Chapter 1302 The Emperor’s Palace is erected!

The Great Hall in the center of Kamikaze City.

The many high-level Elders in Kamikaze City have been unable to recover from the shock for a long time at this moment.

Even Feng Qingya’s expression instantly became extremely solemn.

Sacred Land!

The most mysterious existence in the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land in Shenwu Continent.

All the time.

Tianji Sacred Land’s emperor rankings are all very authoritative rankings on the mainland.

Feng Qingya never thought of it anyway.

In the updated list of Tianji Sacred Land this time, Jiang Chen and Xiao Duli will reach such a high ranking!

Xiao Duli, ranked fifth on the list of Emperor Tianjiao, and ranked 93rd among the Supreme Emperor.

With such strength, it can almost rank in the top three of the five holy cities!

As for Jiang Chen, even though he was Xiao Duli’s disciple, Qing came from Lan and was better than Lan.

In his early twenties, he overpowered Haotian Sacred Land and Xia Yuanhao, ascending to the top of the list of the Emperors of Heaven, and the ranking of the Supreme Emperors was as high as 78!

This ranking, it seems that the ranking on the Supreme Emperor’s list is not high, in fact it is already very scary.

after all.

Ranked in the top fifty of the Supreme Emperor’s List, either the top powerhouses of the eight hidden Sacred Lands, or the hidden old monsters that have been alive for thousands of years.

To know.

Even their Xuankun ancestors, the blatant No. 1 powerhouse of the five holy cities, only ranked 77th on the Supreme Emperors list, only one place higher than Jiang Chen!

This also means that Jiang Chen’s combat power is already at the same level as their Xuankun ancestors!

“Patriarch, Tianji Sacred Land’s rankings have always been very accurate, and we shouldn’t be careless. Now I am afraid that only the ancestor Xuankun can do it to deal with the two of Jiang Chen.”

At this moment, a divine womb realm Elder finally broke the silence and said with a serious look.

Ranked 78th on the Supreme Emperor’s List, in the entire five holy cities, no one except their Xuankun ancestors can suppress Jiang Chen!

“The ancestor Xuankun is in a critical period of cultivation, so it is not suitable to make a move at this moment.”

Feng Qingya shook his head, and then said in a deep voice: “Let the notification go down, so that people in the five holy cities will not act rashly for the time being.”

“Do we really have to sit back and watch Jiang Chen provoking the five holy cities, and let them build the Palace of Human Emperors to fight us?”

Some of them Elder said unwillingly.

“Of course not!”

Feng Qingyan’s eyes were cold, and the whole body was filled with murderous intent.

“After a month, the ancestor Xuankun will be able to leave the customs smoothly.”

“Didn’t the kid build the Palace of Humans in a month? I will gather the power of the five holy cities to kill the door in a month.”

“This time, I will never let that kid have any chance to stand up again!”

With the update of Sacred Land, the king list comes out.

Jiang Chen and Xiao Duli became the supreme emperors on the list of supreme emperors, once again causing a sensation in the entire Zhongzhou mainland.

Even the five holy cities that had been furious at first fell silent for a while.

after all.

The two supreme emperors on the list of the supreme emperors can still kill the terrifying existence of Feng Xuanyang, the ancestor of the god wind city.

Even if it is the five holy cities, who would dare to attack Jiang Chen and the others easily?

Without the obstacles of the five holy cities, Jiang Chen and the others also returned to the Palace of Human Emperor very smoothly.

Seeing that Jiang Chen returned safely with Xiao Duli and a group of strong men, Long Tianwu and Cang Wuya were naturally overjoyed.

At present, there are Jiang Chen and the Burning Sword Emperor Xiao Duli in the Palace of the Human Emperor. Together with these Divine Soul Realm Kings, their strength has surpassed most of the three-star overlords on the mainland, and they have some capital to fight against the five holy cities!

Back in the Palace of Human Emperor, the period Jiang Chen took over has undoubtedly become a lot more leisurely.

While he was cultivating, he was preparing for the establishment of the Human Palace.


One month passed in a flash, and soon came the day when the Palace of Human Emperor was officially established.

this day.

All the two-star forces in the northern coastal area sent people to the huge square in front of the Palace of Human Emperor early.

There are even many Practitioners from other regions who came here after hearing the news and came here to observe the ceremony.

For a time.

The huge square in front of the Palace of the Kings, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people, is almost full of people and it is very lively!


With a melodious bell ringing above the Human Emperor Hall, more than a dozen imposing figures instantly rose into the sky, and then quickly stepped into the air from the depths of the Human Emperor Hall.

The person in the lead was a young man dressed in costumes and exuding a powerful emperor’s might.

Beside the young man, a middle-aged man with a sword eyebrow star and an indifferent old man in Tsing Yi stood on the left and right. Both of them also exuded a palpable imperial coercion.

Behind the three of them is a group of powerful auras of Divine Soul Realm Kings.

“The young man headed is Jiang Chen who suppressed Xuanbing Palace alone? This is too young!”

“Heh… I didn’t expect that the Palace of Human Emperor Jiang Chen established, there are already three god-tier fetal realm emperors sitting in town!”

“The strength of this man’s palace seems to be stronger than I thought.”


Everyone looked at Jiang Chen and his party who had stepped into the sky from the Palace of Human Emperor, and they couldn’t help but be amazed.

“Today, I, Jiang Chen, established the Palace of the Human Emperor here. The entire northern coastal area will be honored by the Palace of the Human Emperor from now on. Do you have any objections?”

Just when everyone was shocked.

Jiang Chen swept his gaze slightly across the square, and his proud voice slowly resounded in this space.

“Luo Yuezong has no meaning, and I wish to respect the Palace of Human Emperor!”

“I have no objections to my Qingmen, and I wish to respect the Palace of Human Beings!”


As Jiang Chen’s voice fell, many forces that had long since decided to take refuge in the Palace of Human Emperors all stood up and acknowledged the supremacy of the northern coastal area in the Palace of Human Emperors.

Even some forces that originally wanted to speak out and resist, have chosen to be silent at this moment.

The Human Palace, which has three god-tier fetal realm emperors, is many times stronger than the original Xuanbing Palace.

Rebelling rashly is no different from looking for death.


Just as everyone was shocked by the terrifying power of the three god-tier fetal realm emperors in the Human Palace, there was a sudden bang in the air.


Everyone was shocked to discover that in the void a kilometer away from the square, a vortex of a hundred meters in size suddenly appeared out of thin air.


One after another, the aura of the mighty emperor’s might slowly diffused out of that spatial vortex.

Immediately after…

A faint humming sound also came out of the void in an instant, slowly echoing through this piece of heaven and earth.

“Huh! Jiang Chen, if you want to build the Human Emperor Palace, you have to ask our five holy cities if you can agree to it!”

Have the people of the five holy cities come after all?

Jiang Chen raised his head and stared at the space vortex in front of him, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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