Chapter 1288 One seal obliterates!

“Soul Soul Seal!”

Jiang Chen flipped his palm and pressed, a huge black square seal, with the pressure of the terrifying soul that made the world tremble, covered the sky and the sun and moved towards Xia Yuanhao’s suppression.

The first seal of the imperial seal of the master of martial arts, with Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base breakthrough in the second stage of the second stage, the power is not the same!

“This… what kind of power is this?”

Xia Yuanhao looked at the black square seal that was suppressed like Mount Tai, his eyes condensed suddenly.

From the black square seal, Xia Yuanhao instinctively felt an extremely dangerous aura.

He even had a feeling that if his own ghost clone touched the black square seal, it would be annihilated instantly under the black square seal!

“Haotian Divine Sword!”

Xia Yuanhao suppressed the horror in his heart, and immediately took the sword with his fingers, and quickly squeezed out a sword tactic.

In an instant…

The power of the heavens and the earth with a radius of thousands of feet instantly gathered on Xia Yuanhao’s head, and finally turned into a golden sword that opened the sky, slashing out against the black square seal!


With the power to smash everything, the Open Sky Great Sword split the void into two halves with one sword.

A terrible space storm blows out from the crevices of nothingness, and together with the monstrous Sword Qi on the sky-opening giant sword, it stirs the world into chaos, like the end of the world.

Haotian Divine Sword!

The strongest blow of the Haotian Sacred Land Emperor Wuxue Haotian Sword Art.

Facing the mysterious black direction that Jiang Chen showed, Xia Yuanhao also exerted this trick with all his strength.


The black square seal collided with the open sky giant sword, and the two extremely terrifying energies were also intertwined in midair in an instant.

this moment.

The world is overturned, the sun and the moon are hanging upside down, the chaos reopens!

The space with a radius of thousands of meters has been torn into countless space cracks, and a space storm capable of destroying everything swept across the sky and the earth.

Even Xia Yuanfeng and the energy body of the Divine Embryo Realm, at this moment, are under the impact of this devastating storm, retreating again and again.

“The strength of this kid is too terrifying!”

The divine fetal realm energy body looked at the situation in front of him, and his expression instantly became more solemn than ever.

Xia Yuanfeng used this ghost clone, Cultivation Base was comparable to the emperor of the Third Stage Realm, and even mastered the extremely powerful imperial martial arts, and the fighting power was overwhelming.


Even in the face of such a powerful existence, Jiang Chen was not at all disadvantaged!

If even Xia Yuanhao’s ghost clone can’t deal with Jiang Chen, I am afraid that even if she joins forces with Xia Yuanfeng, she is definitely not his opponent.

“This… this is impossible!”

Xia Yuanfeng’s expression was dull, and there was also a panic that could not be concealed in his eyes.

Dage Xia Yuanhao’s ghost clone is already his greatest support.

If this doesn’t solve Jiang Chen, he might be really in danger today.


Just when everyone was shocked by the terrifying confrontation between Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen, there was another clear loud noise in the air.


I saw that the Sky Open Great Sword that had stalemate with the black square seal for a while, could not withstand the weird power above the black square seal, and began to crumble every inch.

Just blink of an eye.

It was like the great sword that opened the sky, completely annihilated under the black square seal.

The black square seal destroys the open sky giant sword, its power is not diminished, and it is suppressed from the top of Xia Yuanhao’s head like a meteorite.

“Do not……”

Xia Yuanhao’s indifferent eyes finally revealed a touch of unbelievable panic.

It’s just that before he could say a word, his figure was completely submerged in the black square seal…

After a while.

The energy of the black square seal finally dissipated slowly.

In midair, there was no more Xia Yuanhao.

Destroy the soul seal!

The first seal of the imperial seal of a master of martial arts, this seal has unpredictable power, not only contains the power of destruction, but also can directly hit the soul of man.

Xia Yuanhao appeared as a divine soul clone, and the immortal soul seal was his biggest nemesis.


Under the Jiang Chen Destroying Soul Seal, Xia Yuanhao’s Divine Soul clone, with almost no resistance, has completely dissipated in the world.

this moment.

The vast valley, the sky and the ground, are silent.

Especially Xia Yuanfeng and the others, it was like hell, almost couldn’t believe Own Eyes.

Xia Yuanhao, this is the supreme arrogant emperor of their Haotian Sacred Land, a mythical existence.

Even a ghost clone can suppress countless early stage emperors.

But now he was obliterated by Jiang Chen’s understatement!

This… how is this possible.

And when Jiang Chen Yiyin killed Xia Yuanhao’s soul clone.

Somewhere in the mysterious world of Shenwu Continent.

On a cloud-shrouded peak, there is an extremely magnificent huge palace, looming in the clouds and mist, looking like a high floating sky.

This is where the first of the eight hidden Sacred Lands in Shenwu Continent, Haotian Sacred Land!

At this moment.

In the depths of Haotian Sacred Land, in an empty Great Hall.

A handsome and unfathomable white-clothed man sat quietly cross-legged in the middle of the Great Hall, cultivating.

The man in white is no one else, but Xia Yuanhao, the supreme heavenly arrogant emperor of Haotian Sacred Land.


Suddenly, Xia Yuanhao, who was originally in cultivation, trembled inexplicably, and a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly.

“Good! Good! Good!”

“Dare to destroy my avatar, kill my brother, no matter who you are, this emperor will definitely punish your nine races!”

Xia Yuanhao opened his eyes abruptly, and his whole body instantly became murderous. .

In an instant…

In the originally quiet and peaceful Haotian Sacred Land, a terrifying aura containing monstrous anger also instantly permeated the entire Haotian Sacred Land.

Since his birth, Xia Yuanhao has always been a peerless arrogant overwhelming his peers.

Even in the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land, no one among the same generation can rival.

Now he has been ruined by an unknown young man in black clothes!

It can be said.

Xia Yuanhao has never suffered a big loss like today, how can he not be angry in his heart?

“This is… the breath of that one?”

“Heh… I don’t know who it is, who completely angered that one.”

“I am afraid that someone will suffer.”


Feeling this terrifying aura, many disciples of Haotian Sacred Land couldn’t help taking a breath.

The Supreme Heavenly Pride Emperor Xia Yuanhao, the holy son of Haotian Sacred Land, is second only to the existence of the Holy Lord.

This one is angry, I’m afraid something big will happen.

And when everyone was shocked, a ghostly brilliance suddenly rose from the depths of Haotian Sacred Land, and then condensed an image of a black-clothed youth in the void.

This black-clothed young man is indeed Jiang Chen in the ancient emperor’s mausoleum!

With Jiang Chen’s image condensed in mid-air.

A voice with immense power also echoed over Haotian Sacred Land.

“The disciple of Haotian Sacred Land followed the order and tried his best to trace the origin of this person. Anyone who has a relationship with this person will be killed without mercy!”

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