Chapter 1287 Shenwu Continent’s strongest genius, Xia Yuanhao!

“Soul clone?”

Jiang Chen stared at the white figure standing proudly on top of Xia Yuanfeng’s head, his eyes condensed slightly!

This is a young man with an extremely handsome face.

The young man is not tall, but the aura on his body is extremely strong, like a majestic mountain standing there.

Even if it is only a ghost clone, at least it has the strength of the third stage of the fetus.


In terms of combat power, Jiang Chen even felt that this guy would not be inferior to Xiao Yangwu, the ancestor of the Xiao family.

Xia Yuanhao, Haotian Sacred Land’s first genius in nearly a thousand years.

It is said that this person is talented close to the demon. He broke through the Divine Embryo Realm when he was less than 25 years old.


It took Xia Yuanhao less than ten years to get to the top of the list of the Emperors of Heaven, and at the same time became the Supreme Emperor on the list of the Supreme Emperors.

This is also one of the few peerless figures in Shenwu Continent who can be on the list of Emperor Tianjiao and the Supreme Emperor Gang at the same time.

three years ago.

Xia Yuanhao even shot and killed the 82nd Supreme Emperor, and now ranks 79th in the Supreme Emperor List.

Even if it is compared to the Lord of the Silence City, Ye Chengjun, the ranking is two higher!

It can be said.

Xia Yuanhao in front of him was the undeserved first genius in Shenwu Continent in a hundred years, and no one on the whole continent could match him.

“Haotian Sacred Land’s strongest genius Xia Yuanhao.”

Jiang Chen looked at the white phantom and couldn’t help but smiled faintly: “It seems that you are good to your brother, and you have left a ghost clone on his body.”

“Boy, I don’t care who you are. I have only two options for violating my Haotian Sacred Land power. You can either enter my Haotian Sacred Land as a slave or die!”

Xia Yuanhao looked at Jiang Chen calmly, like a god who could decide Jiang Chen’s life and death at will.

“Hehe… Xia Yuanhao, you can’t help but value yourself too much.”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously: “If your body is here, maybe I can still look at it. With your current avatar, you don’t have the qualifications to be arrogant in front of me!”


Xia Yuanhao let out a cold snort, and a sudden burst of divine light burst out of his eyes, like a sharp heavenly sword.

Even the air in front of him was torn into space cracks by his gaze, making noises.

“I am on the top of the list of the emperor of the arrogance, you are the first one of my generation to dare to speak to me like this. Just say this to you, I will leave you a whole body!”

Xia Yuanhao said every word.

He has long hair flying, and the Sword Ray in his eyes is getting more and more prosperous. An overwhelming fierce sword force soars into the sky, transforming into a Sword Domain in mid-air, enveloping the space of 300 meters in radius.

In an instant…

Sword Qi, who broke the sky, whizzed out in the Sword Domain with the terrifying power to smash everything.

Even the superimposed power of Jiang Chen’s two Realms seems a little hard to stop!

“This guy… Sword Domain has actually been cultivated to Xiaocheng Realm!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes shrank sharply, and the third type of Realm’s Sword Domain was also superimposed, and it collided with Xia Yuanhao’s Sword Domain.


Two terrifying Realm powers intertwined in mid-air, and suddenly burst into a loud noise.

The monstrous storm of destruction directly annihilated all the space in a radius of one hundred meters.

The crowd onlookers below were almost all the energy remaining from the destruction storm, and the impact was swaying, and their stature burst back dozens of feet!

Especially the people of Xia Yuanfeng from Haotian Sacred Land, there was a touch of unbelievable horror in their eyes.

Xia Yuanhao, this is the existence of their Haotian Sacred Land myth.

He is now one of the top powerhouses in Haotian Sacred Land when he is just over 30 years old.

Even if it was just a ghost clone, it could not be resisted by any emperor in the early stage of the fetus.

And this kid in front of him was able to fight Xia Yuanhao without letting go!

Such a genius, even among the eight Sacred Lands, few people can do it.

“Sword Domain Xiaocheng is worthy of being the number one genius in Shenwu Continent today, and he is indeed well-deserved!”

Jiang Chen’s figure was retreated a few steps in a row, he looked up at Xia Yuanhao in midair, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

During this period of time, Jiang Chen had seen many emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm.

Among them, there are even strong people on the list of Supreme Emperors such as the ancestors of the Xiao family and the Lord of Nirvana.

It is possible to insight Realm’s power to Xiaocheng Realm, this Xia Yuanhao is undoubtedly the first one he has encountered.

have to say.

Xiaocheng Realm’s Realm power is indeed stronger than ordinary Realm by many times.

He superimposed three Realms, and he barely matched Xia Yuanhao’s.

“You are not bad.”

“The Cultivation Base of the Second Stage of the Godborn, mastering the three Realm powers, I didn’t expect to be outside the list of the Emperor of Tianjiao, there is actually a peerless genius like you on the mainland.”

Xia Yuanhao also gave Jiang Chen a surprised look: “It’s a pity that you have fallen into this place like a genius like you. I’ll give you another chance to enter Haotian Sacred Land and surrender to me. I will spare you not to die! ”

“Like you, such a genius, why do you need to leave a ghost clone on a trash body.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “I will also give you a chance. It may be too late to disappear now. Otherwise, when I destroy your avatar, your body will probably suffer severe damage as a result.”

“Don’t be ashamed!”

Xia Yuanhao’s expression became cold, and immediately turned his hand to squeeze out a sword tactic, and suddenly pointed at Jiang Chen volley.


The Tiandi Yuanli within a radius of ten miles, instantly centered on Xia Yuanhao, surging crazily.

In the void, the ten-foot-long Sword Qi condenses, covering the ten directions, as if destroying the sky and the earth.

In an instant…

The sky above the entire valley was enveloped by the endless Haotian Sword Qi, and then came to suppress Jiang Chen from all directions.

Haotian Sword Art!

The imperial Martial Skill created by the Great Emperor Haotian is now fully displayed by Xia Yuanhao, and the terrifying power it contains, it seems that even the world has changed its color.

In the face of Xia Yuanhao’s destruction of the world, Jiang Chen didn’t panic at all.

Sword Domain!

Fire Road Realm!

Wind tunnel Realm!

Raido Realm!

Seeing him instantly displayed the four Realm powers at the same time, and then formed a Realm enchantment exuding colorful brilliance around him, resisting the Sword Qi from all directions.

“Xia Yuanhao, I’ve said it a long time ago, you can’t see enough in front of me just by relying on your avatar.”

“You shouldn’t do it forever, you shouldn’t show off in front of me with a ghost clone!”

“I gave you a chance, since you have to die, then give it to me.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell coldly, and immediately flipped his palm, and a strange black square seal was also condensed in his palm in an instant.

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