Chapter 1298 God Tire Third Stage Realm, a punch!

“Jiang Chen, Xiao Duli, you are finally willing to come out of the land of silence.”

Feng Xuanyang stared closely at Jiang Chen and the two who stepped out of the land of silence, and a sharp cold glow suddenly burst out of the muddy old eyes.

“Ha ha……”

“Feng Xuanyang, what if we came out? Just relying on the five of you to want to kill our master and apprentice here, it’s just wishful thinking!”

“Let’s see how Xiao Duli stepped on your corpse today and boarded the so-called supreme emperor list!”

Xiao Duli laughed arrogantly, the powerful aura of the Fifth Stage realm of the divine fetus erupted with all his strength, and then raised his hand, a burning flame palm screamed out at Feng Xuanyang!

“God’s Fifth Stage!”

Feeling the powerful aura of Xiao Duli’s body, Feng Xuanyang’s complexion could not help but suddenly changed: “Xiao Duli hand it over to me, the four of you swiftly besieged Jiang Chen!”

“This guy… actually broke through the Fifth Stage of the fetus!”

Xiao Galaxy Cluster looked at the scene before him, and his heart suddenly became furious, and his face instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

All the time.

Xiao Galaxy Cluster believes that Martial Dao’s talent is not lost to Xiao Duli, but Xiao Duli has always been crushed by Xiao Duli.

Now the gap between him and Xiao Duli is getting bigger and bigger.

He is still in the third stage of the fetus, but Xiao Duli has already broken through the fifth stage of the fetus!


Xiao Duli’s talent is outstanding, and his combat power is almost invincible of the same rank.

Even if it is only the Fifth Stage early stage, the combat power is probably not inferior to the old monsters at the peak of the Fifth Stage such as Xiao Yangwu and Feng Xuanyang!

Today’s Xiao Duli is really terrible.

If Xiao Duli is not eliminated, once Xiao Duli is allowed to return to Yandi City, would there be a place for him in Yandi City?


Although Xiao Galaxy Cluster wants to get rid of Xiao Duli and Jiang Chen more than anyone at this moment.

But he also knew better than anyone else that it was impossible for the five of them to intercept and kill Jiang Chen here today.

Even a little careless, they are in danger of falling today!

To know.

Compared to Xiao Duli, Jiang Chen’s combat power was even more terrifying.

When Jiang Chen stepped into Yandi City alone, the ancestors of the Xiao family had to bow their heads. Xiao Galaxy Cluster is vividly visible.

Now that Xiao Duli’s strength has soared, Feng Xuanyang has been constrained.

Even if the four of them joined forces, they might not be Jiang Chen’s opponent.

“The power of this child is shocking, everyone will make every effort together, otherwise none of us will want to leave alive today!”

Xiao Galaxy Cluster took a deep breath and hurriedly called to the three people beside him.

“Tsk tsk…”

“Xiao Galaxy Cluster, I think you are really going back more and more alive, the dignified Third Stage emperor, I did not expect to be as timid as a mouse.”

“It’s just a mere little boy. No matter how enchanting he is, I can blow with a punch, so why bother to join hands?”

Tianwu City Wu Yunxiao smiled disdainfully, and immediately stomped the soles of his feet in the void, and his figure suddenly rushed out towards Jiang Chen.

Above his fist, the terrifying silver fist strength, like a silver dragon flying into the sky, with the power of a broken void, blasted out at Jiang Chen.

“The strength of the mere third stage of the fetus, I want to blow me with a punch? You will soon know who we are!”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and a burst of brilliant golden light burst out all over his body.

The next moment…

His figure also skyrocketed in an instant, and he turned into a golden figure with a whole body watered with gold in mid-air. Every muscle contained incomparable explosive power.

Immortal golden body cohesion.

Jiang Chen looked down on Wu Yunxiao’s broken void with a cold look like God of War was in the world, and then he raised his head and threw a punch.


The surging power instantly trembles the void, and the golden fist strength pushes out with the invincible power that shatters everything.

Under Jiang Chen’s power that shook the sky and the earth, Wu Yunxiao’s punch was simply vulnerable.

Only heard a bang, Wu Yunxiao’s fist strength crashed in midair.

And Wu Yunxiao’s figure bursting toward Jiang Chen was also instantly submerged in Jiang Chen’s golden fist.

In an instant…

A series of crackling bones resounded in the void. Countless red blood, like raindrops, scattered from mid-air.


Wu Yunxiao’s embarrassed figure also flew upside down in midair like a kite with a broken line.

At this moment, Wu Yunxiao’s chest was sunken, his bones were broken, his internal organs were severely injured, and his blood was red like a fountain.

Constantly sprayed out.

Seeing Wu Yunxiao’s miserable appearance, Xiao Galaxy Cluster’s eyes suddenly shrank.

Even the Thunder Tong, who was still a little disdainful of Jiang Chen, showed an unconcealable astonishment on his face!

Wu Yunxiao in the third stage of the dignified fetus was hit by Jiang Chen directly!

This… how is this possible?

“The five holy cities deceived me, my master and apprentice, and harmed my friend. It’s time to settle this account with you, you are the first!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell coldly, and immediately stepped out!

call out!

The golden body of Baizhang appeared on top of Wu Yunxiao’s head in a flash, and then stepped on Wu Yunxiao’s head like Mount Tai pressing the top in the air.

“Do not!”

Looking at Jiang Chen’s foot that contained overwhelming power, Wu Yunxiao looked desperate and horrified.

He quickly urged the bloodline power and the vitality in the womb to the extreme, condensing a silver sky curtain on the top of his head, trying to resist Jiang Chen’s foot.


Jiang Chen stepped on the silver canopy, and saw that on the originally smooth silver canopy, a series of cracks visible to the naked eye, like a spider web, spread quickly…

It’s just a blink of an eye.

The silver canopy shattered in mid-air with a bang.

And Jiang Chen’s soles of feet were also simply and neatly stomped on Wu Yunxiao’s head, and the virtuoso Wu Yunxiao kicked into the ground from a height of one hundred meters.


The ground was dusty, and the earth in a radius of ten miles was shaking like an earthquake.

Wait until everything is gone.

Xiao Galaxy Cluster and the others only discovered with horror that Wu Yunxiao’s body had been stepped into the ground more than ten meters by Jiang Chen.

His head was completely shattered under Jiang Chen’s foot, and there was no intact part of his body’s limbs. The whole person was too dead to die!

“Wu Yunxiao, just died like this?”

The three of Xiao Galaxy Cluster’s eyes were dull, and they could hardly believe their own eyes.

To know.

Wu Yunxiao is the emperor of the Third Stage Realm.

With just one punch and kick, Jiang Chen exploded Wu Yunxiao’s body in the third stage of the fetus and his soul?


It’s horrible!

this moment.

Xiao Galaxy Cluster’s trio looked horrified.

They looked at the Baizhang golden body standing proudly in the void, only feeling an inexplicable chill filled their hearts…

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