Chapter 1301 Zhongzhou shakes, the mainland’s first arrogant!

Outside the land of dying.

After Jiang Chen and Xiao Duli joined forces to kill the five god-tier fetal realm emperors headed by Feng Xuanyang, they were not hiding behind, and swaggered toward the northern coastal area.

With the strength of Jiang Chen and Xiao Duli, they are no longer afraid of any strong in the five holy cities, and naturally there is no need to hide their identities.


Jiang Chen now also has the power to compete head-on with the five holy cities.

This time, he is bound to completely end his grievances with the five holy cities!

Because there is no hidden identity.

Along the way, many people who learned of Jiang Chen and their whereabouts came after hearing the news and stared at Jiang Chen and them.


Jiang Chen didn’t care about it. He even took advantage of these people to openly challenge the five holy cities.

For a time.

Jiang Chen killed the five god-tier fetal emperors headed by Feng Xuanyang outside the land of silence, and the news that he was going to build a human emperor palace in a month to openly confront the five holy cities was almost like a hurricane. , Spread quickly.

Suddenly, countless forces in the Zhongzhou mainland were shaken by it.

For thousands of years.

The five holy cities have always been the four-star Sacred Lands on the Central State Continent. They have a wealth of heritage and unfathomable strength.

Even the top Samsung hegemony forces on the mainland have never dared to provoke the majesty of the five holy cities.

“Hi… isn’t this Jiang Chen the kid wanted by the five holy cities?”

“Yes, it is said that this kid is a disciple of the Burning Sword Emperor Xiao Duli. Now he is only in his twenties, he can even kill several emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm in the five holy cities in succession, and the emperor is like a dog slaughter!”

“It’s too strong. Fortunately, we didn’t shoot Jiang Chen, otherwise I’m afraid I won’t know how to die.”


Countless people talked about it.

All the major families and Sect forces in the Central State Continent were all disturbed.

after all.

This news is really amazing.

A Maotou boy wanted by the five holy cities, two years after he dissipated in the mainland of Zhongzhou, he wanted to create a force and openly confront the five holy cities!

“Tsk tusk… openly confronting the five holy cities, this is the first time in the Central State Continent in ten thousand years.”

Many Practitioners are filled with emotion.

“Hey… I think Jiang Chen is simply looking for his own death. The five holy cities are all four-star Sacred Lands that have been passed down on the mainland for thousands of years. How can Jiang Chen, no matter how evil he is, contend with the five holy cities? ”

Some people who support the five holy cities have a look of contempt and disdain.

“I don’t think so.”

“Jiang Chen is not only extremely enchanting, but also a very enchanting Master Burning Heaven Sword Emperor Xiao Duli. It is said that even Feng Xuanyang and other supreme emperors have fallen among them. I am afraid that no one can suppress the five holy cities. Live them.”

“Perhaps…this pattern that has remained unchanged for thousands of years in the Central State Continent will be rewritten by them!”

Some sharp-eyed people have put forward different opinions.

Jiang Chen’s deeds were really shocking.

Such a peerless figure who has never met in 10,000 years does not necessarily have the ability to rewrite the structure of the Zhongzhou mainland.

When the outside world made a sensation because of Jiang Chen’s name, the five holy cities were also furious.

Jinglei City.

A silver-haired old man covered in thunder and lightning suddenly rose into the sky from the depths of Jinglei City, and terrifying thunder and lightning surged above Jinglei City, as if the end had come.

“Jiang Chen, you kill my son Thunder Copper, the old man will never die with you!”

Tianwu City, a secret room three thousand feet below the ground.

A white-haired old man wearing a Tsing Yi Dao robe finally slowly opened his eyes. In his seemingly cloudy old eyes, there seemed to be a sky sword shining, which could cut everything.

“Jiang Chen? Killing several divine birth emperors in the five holy cities, openly fighting against the five holy cities?”

“No matter who it is, those who provoke the majesty of my five holy cities should be killed!”

The white-haired old man’s coldly voice fell, and the whole person rose up into the sky like an unsheathed peerless sword!

Immediately afterwards.

Yandi City and Lingxi City also responded one after another, vowing to live with Jiang Chen endlessly.

Shenfeng City, the first of the five holy cities in Zhongzhou.

In the central Great Hall.

Qinglian God Emperor Feng Qingya sat on the head, his expression extremely gloomy.

Ever since Jiang Chen appeared on the Zhongzhou Continent, Shenfeng City first lost the third stage of Feng Wuying in the Jingyun Gate.

This time, Jiang Chen was intercepted outside the Land of Silence.

Not only did they fail to succeed, but even Feng Xuanyang, the ancestor at the peak of the Fifth Stage of the fetus, fell because of this. It can be described as a heavy loss!

“You can’t let Jiang Chen go crazy, you must completely eradicate that kid. If he is really allowed to build the Palace of Human Emperor and fight against the five holy cities, what face does our five holy cities have to stand on the mainland?”

A Kamikaze City Elder growled angrily.

“Jiang Chen and Xiao Duli are no longer any kneading soft persimmons, and even the ancestor Xuanyang fell into their hands. Unless the ancestor Xuankun takes the shot himself, I am afraid that no one can help them.”

Another older Elder shook his head.

For a time.

Numerous kamikaze cities Elder are divided into two factions, and there is a lot of discussion.


“Send someone to investigate Jiang Chen and Xiao Duli first, and we must thoroughly investigate their strength and strength.”

“At that time, we will discuss with other holy cities and take them in one fell swoop!”

Feng Qingya waved his hand, stopped the noise of everyone, and said with a final word.

When he spoke, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Know yourself and the enemy, and a hundred battles will never end.

The five holy cities made two consecutive shots, but the reason they failed was because they did not have a clear understanding of Jiang Chen and their strength.

This time, Feng Qingya decided to make a move.

Either you don’t make a move, you move like thunder as soon as you make a move, and will never give Jiang Chen and the others any chance to stand up!

“Patriarch, there was just news that the secret Sacred Land updated the rankings of the two kings of the Shenwu Continent, and both Xiao Duli and Jiang Chen were on the list.”

At this moment, one of the Elders who had not spoken suddenly said.


Feng Qingya’s eyes flashed: “How do they rank?”

“Both are tied for the double list.”

“Fentian Sword Emperor Xiao Duli, ascending to fifth place on the ranking of Emperor Tianjiao, and the ranking of Supreme Emperors replaced the 93rd place of the ancestor Xuanyang.”

“As for Jiang Chen, he has replaced Haotian Sacred Land and Xia Yuanhao’s position, and has reached the top of the list of the Emperors of Tianjiao, and the ranking of the Supreme Emperors has reached 78!”


As this Elder’s voice fell, the many high-level kamikaze cities in the Great Hall couldn’t help taking a breath.

They all saw a touch of horror that was hard to conceal from each other’s eyes.

It’s because they already knew that Jiang Chen was very enchanting, but they still didn’t expect that this guy could replace the Haotian Sacred Land and top the list of the emperor of Tianjiao!

The emperor of Tianjiao is the top of the list, this is the openly first Tianjiao of the mainland!

How could this kid have grown to such a heaven-defying level?

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