Chapter 1297 The interception of the five holy cities!


Hearing Ye Chengjun’s words, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows slightly: “Did the people from the five holy cities look for you again?”


“Three days ago, the five holy cities sent people to Silence City again, and I sent them away.”

“The five holy cities also seem to find that I will not help them, so they have sent a lot of strong men to guard the exit of the land of silence, presumably intending to kill you!”

Ye Chengjun nodded and said slowly.

The five holy cities, after all, still can’t help but want to shoot him?

An icy light flashed across Jiang Chen’s eyes: “Outside the Land of Annihilation, how many powerhouses of the five holy cities have come?”

When he came out from the remains of Emperor Zhun, if it hadn’t been for Master Xiao Duli to react quickly enough, and immediately send him away from the mainland of Zhongzhou, I am afraid that he would have fallen into the hands of the five holy cities.

Even after he left the Central State Continent.

For the inheritance of the Holy Lord of Xuanming, the five holy cities still wanted him and Master Xiao Li at all costs, making all the people who had a relationship with him in the entire Zhongzhou Continent to be implicated.

Canglan League, Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, Jingyunmen…

If it weren’t for him, he rushed back to Zhongzhou in time.

Jiang Chen couldn’t even imagine how miserable the end of these old friends who had socialized with him would be in the end!

This time, it was time for him to charge some interest from the five holy cities.

No matter how many powerhouses the five holy cities send to intercept him outside the land of nirvana, he will definitely let the powerhouses of these five holy cities come back and forth!

“There are five emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm.”

“The first person should be the ancestor of the Fifth Stage peak of a divine fetus in Divine Wind City, Feng Xuanyang, ranked 93rd in the Supreme Emperor’s List.”

“The remaining four are all famous emperors of the five holy cities. Among them, the Fourth Stage is the fourth stage, and the other three also have the strength of the Third Stage.”

Ye Chengjun obviously knew the power sent by the five holy cities very well.

After he finished speaking, he directly said to Jiang Chen: “His Royal Highness, should I take someone to suppress these five people?”

“No! There is no need to expose the relationship between you and me for the time being. When the Palace of People is established, I will give a big gift to the five holy cities.”

Jiang Chen smiled proudly: “Five emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm, I and Master can be destroyed by turning our palms, so why do you need to take action?”

Ye Chengjun couldn’t help being stunned when he heard Jiang Chen’s proud words.


Ye Chengjun only discovered in horror that Jiang Chen entered the ancient imperial mausoleum in less than half a month, and the Cultivation Base actually broke through from the first stage of the first stage to the third stage of the second stage!

To know.

Jiang Chen’s talent and background are unmatched. When he was still in the first stage of the womb, his combat power was already very heaven-defying.

Now that it is the breakthrough third stage, Ye Chengjun can hardly estimate how strong Jiang Chen really is.

He even has a feeling.

If Jiang Chen is now fully displaying the Human Emperor Seal, he might not be able to stop it even with the strength of the Sixth Stage of his womb.


In addition to Jiang Chen, the Sword Emperor Xiao Duli, who was found by Jiang Chen, was already a Fifth Stage Emperor!

This master and apprentice teamed up, except for the peerless emperor above the seventh stage of the divine womb, who can suppress it?

“Since His Royal Highness has made a decision, the subordinate is in Silence City, waiting for the good news from His Highness.”

Ye Chengjun smiled.

Since the five powerhouses of the Divine Embryo Realm outside the Land of Annihilation pose no threat to Jiang Chen, there is no need for Ye Chengjun to act in a hurry and prepare to follow Jiang Chen’s arrangement.

“rest assured.”

Jiang Chen nodded, then cast a glance at Cheng Kang and Yue Siqing, and said, “Lord Night City, please send them to the Black Sha Valley for me. By the way, let Feng Wuying and Qiu Heisha speed up. Meet with me outside the land of dying.”

Jiang Chen didn’t plan to use the power of Ye Chengjun and Nirvana City for the time being.

However, for Feng Wuying and Qiu Heisha, Jiang Chen was planning to take back to the Palace of Human Emperor first.

after all.

The foundation of the Human Emperor Palace is too weak, and the only kings of the Divine Soul Realm are Cang Wuya and Long Tianwu.

The joining of Feng Wuying and Qiu Heisha can undoubtedly make up for the lack of strength of the high-level people in the Palace of Human Emperors.


Ye Chengjun’s voice fell, and immediately led Cheng Kang and Yue Siqing directly towards the direction of Heisha Valley.

Watching Ye Chengjun leave, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but turn his head to Xiao Duli and smiled: “Master, let’s go, too. It’s time to meet the powerhouses of the five holy cities for a while.”


“Now that I have broken through the Fifth Stage of the Divine Fetus, I will be able to meet the Feng Xuan Yang of the Divine Wind City for a while!”

“After today’s World War I, the Shenwu Continent’s supreme emperor’s ranking will be named Xiao Duli, the Sword Emperor of Burning Heaven!”

Xiao Duli laughed dryly, and then turned into two streams of light with Jiang Chen, and quickly disappeared into the Silent Mountains.

Entrance to the Land of Annihilation, on an empty flat ground.

This was originally an extremely lively place, and countless Practitioners gathered every day, preparing to form a team to enter the Land of Desolation to seek opportunities.


In the past few days, this originally very lively place has suddenly become very quiet.

Even some Practitioners who occasionally appear here are like scared rabbits, turning around in a panic and hurried away.

The source of these Practitioner’s fears is the five Daoist shadows suspended in the void.

In these five Daoist shadows, almost every one of them exudes a monstrous emperor’s power.

The five god-tier fetal realm emperors gathered, even if the king of the Ninth Stage realm came here, they couldn’t help but tremble. Who would dare to get involved easily?

“Xuanyang senior, we have been waiting here, and it seems that it is not a solution. If Jiang Chen and the others do not plan to leave the Land of Silence, wouldn’t we wait for nothing?”

In the void, a middle-aged man wearing Tianwu City costume looked at the white-haired old man headed by him, and said with some impatientness.

This person is exactly the third stage emperor of Tianwu City, Wu Yunxiao!

“Yeah, Xuanyang senior, why don’t you go straight into the Land of Silence. I don’t believe that Silence City is really going to be a shame with our five holy cities?”

On the other side, the iron tower giant Thunder Copper in Jinglei City also echoed loudly.

However, Xiao Galaxy Cluster in Yandi City and the black-clothed old man in Lingxi City did not express any opinions on this.

“Wait, I will send someone to negotiate with the Lord of Nirvana.”

Feng Xuanyang frowned slightly: “The strength of Nirvana City is unfathomable, and there is no need to be an enemy of Nirvana City.”

“No need to negotiate, get ready to fight, they…have come.”

At this moment, the deep eyes of the black-clothed old man in Lingxi City flashed, and a faint voice suddenly sounded in everyone’s ears.

Following the voice of the black-clothed old man in Lingxi City fell.

In the distant sky, two figures carrying the mighty emperor’s might also rush towards them quickly…

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