongzhou, you are truly invincible in this mainland of Zhongzhou!”

One of the young men looked down on Jiang Chen condescendingly, and said with a disdainful sneer: “Do you know who I am? I am the head of the eight hidden Sacred Lands in Shenwu Continent and Xia Kong, the disciple of Haotian Sacred Land.”


Hearing what the young man said, everyone in the square below was in an uproar!

“Haotian Sacred Land? There is such a Sacred Land in Zhongzhou Continent. Why have I never heard of it?”

Some ordinary Practitioners without a strong background are blank and authentic.

“That’s because you are ignorant.”

“In addition to the five holy cities, there are eight hidden Sacred Lands in the Central State Continent. This Haotian Sacred Land is the most powerful being among the eight hidden Sacred Lands.”

“It is said that the founder of Vast Sky Sacred Land was Vast Sky Great, the number one powerhouse in Shenwu Continent ten thousand years ago!”

One of the people who knew the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land explained to everyone, his expression was shocking.

“Unexpectedly, the people of Haotian Sacred Land actually appeared. As far as I know, Haotian Sacred Land is the real number one Sacred Land in Shenwu Continent, and its strength is more than ten times stronger than the five holy cities!”

The other person also said shockedly.


Hearing the explanation of these two people, countless Practitioners on the square couldn’t help but take a breath.

They looked up at the two young men in the void, their expressions suddenly becoming incomparable.

Descendants of Emperor Haotian!

The No. 1 Sacred Land in Shenwu Continent!

The origins of these two young men are too terrifying.

“Who are you, where are you from, and what does it have to do with me?”

“I’ll say it for the last time, you’d better give this hall master a satisfactory explanation.”

“Otherwise… whoever scatters in our palace will kill you without mercy!”

Hearing Xia Kong’s words, Jiang Chen’s complexion did not change at all, and his voice still seemed indifferent.

He dared to kill Xia Yuanfeng and others in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum, and he was not afraid of people from Haotian Sacred Land coming to him.

If these two Haotian Sacred Land disciples are really looking for trouble, they will kill them!

“Jiang Chen, don’t be too arrogant!”

“Today, I am ordered by the Saint Son to take you back to Haotian Sacred Land to inquire about your crimes. If you are more acquainted, you will be obediently arrested.”

“Otherwise… when my Haotian Sacred Land arrives, you will surely level down your palace!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t put him in his eyes so much, Xia Kong burst into anger with anger.


“Even if your Haotian Sacred Land son Xia Yuanhao comes in person, you are not qualified to say this in front of me, what are you?”

“I gave you a chance to survive. Since you don’t cherish it, then give it to me to die.”

Coldly’s voice fell, Jiang Chen raised a hand, then slammed his palm, and a huge handprint appeared in the air, like Mount Tai pressing the top, and heading towards Xia Kong’s suppression.

“Jiang Chen, you… Stop it!”

“I am a disciple of Haotian Sacred Land, if you dare to kill me, Haotian Sacred Land will definitely not let you go!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t even care about his identity as a disciple of Haotian Sacred Land, and shot directly and mercilessly, Xia Kong’s expression was immediately frightened.

“Is the Emperor Haotian Sacred Land great?”

“You disciples of Haotian Sacred Land, I haven’t killed it before, and it’s not worse than you!”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and pressed his handprint directly and mercilessly against Xia Kong.

Feeling Jiang Chen’s horrible blow, Xia Kong’s expression changed drastically, and he quickly urged his entire body to slash out the handprint with a sword.


Xia Kong quickly discovered in horror that Jiang Chen’s palm was not something he could resist.

The sword he used with all his might, in an instant, it fell apart under Jiang Chen’s handprints and exploded every inch.

“Jiang Chen, you…ah!”

Along with Xia Kong’s scream, the surroundings quickly returned to silence, but Xia Kong was no longer in the void.

Seeing Jiang Chen slapped Xia Kong into fleshy meat with a slap, everyone couldn’t help but breathe in cold air.

Dignified Haotian Sacred Land’s disciple was slapped to death by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen, this guy is really not so cruel.

“Jiang Chen, you…”

And not far from Xia Kong, the disciple of Haotian Sacred Land on the other side was obviously shocked by this scene.

He looked at Jiang Chen with horror on his face, his whole body trembled like a man on his back.

Jiang Chen raised his head and glanced at the young man, and said indifferently: “Why, you also asked me to go to Haotian Sacred Land to lead the crime on the order of your holy son?”

“No, no…I just passed by here by accident. I heard that today is the establishment ceremony of the Palace of Human Beings, and I came here to watch the ceremony.”

The young man’s face turned pale in an instant, and he said tremblingly.


The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised a slight arc: “Since it’s a gift, there must be a gift, right?”

“Hallmaster Jiang, this Vast Sky Divine Fruit is the unique spirit fruit of my Vast Sky Sacred Land. It can greatly Ascension Divine Embryo Realm Emperor’s Cultivation Base. It is my congratulatory gift. Please accept it.”

The young man gritted his teeth and quickly took out a palm-sized red sandalwood box and threw it to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen glanced slightly, and he realized that there was a fist-sized mysterious spirit fruit in the wooden box. The rich energy contained in it was much richer than any spirit fruit Jiang Chen had ever seen.

“Count you pass.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly and put away the red sandalwood box.

“Thank you Palace Master Jiang.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the young man couldn’t help but wiped the cold sweat on his forehead secretly.

Fortunately, he reacted fast enough, otherwise I am afraid he would really follow in Xia Kong’s footsteps.

“Unexpectedly, the Jiang Chen the Saint Child was looking for turned out to be the Jiang Chen who had reached the top of the ranking of the Emperor of Heavenly Journey.”

“This matter must be reported back to Sacred Land as soon as possible to the Son.”

“In the future, the strong Sacred Land in Haotian will come, and I am determined to recover from him tenfold the insults of today.”

The young man’s eyes flickered slightly, and his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

It was seen that Jiang Chen killed a Vast Sky Sacred Land disciple in an instant, forcing another Vast Sky Sacred Land disciple to bow their heads, and everyone was unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

First, he pressed the five sacred cities in Zhongzhou, and now he is not afraid of Sacred Land, the strongest force in the Shenwu Continent!

Jiang Chen, this guy is really going to be awesome.

Seeing the young man leaving in panic, Jiang Chen didn’t bother to pay attention.

He turned and walked towards the Human Emperor Hall, and the voice that contained the mighty power of the emperor also instantly reverberated through the heavens and the earth.

“The ceremony for the establishment of the Palace of Human Emperor, now begins!”

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