Chapter 1296 Leaving the ancient imperial mausoleum!


After Jiang Chen and his apprentice recounted the past, they talked about the ancient imperial mausoleum again.

“Master, what happened when you entered the ancient emperor’s mausoleum, and how did you fall into the hands of these divine fetal realm energy bodies?”

Jiang Chen asked with a puzzled look.

With the strength of Master Xiao Duli, even before breaking through the Fifth Stage, the general Emperor of the Fifth Stage may not be able to win him.

Even if the four of Luo Jun had the help of the mysterious blood repair, it was not an easy task to capture them.

“After I entered the ancient emperor’s tomb, I have always wanted to hunt down the Ascension power of the Divine Embryo Realm Essence Essence.”

“Later, I found an ancient mountain that looked extremely mysterious. I felt that there should be a Divine Embryo Realm energy body there, so I planned to enter and explore it.”

“It’s just that I just entered that mountain range, and a sudden energy handprint, directly separated by a thousand feet of void, instantly severely wounded me.”

“If I hadn’t reacted quickly enough, it would be difficult to get out of that mountain alive.”

Xiao Duli smiled bitterly: “It is precisely because of the serious injury in that mountain range that they have the opportunity to capture me.”

mysterious mountain?

Among them is a powerful energy body that can severely damage Master Xiao Duli with a slap in the air?

Hearing Xiao Duli’s words, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but condensed slightly.

According to Hong Jingyun, there are not many divine fetal energy bodies in other areas of the ancient imperial mausoleum.

Most of the energy bodies of the Divine Lair Realm existed in the Sect site of the ancient Emperor Zong Kun Xuzong.

If he expected it to be good.

The mysterious mountain range that Xiao Duli broke into is, in all likelihood, the site of Kunxuzong Sect!


Jiang Chen did not plan to go to find out at this moment.

Kun Xuzong is an ancient emperor. At its peak, there were not only great emperors, but also countless emperors of the divine birth stage. Among them, there were even peak emperors with the divine birth Ninth Stage.

If it were the strong people of Kunxuzong back then, they all survived in the form of energy bodies.

The energy bodies at the Kunxuzong ruins are probably stronger than the Haotian Sacred Land, the first of the eight hidden Sacred Lands on the Shenwu Continent!

Don’t say anything else.

Just the energy body that severely damaged Master Xiao Duli with a palm of a thousand feet across, he couldn’t deal with it!

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and immediately raised his head to look at Xiao Duli and said, “Master, besides that mysterious mountain range, do you know where else there is a Divine Latent Energy Body?”

Now that Master Xiao Duli has been found by him, his goal of entering the ancient imperial mausoleum has been achieved.

However, the essence of the divine birth realm in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum is too tempting. Jiang Chen naturally hopes that he can hunt for it before he leaves.

Some of the essence of the Divine Embryo Realm.

“It’s not easy to find the energy body of the Divine Embryo Realm in the ancient emperor’s tomb.”

Xiao Duli shook his head and smiled bitterly: “If I can find the energy body of the Divine Embryo, I won’t explore that mysterious mountain range.”

“In that case, let’s leave the ancient imperial mausoleum.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, but didn’t force it.

This time, Jiang Chen’s Martial Dao Cultivation Base broke through from the first stage to the third stage of the ancient imperial mausoleum. The Dao Cultivation Base has also been promoted to the eighth stage, and even the Sword Domain has reached the Realm!

In less than half a month after entering the ancient emperor’s mausoleum, Jiang Chen could have such remarkable strength. Ascension, Jiang Chen was already very satisfied.

Calculate time.

It has been more than a month since he appeared in the Shocking Cloud Gate.

Now is the time to go back, prepare to build the Palace of Humans, and then deal with the affairs of the five holy cities.

After everything is processed, and he has the strength to compete with the peak emperor of Ninth Stage, he will come to this ancient emperor’s mausoleum again to find out!

“Good! But we can’t leave together.”

Xiao Duli nodded, and then hesitated slightly, “The news that I secretly stole into the Land of Nirvana has already been known to Nirvana City. You leave first, and I will come to you when I go out.”

“Master, rest assured.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said: “After I came to the Land of Silence, I found that Silence City had some connection with my father. The current Silence City will not embarrass us.”


When Xiao Duli heard Jiang Chen’s words, a look of surprise passed in his eyes.

Silence City has always been mysterious.

Even the five holy cities have no idea about the origin of Nirvana City.

Xiao Duli obviously didn’t expect it either.

My own disciple from the remote part of the Northern Wilderness, can actually have a relationship with the people of Nirvana City!

It seems that his disciple is not only Martial Dao with extraordinary talent, but even his life experience is also extraordinary.

Since Nirvana City would not be held accountable, Xiao Duli naturally had no worries about the future, and prepared to leave the ancient imperial mausoleum with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen and Xiao Duli quickly flashed down from the top of the mountain, directly to Cheng Kangyue Siqing’s hiding place, and then led them towards the exit of the ancient imperial mausoleum.

The Entrance of the Ancient Emperor’s Mausoleum in the Silenced Mountains.

Silence City Lord Ye Chengjun stood proudly above the void, staring at the distorted space in front of him tightly.

“His Royal Highness, you are my hope that Nirvana City can return to the Profound Spirit Continent, but don’t make any accidents in this ancient emperor’s tomb.”

Ye Chengjun looked at the ancient imperial mausoleum from a distance, and couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.

Because Nirvana City formulated the rule that the emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm cannot be as good as the Land of Nirvana, it is almost impossible for the ancient emperor’s mausoleum to have a powerful Divine Emblem emperor.

With Jiang Chen’s strength, apart from the Kunxuzong Sect site, nothing can pose a threat to him.

The only thing Ye Chengjun worried about was that Jiang Chen couldn’t resist the temptation and went directly to the Kunxuzong ruins.

That place, even for the pinnacle emperor of Ninth Stage, is almost a nine-dead existence.


Just when Ye Chengjun was thinking about it, he saw a black hole suddenly cracked in the twisted space at the entrance of the ancient emperor’s mausoleum.

The next moment…

Ye Chengjun found several figures flashing out of the ancient emperor’s mausoleum.

The first familiar figure was Jiang Chen.

“His Royal Highness, are you out?”

Ye Chengjun was overjoyed at once, his figure instantly turned into a streamer and appeared in front of Jiang Chen and the others.

“Night City Lord?”

Looking at the Ye Chengjun in front of him, Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, “You came just right, so I don’t have to go to Nirvana City to find you.”

Ye Chengjun was slightly startled: “His Royal Highness is leaving the Land of Silence?”

“Yes, now that my purpose of coming to the Land of Nirvana has been achieved, I naturally want to go back and prepare for the establishment of the Human Emperor Palace.”

Jiang Chen smiled and said: “At that time, I also hope that the Lord of the Night City can come and help me.”

“His Royal Highness, rest assured, your subordinates and Silence City will help each other out in this matter.”

Ye Chengjun solemnly hugged the cupped fist, and then hesitated slightly: “It’s just that your Royal Highness wants to leave the Land of Silence now. I’m afraid there will be some trouble. Let your subordinates accompany you to leave.”

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