Chapter 1300 Supreme Emperor, Fallen!

“All dead?”

In the void, Feng Xuanyang, who was slightly embarrassed by the superposition of Xiao Duli’s double Realm, couldn’t help but lose his face in horror.

Not long ago.

The five holy cities sent three emperors of the divine birth realm to startled Cloud Gate to inquire about crimes, but they were all planted in the hands of Jiang Chen.

This time.

The five holy cities sent five emperors of the divine birth realm headed by him to intercept Jiang Chen here.

But Feng Xuanyang didn’t expect it anyway.

With just a snap of his fingers, Jiang Chen killed all four Divine Embryo Realm Emperors except him!

Since Jiang Chen appeared on the Zhongzhou Continent, in less than two months, seven emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm have fallen into his hands in the five holy cities.

Such a situation simply surpassed Feng Xuanyang’s imagination.

To know.

In total, the five holy cities possessed only more than twenty divine birth realm emperors.

Now that seven people have fallen one after another, this is already nearly one-third of the Emperor of the Divine Embryo in the five holy cities.

Such a loss is enough to hurt the vitality of the five holy cities!

Even in the history of nearly ten thousand years, the five holy cities did not have so many divine emperors in a short period of time.

“This time, the five holy cities are in trouble.”

Feng Xuanyang smiled bitterly in his heart.

Originally in their eyes.

Jiang Chen is just a twenty-year-old boy with a hairy head. Even if he is backed by the Sword Emperor Xiao Duli, the Sword Emperor of Burning Heaven, Xiao Duli, he can’t make any waves in front of the five holy cities.

It is precisely because of this that they will use such extreme means to deal with the two Jiang Chen.


At this moment, Feng Xuanyang realized that they were too small for Jiang Chen.

Xiao Duli and Jiang Chen, the pair of masters and disciples, are really more enchanting than the other.

Xiao Duli, who was less than a hundred years old, broke through the Fifth Stage early stage Cultivation Base, and his combat power was not inferior to the peak of the Fifth Stage.

Jiang Chen is even more terrifying, but in his early twenties, he already has a Cultivation Base in the third stage of the womb.

Moreover, with this dual cultivation of sub-body martial arts, the physical body can kill the third stage emperor of the divine fetus, comprehend a variety of Martial Dao Realm, and the Kendo Realm has reached the Xiaocheng Realm.

In terms of combat power, this guy is probably only strong but not weak compared to Xiao Duli!

This master and apprentice teamed up, even if they were the emperor of the Sixth Stage, they might not be able to easily suppress them.

When Feng Xuanyang’s thoughts flashed in his mind, a retreat was also in his heart.

Xiao Duli, the Sword Emperor of Burning Heaven, was already very difficult.

If you add a Jiang Chen who is even more enchanting in combat power, I am afraid he will be in danger of falling!

Today’s Jiang Chen and Xiao Duli are no longer easily handled by the five holy cities.

He must report the matter to the five holy cities, and make long-term discussions.


I am afraid that the five holy cities will really suffer annihilation this time.

Feng Xuanyang took a deep breath.

He looked at Xiao Duli who was about to attack him again, the majestic space energy instantly surged out, and then a three-foot-sized space channel was constructed in front of him.

“Haha…Feng Xuanyang, can’t you help but run away?”

“It’s a pity that you can’t escape. Today, Xiao Duli, I am determined to use you as a stepping stone and set foot on the so-called supreme emperor list!”

“Li Huo Jitian Sword, cut it for me!”

Xiao Duli let out a big laugh, and a hundred feet away from the fire Sword Qi soared into the sky, crossing the space silently and directly dividing the void in front of him.

He only heard a chuckle in the void, and the space channel in front of Feng Xuanyang collapsed instantly.

“damn it!”

The space channel collapsed, and Feng Xuanyang looked at Xiao Duli who had come to death with the burning weather, his expression ugly to the extreme.

He gritted his teeth and had to fight Jiang Chen again with all his strength!

“Boom boom boom…”

The collision between the two god-tier tires and the Fifth Stage realm emperor continued to blast through the void, and a series of terrifying and destroying storms, like the end of the day, constantly swept away in the sky.

“It seems that the ancestor of the Feng family is no longer Master’s opponent.”

In the face of the devastating storm caused by the battle between the two, Jiang Chen stood proudly above the void without moving.

He looked at Xiao Duli, who had completely gained the upper hand, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Master Xiao Duli was able to reach the Fifth Stage in less than a hundred years. He was originally a very talented person, and he understood the two Realm powers, almost invincible with Realm.

Even if Feng Xuanyang’s Cultivation Base has already reached the peak of the Fifth Stage of the fetus, it is difficult to compete with Xiao Duli.

After about dozens of strokes.

Feng Xuanyang was finally hit hard by Xiao Duli’s successive offensives and was completely defeated.

At the juncture of life and death, Feng Xuanyang couldn’t help but flashed a hideous look in his eyes, directly reversing the spontaneous explosion of the fetus, and forcing back the oncoming Xiao Duli.

at the same time.

His spirit was soaring into the sky, wanting to take the opportunity to escape.


Before Feng Xuanyang’s soul could escape, a terrifying force that made his soul tremble, but ghostly appeared above his head out of thin air.

Feng Xuanyang suddenly looked up, and he saw a strange black square mark enlarging rapidly in his pupils.

“Do not!”

Feng Xuanyang looked desperate and horrified, but the black square seal did not give him any time to react, and directly swallowed his soul.

For a time.

Feng Xuanyang’s spirit didn’t even have time to utter a scream, and completely turned to ashes under the black square seal.

this moment.

Feng Xuanyang, the ancestor of the five holy cities, the ancestor of the Shenfeng City and the 93rd in the Supreme Emperor’s List, has fallen!

And when Jiang Chen and Xiao Duli killed Feng Xuanyang, Feng Wuying and his party who had received Jiang Chen’s order happened to see this shocking scene in front of them.

Especially Feng Wuying, who was born in Divine Wind City, looked even more shocked at this moment.

As the God Wind City Elder, Feng Wuying is naturally very familiar with the breath of Feng Xuanyang, the ancestor of the Feng family.

This is one of the two ancestors of their Feng Family, a terrifying existence that has already reached the peak of the Fifth Stage of the fetus, and the Supreme Emperor ranked 93rd in the Supreme Emperors List.

Even among all the emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm in the Five Great Sacred Cities, Feng Xuanyang’s strength is an existence that can rank in the top.

Such a supreme emperor fell into the hands of Jiang Chen and the others like this!

This… how is this possible?

Feng Wuying’s eyes were sluggish, and he almost couldn’t believe his own eyes.

Even the Supreme Emperor Feng Xuanyang has fallen, and who else in the five holy cities can stop Jiang Chen.

What’s more terrifying is…

Jiang Chen came to the land of nirvana this time and conquered the power of nirvana city!

With Jiang Chen’s strength, coupled with the terrifying power of Nirvana City, it can be described as terrifying!

Feng Wuying smiled bitterly in her heart.

If the five holy cities stopped making peace now, there might still be room for maneuver.


Once Jiang Chen is angered, the foundations of the five holy cities that have been passed down for tens of thousands of years will probably be ruined by any carelessness.

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