Chapter 1299 Kill the Four Emperors with a Finger!

“What are you doing? If you don’t want to die, let’s shoot together!”

Xiao Galaxy Cluster was the first to recover, and quickly shouted to the Thunder Tong two people beside him with a frightened expression on his face.


This time, the Thunder and Copper were obviously frightened by Jiang Chen’s horrific power to kill Wu Yunxiao with a punch.

They didn’t even dare to hesitate in the slightest, and hurriedly and Xiao Galaxy Cluster shot at Jiang Chen at the same time.

A fourth stage emperor and two Third Stage emperors joined forces to make the world within a kilometer of a kilometer change color!

Faced with the combined blow of the three god-tier soul realm emperors.

There was no sorrow or joy in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

I saw his golden glowing fist suddenly clenched, and then burst out with a sharp punch!


The dazzling golden fists suddenly gathered on Jiang Chen’s fist, and finally turned into a golden changhong that penetrated the sky and the earth.

The golden Changhong whizzed out with an invincible overbearing force, as if even the obstacles of time and space had been broken.

In an instant…

The mountains and rivers are broken, the sun and the moon are hanging upside down!

Only a loud bang was heard.

The attack of the three of Xiao Galaxy Cluster instantly pierced through the golden rainbow. Their figures are also like being struck by lightning, and they retreat violently by dozens of feet in an instant!

“This kid… how can he be so strong?”

The three raised their heads to look at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and there was a touch of unbelievable horror in their eyes.

Especially for Xiao Galaxy Cluster, there was an inconceivable panic on his face.

Compared with the time when this child appeared in Yandi City a month ago, it is actually many times stronger!

They defeated the three of them in one blow, and they didn’t use any Martial Dao power at all!

Such a terrifying Jiang Chen is simply not something they can stop.


A punch shook the three of Xiao Galaxy Cluster back, Jiang Chen stepped out of the golden body in one step, and then, like God of War, came to the top of Thunder Copper’s head!

Thunder Tong suddenly felt the souls in his heart, and couldn’t help letting out a wild roar in his mouth. A Thunder Realm instantly condensed around him.

In the Raiden Realm, a hundred-meter-long thunder and lightning long knife slashed towards Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen had no expression on his face, just spit out a word gently, and then smashed it in the air with a punch.


The lightning sword exploded in an instant.

Jiang Chen’s fist was still overbearing, unmatched.

Even the Thunder Road Realm enchantment surrounded by Thunder Bronze collapsed in Jiang Chen’s fist.

And Thunder Tong hadn’t even reacted to it, and was crushed into nothingness by the punching force suppressed from the top of his head.

After Tianwu City Wuyunxiao.

Thunder City’s Divine Tire Third Stage Realm Emperor Thunder Copper was once again hit by Jiang Chen!

“Xiao Galaxy Cluster, it’s your turn next.”

“When I came to Yandi City, I warned you not to trouble me.”

“Since you have to be so ignorant of good and evil, then go to death for me.”

With a punch to kill the thunder copper, Jiang Chen’s indifferent gaze instantly locked on Xiao Galaxy Cluster’s body, and a golden fist on his fist instantly split the sky and the earth, crossing a hundred feet of void.

Under this invincible fist, the void seemed to collapse.

Both the Martial Dao Realm of Xiao Galaxy Cluster and the imperial martial arts school are as crisp as paper and will collapse at the touch of a button.

“Boom! Bang! Bang!”

With a blast, Xiao Galaxy Cluster’s body and spirit were all shattered by Jiang Chen’s punch!

Three punches!

With just three punches, the three wombs of the five holy cities and the Third Stage emperor were completely killed!

Even Feng Xuanyang, who was fighting against Xiao Duli, had an inconceivable shock in his old eyes.

The scene before him really subverted Feng Xuanyang’s cognition.

A 20-year-old boy, facing the siege of a fourth stage emperor and three emperors of the third stage, he can easily complete the counter-kill!

Kill a third-stage emperor with one punch, the emperor is like a dog slaughter!

What a horror is this?

Even if the supreme Tianjiao on the list of Emperor Tianjiao, Xia Yuanhao, who is known as the world’s first genius in the Shenwu Continent, I am afraid there is nothing more than this, right?

At the beginning, Xiao Galaxy Cluster said that Jiang Chen’s fighting strength was close to the demon, and even their Xiao Yangwu elder Xiao Yangwu was afraid of three points, and Feng Xuanyang still sneered at this.


At this moment he had to believe it.

Jiang Chen in front of him, I’m afraid he really has the terrifying power of a powerful Fifth Stage realm.

“Ha ha……”

“Feng Xuanyang, watching the emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm in the five holy cities, being slaughtered by your wanted hairy boy, I don’t know how it feels?”

“But… now you are hard to protect yourself, so take care of yourself first.”

Xiao Duli laughed wildly. Sword Realm and Fire Realm were directly superimposed on each other, and he killed Feng Xuanyang with all his strength.

Although Feng Xuanyang was frightened in his heart, Xiao Duli, who was struggling with all his strength, had to deal with it with twelve minutes of spirit.

And at this time.

Jiang Chen, the black-clothed old man in Lingxi City, was already scared by the situation in front of him, Hun and Po split.

At this moment, the souls in his heart are full of death, and he even completely lost the courage to fight Jiang Chen. The whole person is directly turned into a cloud of black light, and he flees into the distance in a panic.


Jiang Chen in front of him is like the same invincible killing god!

His only thought now was how far he could flee, and he would never show up in front of Jiang Chen again.

“Want to escape?”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and immediately dissipated the indestructible golden body. Thousands of red Sword Qi condensed in a three-hundred-foot-square-meter space in an instant.


I saw that the black-clothed old man had just escaped from his body of less than a hundred meters, and he was instantly enveloped in the scarlet Sword Domain.

“Xiao…Xiaocheng Realm’s Kendo Realm!”

The eyes of the black-clothed old man were suddenly full of fear.

He and Jiang Chen were already at a distance of one hundred feet. Just now, he escaped a distance of nearly one hundred feet. It was impossible for the ordinary Realm power to envelop him.

The only possibility is that Jiang Chen Kendo Realm has reached Xiaocheng Realm, which can cover a space of 300 feet!


The black-clothed old man gritted his teeth, and there was also a hideous look in his muddy old eyes.

He urged his whole body’s vitality, even burned his bloodline power, and rushed away frantically at the Sword Domain enchantment in front of Jiang Chen.


With Jiang Chen’s strength in the third stage of the fetus, plus Realm’s Burning Sword Domain, how can the black-clothed old man in the fourth stage early stage of the fetus be able to resist.

Before his body even touched the Realm barrier, he was strangled into nothingness by the thousands of Sword Qi in the Burning Sky Sword Domain.

So far.

Three of the five holy cities, the third stage emperor, and the fourth stage emperor of the divine fetus, all fell into the hands of Jiang Chen!

Moreover, all four of them were killed by Jiang Chen, and the whole process took only a few seconds.

A mere twenty-year-old Maotou kid killed the four emperors with his finger!

Such a record can be described as extremely terrifying.

Even if you look at the entire Shenwu Continent, it is unique.

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